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<br /> � (Sp�ea ADo�e This line For R�corOirq Dats] �'
<br /> � DEED OF TRL3ST � ���
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<br /> THIS D�I?OF TRUST("Security Instrument"1 is made on march 8th T �
<br /> 18 9Q .The trustor is Jon ffl. Zajicek and Lynn E. Zajicek, Husband and Wife,
<br /> l••BorroWer'1.The tru�t�e is AREND R.BMCK,�ttorr�y("Trustee'1.
<br /> The beaefici�rq is HCiAE FEDERAL SAVIPlGS AND LOAN ASSOClATt4'ft OF CsRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA, which is
<br /> org�snized aad existing uader the lawa of NEBfiASKA.and whose address is 221 South Locuat,G.rsnd Island,N�braajlt�
<br /> 6aS01("L$auzr"l.
<br /> Borroweraaes Lendcrthapriacipa!sutn of dne Hundred Twenty Thousand and Nof*_G�ths------------
<br /> ------------------------------DollarsN.S.S '120,000.00 ),Thisdebtisevider.c�d.byBonower'snote
<br /> �:ed the 5atae date�s thu Sccurity Instruinent("Note"),which provides far monthly payments,w�tlt the full deb�if not � .
<br /> paidearlieF daZandpayableon April 1 , 2�05. ' �
<br /> This Secur�Lnstru:nent secures to Lender.(a)the repay��aF the debt evidenced by the Note,with inter-ft,and al! �
<br /> renewals,e�w.as;ors a.�ci modifications; @)the payment af a�:!:�.ner sums,with interest,advanced under paragraph 7 to ,
<br /> ptotezt the secur.ty af�C�is Seeiuity Instrument;and(c)the perforr.aance af B�onaaer's covenants and agreements.For this
<br /> purpase.Borrawer ineti ocably grants aad conveys to TrusteG,�-a tsust,tvi��ower of sale,the following described property
<br /> lacated in Hal l County.Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of land in the Southw�st ��_��ter of the Southwest quarter (SW45W4)
<br /> � of �ection Twenty One (21 ), Townshic ���F�„en (11 ) North, Range Nine (9) LF•;t
<br />' of th= 6th P.(4., more �articularly ce_.:.,:ioed as follows: Beginning at �w
<br /> pci�� on the West line of the County ��=d as Iaid aut by County Sti�rvey�z �• -=-
<br /> Bal��in in ?A90, said road running aleng the East side of said 'J�5��:4, ef
<br /> said Sectic-: 21 , and which point of L�=_;inning is located 1520.9 feet Sc«i:iti
<br /> ar.� 33.0 feet West of the Northe2st ��=��er (as used si�,_�= 1890) of the . ��
<br /> Northwest quarter of *t,e Sauth�;e�� :.�«ter (NW�5Wz) of Section 21, running ;��
<br /> thence West at a right angle ? •:��f�-�ce of 300.0 t'eet, thence runni�g South .
<br /> paral lel to the West l ine of ��.:.� County road a distanr.e af 20�.0 f eet, �, .
<br /> running thence East a distance of 3C^.p feet to a paint an the said West �
<br /> line of said County road, running tr:�-�=,= North alnng and upnn the said .r
<br /> West line af said Caunty road a distG-.:�� of 2C^.0 feet to the point of '
<br /> beginning, all in Hall County, ^J�bra_�<.�.
<br /> wrhichhutheaddressaf 1618 �c�uth I�Iarrisor� , rr,,�,�i i�,l�r,ci .
<br /> (St�eet) �t�ryy
<br /> 6BE303 r...=.-_�_-
<br /> Nebrasica t"Yroperty Address"); •
<br /> FZ�c codel
<br /> To�ETHER WITH all tho improvements now nr hereaRer erected nn the pruperty. and all eauments, nghts.
<br /> appuritnmves.rents, royaltiss. mrnerai,oii an� gas nghts an�profits, water rtgnts ana stack and aii fixtures now or
<br /> hernfter a part af the propeny.All replacements and add�tions sh�li atso be covered by this Sccunty lnstrument.All oi the �
<br /> foreaoing is referted to in this 5ecur�ty[nstrument as the"Pr�peny."
<br /> � 80RROwER Ct>vE'�A�TS that[iorrower is tawfully sttsed uf lhe estate hereby canveyed bnd has the nght t��grant �:
<br /> und convey the Praptrty and that the Pr��perty ts urttnc�rmbered,eacept for ensumbrances af recurd gotrower wavrants �=,t�
<br /> • and W�II defend generally Ihe 1�Ne t�Ihe Prnperiy agatnst eU datms ertd dcmand5.5ubrect tu any en.umf�rances of record �
<br /> m
<br /> TNIS'�E:Cf_'ItItY 1�4fkl.�MEVt eamb�Res un�fr�rn�s�venants fe�r nat�nna) ure rirrd ncm•eriidnrxn c�i�en:inr� w�tF� � ��
<br /> hm�ted vannncrn`hy�unWJ�enr,s rc►�r�nslRUfe e UmFotYF►secunfy uisirument cu�er�nk►eaf pni�ertF� � �
<br /> HEBRASKA—s.-Ro �:��*�� iNMI�/lHtMC UNIfORM IN§TRl1MENf iorm i0�8 12 03
<br /> � .- .....• :-,• �
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