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27, COLLECTION COSTS- 7n the Pxtent permitted by law Grantor - 200104326 <br />foe <br />dgraos to pay Lender s reasonable fees and casts, including, but not limited to, <br />anc to t, of attorneys and other agents (including without limitation paralegals, clerks and consultants), whet <br />w employed of Lertcfar, which are inng, bu by Lender t collecting any amount due or enforcing any right or remedyounder attorney or of Trust, <br />Qtiorler qr nog Euit is brought, including, but not limited fo, all tees and casts Incurred on appeal, in bankruptcy, and for post judgment collection <br />aotior+S. <br />213, PAR "f1AL (l"LEASE. L.endor may release its interest in cr portion of the Property by executing and recording one or more Partial pled of <br />Reconvvyur,rle without Affectinrg its interest in the remaining portion of the Property. Nothing herein shaft be cleerned to obligate Lender to re ?ease <br />any e4 its l+it�4rest In tho Property (except as required under Paragraph 37), nor shall Lender be obligated to release any part of VIG Property if Granter <br />is in defa,.11t under this Ned of Treat. The Tien and security interest created by the Deed of Trust remain in effect with respect to that portion of the <br />propuriy, a$ delinad in the Deed of Trust, that is not the subject of this or any Partial Dead of Reconveyance. <br />29, innd F a wliON AND WAIVER. The modification or waiver of any of Grantor's Obligations Or Loader's rights under this Deed of Trust must be <br />conf;,innd in a writing iegnod by Lender. Lander may paiform any of iiorrowet'a or Grantor's Ohl)gations, delay or fail to exercise any of its rights or <br />'accept payments irorn Grantor or anyone other than Grantor without causing a waiver of those Obligations or rights. A waiver on one occasion shall <br />act conslitt'13 a waiver on any ether occasion. Grantor's obligations under this Deod of Trust shall not be affected If Lender amends, eompromlces, <br />exahang.):s, fails to excrcisE, impairs or raleases any of the Obligations belonging to any Grantor, Sorrower or third party or any of its rights against <br />any Grantor, Borrower or third arty or any of the Property. Lendof% fallure to insist upon strict performance of any of the Obligations shall not be <br />doorried a waiver, and Lender :f nli have the right at any time thereafter to Insist upon stnct perforrclance. <br />SO, S"BSTITUTE TRUSTEE, In cafe of the death, Inability, refusal to act of absence of the Trustee from the state where the Property <br />case the na {der cf the ee ti- ations shall desire for an reason to remove the Trustee or any substitute trustee as trustee hereunder and to ap cint a <br />new trustoo in his pl:�cc- And stand, the holder of the Obligations is hereby trustee t it located or a, <br />and the sl.rhsti4ule tr t3ide e}lXtlI vat on ap2oinied, became successor to alll ightt of Trustee hereunder and the same shall becoe vested tedl n him t ©or <br />the purpcs €; an-.1 objcclht of this Deed of rust with all the power, duties and obligations herein conferred on the Trustee, <br />37, !iUCCEtiSCJRS AND ASSIGNS. This peed of 'Trust shalt be binding uf�on and inure to the benefit Of Gfar%tor and Lender and their respective <br />su ^cossnrs, :zsr:iq+x;, trustees, receivers, administratars, personal representatives, legatees and devisees, <br />32, NOTICES. Excypt as otherwise required by law, any notice or nthw• comm+onicAtion to be providod under this peed of Trust shall be in writing <br />Znd sent to lire I>arties at the addresses do7scribed in this Deed Of Trust or such other address as the parties may designate in writing from time to <br />iliac- Arty such notice so Vie person and sort by first class mail, pOStacge, prepaid, .:hall be deemed given the earlier of three (3j days after such notice Is <br />>ent or tvFicn rocrlveif by the person to whore such notice is being tgiven, <br />sta SFw, If £JJt,ITY, Whenever possible, each provision of this Deod of Trust shall be interpreted so as to be effective and valid under applicable <br />tale ea If any provision of this Dead of Trust viOlatos the law Or is unenforceable, the rest of this heed of Trust shall continue to be valid and <br />cslforceaf�i w, <br />34, APPLICABLE LAW. ThIls Dead of Trust shaff be governed by the laws of the state where the property is Incatod. Unless applicable law provides <br />o0mrw'so, t.rir,ti r consents to the jurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Londw, in its sole drsoretion, located In that stale. <br />35. NO THInD- PARTY RIGHTS. No person I3 or shall be a third-party beneficiary of any provision Of this peed of Trust, Ait p(Avisfurm of this Oeed Of <br />Truer in favor of Loader are intended solely for the benefit of Lendigr, and no third party shall be entitled to aysurne or expect that Lender will waive nr <br />consur'it to tht, modification of oily provl;;Ion of this C—d of Trust, in Lender's sole disc(etion. <br />36- other PRE$EftVA'1ION t7TF LlA✓31LITY AND PRIORITY. Without affecting the liability of Borrower, Grantor, or any guarantor of the t�biigatian.r, or any <br />other pa son (e: %wept a person expressly released in writng) for the payment and performance of the Obligations, and without affecting the rights of <br />Lender with fc% I) Oct to any PiopertY not expressly released In writing, and without Impairing in any way the priority of this peed of gust over the <br />Interest of any prrecn .acqu;rad or first evidencod by recording subsequent to the recording of this Deed of Trust, Lender may, either before or after <br />t +A m =rturity a the Obligations, and without notice or consent: release any person liable for payment or performance of all or any part of U-re <br />Obligation make any agreement altering the terms of payment or performance of all or any part of the Obligations; exercise or retrain from <br />exercicirg or waive any right or remedy that Lender may have WOW this peed of Tfusf; accept additional security of any kind for any of the <br />OML713afinns; of release or otherwise deaf with any real Or personal property securing the Obligations, Any person acquiring ar y recording kin o evl y of le <br />any Inforest of anV nature in <br />r. the P opert, shalt he deemed, by acquiring such interest or recordino any evidence thereof, to have consented to all or <br />any such actions )y ol <br />a7. DErFASANCE. tlpnn the payrnont And performance in full of ail of the Obligations, Lender will execute and doliver to Grantor those documents <br />that may bo required to releaso this Doed of Trust of record. Grantof ,halt be responsible to pay any costs of recordation. <br />38, CONSTRUCTION LOAN. L. j This Deed of Trust is a construction mortgage under the Uniform Cornmerclat Coda, to secure en cblitgcrtion <br />incurred for the construction of an improvement on land, including the acquisition costs of land. This Dead Of Trust seoures a oonstr'uotion loan, and <br />it will be s,+bjer, t to the terrr'is of a construction loan acgreement between Granter and Lendof• Any materials, equipment or supplies used or intended <br />frrf devolopment, or operation of the Property, whether stored on or off the Property, shall also be subject fQ the Jinn of thrd <br />Decd of Truest. <br />39. WAIVER OF 110MESTEAD AND OTHER EXEMPTIONS. Grantor hereby waives ail hernestead and other exemptions In the Property to which <br />Grantor would ctl�tvrwi;,e be entitled under any applicable law, <br />40. MISC:ELLANFOUS, Grantor and Lender agree that timo is of the essence. Grantor waives presentrrient, dornand for payment, notice of dishonor <br />an-.t proleat 6xcopt A, required by law. All references to Grantor in this Deed of Trust shall includo all persons slgrrinq below. if there fa more than one <br />Grantor, their OLligations shall Pe joint and several. This Deed of represents the complete integrated understanding between Grantor and <br />Lender pertNining to the terms and conditions hereof, <br />41. JU14Y TRIM, WAIVER. LENDER AND GRANTOR HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL, BY JURY IN ANY CIVIL ACTION ARISING OUT OF, <br />OR BASED UPON, THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />42. ADDrriONALTERM& <br />anuxa r aoi prof S,ge; that Grantor has read, understands, and 4cgre�a.s to the terms ;and conditforls of this peed of Trust, and ackn,owfedges receipt of <br />01 estOf copy of s ere, <br />Dsted thi .._?? - -,,. clay ofaY. 2001 <br />cR.�,tuTr:,it: .Tot�x1 Fzo rL` Kosq <br />411ZAAA <br />GRANTOR: S.11eryj Ann KOSCh <br />SEe- -i purer K <br />r vtrJTrrl ;: <br />(;RAN TOR: <br />Nl NTCmi <br />,I IANTOi t, <br />Lrpirn ,, 1D a, „or}n 11. I,•,;!,:,,d ("), ,°.7 /io!. ^,pl (20711 537 -n?ll <br />GRANTOR: <br />GfiANTOR: <br />05/02/01 14:55 TX /RX N0.7425 P.001 0 <br />