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<br /> QEED�6 TRUST
<br /> 1fi1S OEf00F RI,iS�,rtx��lhi�_L�day.of �tarch �q90 �y 0� llanny etarkins and Lnri A.
<br /> Hark�,n s, �jus gn an wi e as Iarn e�' s n � Ci'.fltiCl�s� . '
<br /> 1Yf10S�rtiC111fiD QQWeiS is k� � � .�„/r St L.��ory,r� �F' 6 7?J -
<br /> � (�tin'Ticttsta"1�and BAi�'K dF t�00f1 RILfER ,��ha3assai:i;.��'ti��Q3S P.4�. 8�x !s$J, t'ood Riv� NE .
<br /> bd818,(herein'Trustee"end"Beneficiary"�. 6$��83
<br /> . fOR VALUABIE COMStt)ERATlON,inetudin9 ihe inde6tedness indentitied tterein and the trust herein created, the receipt of which is herehy
<br /> , ackrrow(e�p�d.Trustor iRSVOCabiy�rants, trensters, convays, anA assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH FOWER OF SALE, far the benefit and
<br /> , s�turit�of&nafiti�y,urder and subject to the terms and conditions af this Oeed of Trust,the Reaf properly desuibed os tollows:
<br /> The South Half of the Southwest Qiiarter �S�Stdif4) of Section Twenty—P1ine �29),
<br /> Township Eleven (1 I ) North, Range Etevert ( � i?. SJest of the 6[h P.:t., Hall County,
<br /> �tebra�ka.
<br /> Th� payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors note of evez date herea�ith
<br /> in tne principal sum of FIFTY—FIVE THUUSANU and No%)00 D!1LLARS �$55,000.00)
<br /> AND
<br /> 'fhe payment of indebtedness nvi�ienced by Trusl:��.s note of even date herea�ith •
<br /> in t��e principal sum of FIFT'I'=LT34EE THaUSAND SI:� HUNDR�D and No/100 DOLLARS
<br /> ($�3y�i00.00) ' . �
<br />_ TOGEiHEtt lHlll�,�:0 rents,profits,royaltier,income and other 6enefiis dErived fram tha reat pra�erty;atl�eases ar sdflte�ases covering th3
<br /> real property er c^r portian Ihereof, now or herecafter existing or entered into, and oll right,ti91e and interest oi Trustor therevnder; olE irs.
<br /> tensts,estats as olher tlaims,both in tow and in equity,rrhich Trustar now hos or may hereoiter ucquire in the real property;0l1 easer,ients, .
<br /> rights-of-way, tena�nents, hereditaments and uppurtenances thereof and fheretot ali oil aRd gas vights and profits, woter �ights and water
<br /> sfocici all rigfit,tiYle and inttrest of Tntstor.rta��v awned or hereofter acquired,in and to ony tan�Eyiirg within the right•oi•way of ony street or
<br /> hiDhway adjoinirq the real property,any and all buildings, iixtures,improvements, and oppurtECances novi or he�ec�4ter e�ecfed tfv3rean or '
<br /> bela�ing thtnto,(herein refEtr�c.'to os"Emprovemenl"or"tmprovements"):and orty and all awards mode�cr fli�to4ing by e�inan!3�rr.airs ..;:� �,
<br /> or bp cr.ry procaeding a purchu��e��s lieu thereaf,ot the whalr ar ony part of 1he real prc�•�crty. '-':'��`
<br /> All ot the foreq�i�g estate,property ond interest hereby conveyed to Trustee herein collectively�eterred to os fhe"Prap�rty". 5�`�
<br /> (o)Thspoymsnt of indebfedness evidented by Trustor's�,ote o4 even date herewilh iR the princpal sum of �SEE NOTE S __ ___ ' �_
<br /> DESC1iIBF,D A�3�VF) pollars (S )� +� '
<br /> toyethe�wifh interest ot the�ots or�ates provided tltesei:r,(herein,together with any ond aiF renewals,modiiicotions,and extensions t��;-eol,
<br /> reterred to os the"tlote")botb printtpal an3 i:r^.?rest on the Note being poyoble in ateordan;s vcit�the terms set tvrth tfiere;�, retcrence to .
<br /> whlth is he►�by mod�,fhs final poymenl of{�°i�t,;��i anl interost,ii not soaner pnid ond iF na rc;:�.�u'.,mad�licotions or ext��;:ons osa madc, ���
<br /> dw anC�pcyabt*�on Mnacu ti��n[�r► s
<br /> (1�}Lt��perio�matxs of eath c�reement ond tovenant c!Crustor heroin contained:ar�',. " ��
<br /> (c)�tse payme�!ot any sum or sums of money with interest therean which moy be hereolter poid or odvanced under the terrhs of thls Oee�o(
<br /> trust. �
<br /> (d)ltw poyment of anY tuturo advarxes r.ecessary to protact the secerit y or any fulvre advanse r,�nde at the aption of the�n:��es;and
<br /> (e)ihe perlormance of an aL•lig�tion ot any otlier person named in this Trusi Deed ta w 5eneliciary.
