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<br /> � ����T�..��� �o�i o�Q 4�
<br /> �is Mort�e is entered tnw betv�Pen 1 Z 03 Pa r t n e rs h i p
<br /> ' (herein"Moatgagor"j and
<br /> ' r FIVE POINTS BANK (hemin"Mori,Qagee„).
<br /> 1
<br /> A�Iort�aR i�iadebted to Mortgag�e In thQ p�incip�f sum af y ����e�d•0�,evidenced by Mortgagor's aate
<br /> dated 3-12-90 (herein"1Vote")pmvid]n�i�rr p�ymt�ts oi principal and intgr2at,wit6 t6e balance od the
<br /> tadehtedness.iPaotsoonerpaid,dueandpayabteon- 3-12-2CC�•• '. ,
<br /> Tocecvre the pryment of tlie Note,with intet��t�u ptu-fdded Weiaip,We payment ot aU oEher s�ms,with interest,
<br /> �dvaaced by Mait�ee to protect We se�e�rit;t of thJ�Nfortgage,a+ad thx pPrfarmance oi the eogenants and�g�ements of:
<br /> the Mort�agor ca�tained herein, Mort�+�r da� herea�� mmtgs� aricl convey to 14lortgagee the follo�ng desciib�d
<br /> properiy located in Hall �nty. Ntb��:
<br /> Lot One (1) in Block Th�e� (3) c€ A�nold P].ece Addition to the City
<br /> of Gran� Island, Hall C�unt�•,� t���raska; and
<br /> Eractional Lot Tc�c (2) in B�ack. Thcee (3 j o� Arnold Place Rdciition
<br /> tc� the City of Grand Is1an�, H�11 County, I��l�Laska, and it� comple-
<br /> ment� Fractianal lot T�o (2� ic� Block Five (5�� af Spauldina and
<br />� Gregg's Addition to �h� City- af Gran� Island, Hall �aunty, vebraska.
<br /> Togetk�r cvith ai16w"ldjn�,imy�c�ents,ilxtures,streets,aiieys,passageways. ea�ms�nts,rights,priviteges and
<br /> e��urten�nces lacated thernon or in an}Kt�pertaining thereto,end the rents,issues and prc°�;,reversions and remainders
<br /> Lhxirof;ineluding, but not timited to.headng and cooling equipment and such po�sonal property that is attached to the
<br /> I�provements sa as to cane4ituu•s i7�:ture;.a11 of whtch,including teplucements and addltions thereto,is hereby declared
<br /> to be�put of the ma! eatate s��u�e�b)•the lien of this MortQage and all of the toreeoing being referred to herein es tho
<br /> .��o��„
<br /> Mortgagor(urther c�nti:+:t�.nt�aacf agrees.with Mortgagee,as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment. Tu pay llti•�Q�E�Olse�ness and the internat thereon as provide•�in this Martgage and the Note. � �°
<br /> . ,:g•
<br /> z¢.
<br /> 2. 'htte: PRort�g�or•is th��o�sn¢r of the property,has the dght and authority tcs�r�ec�3ge the Property,and �
<br /> warrants thtt ths lyi�creage�t�t�eb;y is a ii�st and prior lien on the Property,extept as may utherwise be set[orth hereln.
<br /> O R7�e Proprrty i3 9ub�2c1 to a Mortg�ge wherein ��
<br /> is the Mortg�gee,Yecorded at Duok ,Pege of tfte'.Hortgagr Records of Cuunty, '
<br /> Nebrasks,which Mortgege t��13en prior to the Iien created hemby. �
<br /> O Other prtot liensorencumbrances:
<br /> 8. Tues„ A�eaame�,ts� To psy when due all�ses,s�ecial tssessments ai,.d�ll other charges againat the Property
<br /> �nd�upon writte:�demand by B1loztg�gee,to add to the gayments required under L•!�e Note secured Aereby,sush amouat as
<br /> may De sutticior,.t cr�enible l?se Mortgagee to p�y cuch taxes.�ssesscients or otl�er charges as they become due.
<br /> �1. Ittarance. To keep the improvements naw or here�ef�rr:ocated on the real estate de;criD2rl hemin insutec5
<br /> apinat dunur by tim'and r,uetz other hazards a+Mortg�� m�y requlre,in amu;c��s tnd with compsnies aa:eptable to the
<br /> Meee�ee, �nd with loas pg�,��te to the Mort�agee. F:n.case of loss under sn�•:a pollcies the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br /> adjusl, cdlect and compra�se, ln its discretlon,vl cIaims thereunder at its sale option, autharized t�e�therapp)y the
<br /> pmceeds to t�`:��siar��:�^v�::'�c F'roperty m�apor.the lndebtedness secured herEb�.but peyments hereunder sha11 con•
<br /> tinue•untit the s:mi secur,d��:aby�re patd in[ull. _
<br /> b. O Factow For'��es itfd lnauance. Notwltfistanding anything contained ia parepaphs 3�nd 4 h�ereof to the �"''�'--
<br /> conttary.Mortp`or ah�ll p�y to the Mortg�gee at the time of paying the monthiy installments of ptinciad and interest. �
<br /> one-twelfth oi the yeuly ttxes�assessments,hazvd insuranre pre�iums,�nd grouad rent�(it,any)�+1�ich msy attaln n
<br /> pciotity over thls Mortgage,W a�ceason�bly estimated from tlme:;u time by the Mort�agee,llte unounts so pald ahall be
<br /> het�i by 41te M��•���ritho+!s f�+.srK!ta�ap�ll�!to Lhe ptyset::E o[l�s�itrms{n r+��:,t Eo�hlth eucls emounts were
<br /> depo�lted. The anms p�id tu Mort�gee hereunder arr pledged as additlonal secuaity fot the indeDtedness secured by this
<br /> Mottpte.Mort�asehali psy Go Mortgagee the amoant otu►y defriency between thp tetuaf ta�ces.�ssessmenta. insurence �N
<br /> � pnmiums and Qround rnnt�and the deposits hereunder within 10 d�ys after demsnd is made upon Mortg�gor requc sting ��
<br /> payment thereoi.
<br /> , �
<br /> 6. RepU�,Maintetunce�n8 Use.. 'Pa prampUy tepair.mstore nr rebulid ony buil8in�;or imprnvcments nuw or ��`��
<br /> here�fter on the Property;to keep the Pruperty in gt�d cundltlon and re�alr,without wastN,and free trom mechbnic's or ���
<br />� cfitaerlieas aot exgressly eubardintted to the lien herent;not to m�ge,sutler ur petmit au��nuisance to exist,nur ta d�miiti•
<br />; ist� ut impiir th�calup at the Yrnperty by nny act or umfssion 4n nct:and to cnmply with nit tryeiranier►ts ut taw with
<br /> respert tu the PropNrty.
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