�c�s<_x,S�a.ti'�tr.e:�aa�lrMtieti+�37+Nf4',`.n.r :-�.:.a:. :.�'t._. �.� �-t�tR:.:•r ii�ir,d:kt.k�a�'���z a� c�ii�����'Se�t:��,� 4 -.,,�r.c�_•�rs.:._• _
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<br /> 1 tkereof, or (z} which ere ret��aed or rep�ase�sed goods), Imeludtng without
<br /> lfmitat€on Inventory eorasisti�..g oS: ���r� eabimals, animel ptuts and by-
<br /> products [ittcludaracg by-prode�et.s i�o�8�. to ttte alaughtering, peeking,
<br /> ' pmeessing or preparatiaa oi ra�t s� m�at produets for human and/or
<br /> animal coirau�nnpatioa arad sII t�des: Seatiters, oiLg, tellow, meat and other �
<br /> produets derived lro� su� a��g3tE�ri�g, Packing, prauessiag or
<br /> pteparat�a�j and pet fomd produ�`�); .
<br /> (d� u� �r�f. F.������t:.p�rC�th�r now owned or hEreafter
<br /> �:�uired {4he te��. "�S.�ra�m�"` ia��:� r�^s� includes aircrait, eq,uip��nt, :
<br /> �achinery, tmols, �.�ma fga'�,.�;; ��:.'R�.�+�, �u�-aigbings, ofi�ce ec�g�in��t,
<br /> . _ . ��Ies �iacl�r '� a�iss:� ��:��t.t� �. �`Li�i��� of title ��$ � at1
<br />; . � r•y`',�-goa�s i���a�a����;��._.�r�ce.�f�� �c�...�or c�sable ia c�r�aeety�n�ith :
<br /> � �+L B�tt�r.tm i�us;-������`�'� ai�garts, ac��ories and attacii�m�nts
<br /> � reiatia�g �:��y oi the �oregalir}�},�ineluding witt�er�t �imltatfon Equipment
<br /> coc�isting cf: breakers, gri�ers. cookers, ilas�hing machines, freezera,
<br /> compressors, aaotors, dri;r�s, conveyors, presses, hoists� pultey�, reil
<br /> syatems, tariks� silaa ezd aU associated maehinery, footings and
<br /> iour�datior�s; ,
<br /> (e) RecorB�. Supporting evtdenee and ddeuments relati�g to any
<br /> ot the above described property� ineluding without limitat�an, wr�tten
<br /> applicationa, eredit iniormation� aecount eards, payment reeords,
<br /> correspondeace, delivery and in�tellatton certifieates, invoice copios,
<br /> delivery receip�s. ROt�3 and other evfdences of indebtedness, iasurnnco � �
<br /> eertSticates and the li?te, together with all books of aeeaunt, ledgers and �
<br /> enbia►ets ira whtc�i tl�e sam� are retleeted or maintoined, all wh�ther now
<br /> existing cs h�rea€icer ariui��;. ,
<br /> ({ry Aecegsion�and Additions. All sccessi�ns an�additions to and
<br /> substi4uti�nn nnd repinee�ents of any and all of the foregoing, whEthEr naw : �
<br /> ext�ting er hereaft�r arising; asd
<br /> (g� Proceeds aad L��:.duets. All pros�e�s and prvducta oi the -�`������_
<br /> �oregoiag e�td all insurance of trie foregoing and proceeds thereof, wh�ther �,,,'�;�`�°
<br /> r�cw �ai3�?�r.g or hereafter arising. , '
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