<br /> 1./�y��M�!l�intip�l�nd�ntanH.Trustor sholl prorn�'.�y pay when due the prin�ipal ot ond i^'erest on the indebtedness eviden:ed 6y Ilie
<br /> Note,and ell othsr charges and fees as psc��iu��in ttte Kate,and the principo!ot and interQSt cr�n��f Future Advances seture�by this Desd o1
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Z.l��rnntr d 1Nb.Trusto�•;s fawiully sei:ed and passes:ed of good and indeiecs:'�'e tit�e ond estotv to the f'rup�rty hereby tonveye.�,urd�
<br /> ho5�:�e right to g►anl ond ca�ey the Property;the PrupET7y is free and ctear oi d;iiens ond encumbronces except liens now of�eccr�4s nn���
<br /> lrusta�will wort�r,�and detend Ihe tille to the P�operty ogoinst oIl tlaims and demands.
<br /> 3.Msiet�nne:e��ton+�li�nc�with►aw�.Trustar shnl)keep tha Prrperty in good condilion onC;eyair ond shol!not tammil�waste a►pern�it
<br /> impoirmant a deterioralion of Ihs Property ond shall camply wilh thA provisions of any lease if tl�is deed of Trust is on o leosehbld.No improve�
<br /> meral now or hereoHer erected upon Ihe Properly shoU 6e nitered,romoved ar demolisbe�! wilhout 1he prior wrilten consenf of De�toticiory. ;-___----_-
<br /> iruttor slwll tomply wilh oll(uws,ordinances,regutolions,covenants,condilions ond restrittions nlfectir�g tl�e Property a�d not tommit,sulter, •
<br /> ar ptrmit anY at to b�don�in or upon the Preperty in viototion of any law,ardinante, regulation,co renant,condition or restriction.Trustor
<br /> sfroll tomplete or restwe pramptly an0 in goad workmanlike rtwnner any improvement on th�ProptHp which mpy be daaroged or desfroyed and
<br /> p�,�rfren dw.aii cinims for fa6vr perfmmed arrd rrroferiais i�rnis�red therefvra ami for any ni?enoiivr�iirer rvi. •
<br /> /, M�w�ne�.Trusfvr,ot i1s�xpens�, will mointuin with insurars opproved by Benefititlry, insurante with rospocf to tho trnpro�emenfs and �
<br /> ptrsono)property,corrstitutir.a ttce Property,�goinst loss by f ire, liglitning,tornodo,anc�oth�r perils and hotards covered by stundnrd extended ��G
<br /> � cor�tap�fndorssmsnt, in an emount epvo{tn at least orte hurtdred perc�nt of Ihe 1u!! replacement votue thereaf unA in3uranca aguirist such �c�
<br /> ofh�r haanrd�and in�ueh amountt a is cu�tamarlly earried by ownsra and optratar�of tlmu��r prop�►ti��or o�8�n�lteio►y ittCy r�puir�for its �4t�
<br /> p�ottcti�n.lrustar wiU con,pty with such olher requiremonts as Oe�teli�iary may irom tima ta time rep�sest(or�IIE�tb�Uwlio��by insurance nt 1ho p�
<br /> intens�s o}tha resaective par�ies. AI! msurnrzco policias mainlctirted putsvant Io Ih;y UfQd O�1/U4T SItC�I Itcr:�o����sr�,� ���a nenef�c�ur y ��s �»• �i[��
<br /> tui�Gl, p!Ih�it ts9(tetlivA 1A1d►l�ftf rrwy 6�tpdOr, tr�id R�a����thQt th�re shb�t 6e ao cartceNa�icn er m•:diflentia'r: without nt�18fs fi,a�� t 5 dny! °'-
<br /> G7i�r wri�ttn r�atificul�u�► Iv Ee�feli:iury tn tha r+re��t ar�Y uuliry hereunder ts rlpt tnr,n,NP�I C�.ur h2in�v t 5 �}���c prinr tv i►s. r�����ruhon �S�it�. " -
<br /> Q��:QIiCiS+y mny��iULUra SuLh�nSU�t7�t[e i��U�tC*���{i�h r�ilf�fl�h p:O�iS'4!'S u1�t:t:i{yi[I�,h 7 I�a�r�'rf Tcugto• :le,;lt rjc;��.1�t:�ES�,�rfd�iu�y th�nrra::�;iE
<br /> Cas�t�QS 0�7�SUfUl1!�t:n�c��;e++n!s Ii��reaf�r tn�+�Yt�CU�ipS UI SUC�t OJItC��t(tft7J t!±rt�vi(S�3 I�t3tL.�j �tl�UtP f�f�t+tli�{ IU'�� '�ISI�'(7t•`.P f•V ir��;�{" nt
<br /> �at:aw[1�L Oi�RUu�►e�t,a►vu�jdcr tt�nil,ty!!hQ b(llsOrt 0�fl���ohc�n=v,cn�+ss�tufe a�Jai c,�„I�, �
<br /> -- ---.° .......�
<br />_ � �.-s: _ _ ----- ---- —:�__� ......_— '�—° — =�""'� - —"'''"' _
<br /> it .. �.,_.�__ —" "'_ . , .. Z`., _ - ____- __ _ "__ _ _ �_ _ _— _' L J�4 —
<br /> p� " - . .�.:� y�y� �'
<br /> l.?R•��•yfR . .�. �� 1 i'. . ' ..� _ ' �.� _ '__—ri� �al.{:: ' .
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