._^ .;� ..'.tirv�:r:.-s•s 7. .....:.: pL ,� 7i � � ,Si'> ;,� +y
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<br /> .IY�fS'4,f�L. - .\�: N �Cy . W}!j•�� �.. �l4 •C {�}�
<br /> - r�� �b_�yfi Q�����:t�` &%i�kcc.S.ti�i.G`'��'�'�f::::.+ �.�d�{�? 1b:f �5`t tii`.,3e'. fc; �: � �`l'i s w`!� a t L- 4 -f,�:St?`.:f.:;�";LS.,�F,�;. �w! --
<br /> - .-__ �-s�e y' _ ..�Pr, a w�m�..T������ ���1{��`G����Ml ���`f�l����'S��'�.--
<br /> . —"'.' —- � �
<br /> { ,
<br /> �
<br /> , �. ,
<br /> r ;�a����.�,�- L-EEB �_ �.U1367
<br /> LTD. , a corporation of the S�:a�r�..r.� 1`„e�raska. Grantor, in consideration of
<br /> the sum. cf. One Dallar {51�.�`Q i,, ar.e�� c�hcr good ared valuable considerati.on,
<br /> tn it ctu�y::g•aid. the �ec�i��t c�h��recE i.fi `r.areby acknmwledged, has remised�
<br /> , released an� quitcZai.�is�� an� .by t��3� presents does �.emise, release and
<br /> forever c�sit�la;m unto �EAI��;. LAU AI�1D DARREL.L LAtI. Grantees, �heir
<br /> succcssors and � assigns, �cre��PL, a�I a€ its r�i�ht. title, intarest,
<br /> esi'.afe. c1�im and deman�:; both at law and in aqui.��, af, in arid t�� the
<br /> real estat:� situa�e� in. t�he County of Hall, 5t�te �� L+lebraska, de�cribed
<br /> 3S �G�.�OWS: :
<br /> �ill of a s*rip a� Ia�^_�3 �� feet in width., ��or� and through the South
<br /> " ��1�. (S1/2 ) of Section �::, Tuw�:�,;��tip y 1�?orth �x,� Rar_�P 9 West of the Sixth
<br /> Pri�Wipal Y�eridian, turm�.�:�V knr�:r:� as t��zs East i��.ii r r1/2) of the right of .
<br /> way �f th� St. Jaseph ��3 �r;n� Fslanc� Railwa� an� ����nta�ning 3.03 acres
<br /> rnore a�- less.
<br /> TY�e�� �s h���r$r, e:=pressly reserved �and exr_ept_-�. from this quitclaim
<br /> all �oal� a�s., �as and ��ia rnir�erals and mineral rig�-�r� of whatever nature
<br /> , and descri.���on� .I:ind ��� character, ��z�p �Y� vnl.ike. :�.own or unkn�wn, and
<br /> wh�t}c�r a�currinw in salid, liq-�id, vararous .�r other and c3iiferent foxms
<br /> . in, � �n or under the land quitclai�n?d tiereunder; �xavided trat no aperation
<br /> . , of �.tivestipating , explr,,ri.ng, �s=»�Fecting or rroinin� for or stc,ring or • �
<br /> trans�+arting said miner�:?� cr =ny ot- *.h�m, sha ll b� �,onducted or plac�d �
<br /> upon said premises.
<br />' All bridg�s ari� hallasts, it any, on t:l-ie ab�ve desr•ribed ��raperty are .
<br /> reserv�d by the Seller and are nat included in tri�s sa�e. ;:�'ler or his
<br /> assigns shall have the xi�ht ur�til .7ur,e 1, 1990 to remc,ve the �ridges and
<br /> ballasts. 5e13er r. eserves the right af ingress and fgres� on the a�iove
<br /> described Froperty until June 1. 1990 ���r t�,e purposP �f removing ��.
<br /> bridge(s) and talZasts ar over ��uch r�ute as the Buyers a�d Se11Gz• may . � ;i
<br /> agree. , -
<br /> _
<br /> TOGEi'HER wi.th all ar,d �ir�r�Tal�i ��-:{� Y�ereditames,��• and ��purtenances
<br /> ther��snto �elonginp ; ta have .�:�3 �-.�� l-:c�lct ri;� premisss desc�ribecl ��bove,
<br /> sub;ect to the �fc�resaid F,yceptior� .•:-.�' �e:;c�v.��ian, u:�to Grant�es,. their
<br /> successors �ti�.l assi.gn� f.ar.evE:z�. � �
<br /> , '�
<br /> TN WITNES� L•IHEkEGF� t.YIE: GY'�iYr"vY' r1ci.: E-xecut.�:-. i.tr.i:: yui��,l ;,.:.tn deed t:his t'� �
<br /> 13�h day of F'�bruai ° 0. •.�.�
<br /> �,1NION L.• ` ��.;
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<br /> I'c�h�u�ax��l. 199G t.�y � � E: ii ��F:F�KIN�. Vi��c. F�r��::ich-�nt �7f.� F3ut:.l ex•/�irii��n Gz•o«�
<br /> Ltc�. . -� tdeb•r�sk�� cox-��or��tic•r,. or� L��:hal.f _�f *t►c� �c•o�--��c,�._�ti�>n.
<br /> �Cf.��Rt1!. � ;�:, . .�`i� �1_ ���3lS��-�-r� .. .- -
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