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<br /> ACKNOWLEDGMENT 9Q--�,p 14 0 6
<br /> I�W� Jo� hl. Za,jicek and Lynn E. Za jicek, Husband and Wife, ('�'Frustor") -
<br /> � underthatcercainDeedaf't'rustiatheori�nalprincipalamonmof �ne Hundred Twenty Thousand and Noll�Oths
<br /> ----------�---------------------------------------------------�g 12d,000.00 )anddated
<br /> �1arch B, 199Q __(Deed of Trust)to be entesed iato among Trustor,
<br /> Arend R. 8aack, Attornev ("Trustee")arid HOI�iE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS�CIATdON
<br /> OF GRAND ISLAND("gene�stiary"),covering the following described pcoperty: �
<br /> A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the 5outhwest Quarter (SW�SW�} of
<br /> Section Twenty One (21 ), TownshiR Eleven (11 ) North, Range Nine (9) West of .
<br /> the 6th P.f+i., more particularly c�escribed as Polleus: 8eqinning at a point dn
<br /> the West line of the County rcad as laid out by County Sur�eyor 8aldwin in
<br /> 189Q, said road running along the East side of sai� W�SU�, of said Section 21 ,
<br /> an� �hieh point of beginning is ?ocated 9520,9 fE�t Sauth .and 33.Q feet West of
<br /> the� Northea�t corner (as used ���ce 1890) of i;he. f�'�rtr�Rst Quarter of the South-
<br />• ' west G�artEr. (f'4lU4SUJ�) of Sectz�r: 21, r�nning thsnc� I�e�t �t a right angle a �
<br /> distance of 3J0.0 fe�t, thence r�nning �cuth paralleZ ta tre lJ_st line af said . .
<br /> , Co�rty road a distan� of 200.0 feet, r•.�nning thence East a distar.ce of 3QQ.0
<br /> feet to a point on *_�-e said West line oP said County road, ruRnirrr� thence North � �
<br /> along and upon the _��d West line of said County road a distar�ce c�f 200.0 feet
<br /> to the point of begi�-n:=ng, all in Nall County, Nebraskae . ,
<br /> tcereby acknowtedge that it is understood that (a)the Deed of Trust to be executed �y Trustor is a trust deed and not a �
<br />: mlac�age and(b)the powor of sate provided for in the Deed of Trust pravidas substantia(lv r3ifferent rights and obligations to
<br /> the Trustor than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligation. �
<br /> Trustar aeicnowledges that this Aeicnowtedgment was made prior to the exeeution af tlze Deed of Trust. �
<br /> Executed and delivered this 8th da of ma ch ��g 90 , � �
<br /> � �� " -_
<br /> .;,
<br /> ��"' � Jon . Z�=icek
<br /> � ,
<br /> L • I ��.
<br /> , Trus o Ly . Za jicek `
<br /> a
<br /> . i: .
<br /> � '�r
<br /> SS "
<br /> The foregoing instrument was ack�owledged beiore me this ��h day of m�rch �
<br /> �g °-�,by Jon m. la�icelc and Lvnn E. Za_iicek. Nusband and Wife � �
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial aL Grand Island Nebraska in said county,the datc aforesaid.
<br /> My commission expires: �
<br /> O� �—,.
<br /> . sEr�t�oiu�rsdr�iw�r� _ f
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