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<br /> 5. Tt�is Assignment inures ta tha bar,��ii a�th.�nsmed 4ssigr.ee and ii'�s�!�c�-sars and a�sinns,an�biads the _
<br /> - Assignar and As$ignor's hairs,tegatees.devises.administrators,executors.sua:essors and assigns.The term"lsase"or
<br /> "Leases"as used fierein means not an{y the Lease or Leas�hereby assigned or any exter�sion or renswal thereof,but alse
<br /> any tease subsequentty executed by Assigrtor covering the Premises�r any paR thereet.in tfiis Assignme�t whertewer th� �
<br /> � cantext so r�uires.th�neutst gender includes the mascutin�.orfeminine,artd the singular n►�mber inctudes the plural.artd
<br /> c�rc�ersety.
<br /> 6. Att notices,demartd ar documents whieh ara requir�or permitted to be gi�Ert or serve�hpreunder sh2ti be in
<br /> wnting artd sent�y certifled maii addressed as toftows:
<br /> TO A�SIGNOA at ihe sddress appearing abova unless a diHerent address is tumished below. '
<br /> TOTHEAS5iCNEE,Attontion ____ __ Diai: �. tufotf.cld
<br /> � �
<br /> CirsTier A�nk,. t3.A.,� Omaha 424 tJest 3ri3. Grand Is2and, [�TE 6880i �
<br /> at ._
<br /> Such addresses may be changed t�om time to time�y eithcr�arty by serving noiice as abave provided.
<br /> 2210 Riverview Drive INWI'iNESSWHEREOF,Assignorhashereuntosethis
<br /> hand and seal or caused its corporate name 4o k�e
<br /> Grand i siand, r� �698 0l subscribed and its corporate sea!tc be affixed the day
<br /> and year first above wRttery i�
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<br /> On this day of��— ,A.O.,19 ,bofore;ne,a notary public in and for said Counry. �-
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<br /> President antf ��
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<br /> who(is)(are)personalty known sa me to be the idontical person(s)whoae name(s)(is)(a�e)aHixed to the abo�e instrument as
<br /> and —e5 aid Corporation,and acknowfedged the
<br /> instrument to be(his)(their)vol���.��y act and deed and the voluntary act a�d�Qe�l ot said Corporation.
<br />- WITN�S my hartd and notarial 3eal tho date last atore��r�
<br /> Notary PubliC
<br /> M, cammission expires �
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