<br /> 21. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Lender, at Lender's option, may from time to time remove Trustee
<br /> and appoint a successor without any other formality than the designation in writing. The
<br /> successor trustee, without conveyance of the Property, will succeed to all the title, power and
<br /> duties conferred upon Trustee by this Security Instrument and applicable law.
<br /> 22. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Nebraska, the
<br /> United States of America, and to the extent required, by the laws of the jurisdiction where the
<br /> Property is located, except to the extent such state laws are preempted by federal law.
<br /> 23. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Each Grantor's obligations under
<br /> this Security Instrument are independent of the obligations of any other Grantor. Lender may
<br /> sue each Grantor individually or together with any other Grantor. Lender may release any part
<br /> of the Property and Grantor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for the
<br /> remaining Property. Grantor agrees that Lender and any party to this Security Instrument may
<br /> extend, modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of
<br /> debt without Grantor's consent. Such a change will not release Grantor from the terms of this
<br /> Security Instrument. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit
<br /> the successors and assigns of Lender and Grantor.
<br /> 24. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERABILITY. This Security Instrument may not be
<br /> amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security
<br /> Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Grantor and Lender. This
<br /> Security Instrument and any other documents relating to the Secured Debts are the complete
<br /> and final expression of the agreement. If any provision of this Security Instrument is
<br /> unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions
<br /> will still be enforceable.
<br /> 25. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes
<br /> the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret
<br /> or define the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 26. NOTICE, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS AND RECORDING FEES. Unless otherwise required
<br /> by law, any notice will be given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate
<br /> party's address listed a PARTIES section, or to any other address designated in
<br /> writing. lotideatd MitG a' t'rteit3/444f"ti deemed to be notice to all Grantors. Grantor will inform
<br /> Lender wrjtipgw,Q, ,,aily-h? ?ge.„i , rantor's name, address or other application information.
<br /> Grantor ender-•any-other, correct and complete information Lender requests to
<br /> effectively mortgage or convey the Property. Grantor agrees to pay all expenses, charges and
<br /> of this Security Instrument. Grantor
<br /> with the preparation and recording
<br /> taxes in connection Y
<br /> P P
<br /> agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may
<br /> consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantor's obligations under this Security
<br /> Instrument and to confirm Lender's lien status on any Property, and Grantor agrees to pay all
<br /> expenses, charges and taxes in connection with the preparation and recording thereof. Time is
<br /> of the essence.
<br /> 27. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. Lender or Grantor may submit to binding arbitration any
<br /> dispute, claim or other matter in question between or among Lender and Grantor that arises out
<br /> of or relates to this Transaction (Dispute), except as otherwise indicated in this section or as
<br /> Lender and Grantor agree to in writing. For purposes of this section, this Transaction includes
<br /> this Security Instrument and any other document relating to the Secured Debts, and proposed
<br /> loans or extensions of credit that relate to this Security Instrument. Lender or Grantor will not
<br /> arbitrate any Dispute within any "core proceedings" under the United States bankruptcy laws.
<br /> Lender and Grantor must consent to arbitrate any Dispute concerning the Secured Debt secured
<br /> by real estate at the time of the proposed arbitration. Lender may foreclose or exercise any
<br /> powers of sale against real property securing the Secured Debt underlying any Dispute before,
<br /> during or after any arbitration. Lender may also enforce the Secured Debt secured by this real
<br /> property and underlying the Dispute before, during or after any arbitration.
<br /> Lender or Grantor may, whether or not any arbitration has begun, pursue any self-help or similar
<br /> remedies, including taking property or exercising other rights under the law; seek attachment,
<br /> garnishment, receivership or other provisional remedies from a court having jurisdiction to
<br /> preserve the rights of or to prevent irreparable injury to Lender or Grantor; or foreclose against
<br /> any property by any method or take legal action to recover any property. Foreclosing or
<br /> exercising a power of sale, beginning and continuing a judicial action or pursuing self-help
<br /> remedies will not constitute a waiver of the right to compel arbitration.
<br /> The arbitrator will determine whether a Dispute is arbitrable. A single arbitrator will resolve any
<br /> Dispute, whether individual or joint in nature, or whether based on contract, tort, or any other
<br /> matter at law or in equity. The arbitrator may consolidate any Dispute with any related
<br /> disputes, claims or other matters in question not arising out of this Transaction. Any court
<br /> having jurisdiction may enter a judgment or decree on the arbitrator's award. The judgment or
<br /> decree will be enforced as any other judgment or decree.
<br /> Nebraska Deed Of Trust
<br /> NE/4XXXXHAKE00000000001289017N Wolters Kluwer Financial Services©1996,2017 Bankers Page 7
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