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<br /> ' Nr,ti VnIFOR�f CovE;va!�'T5.Barrowerand LenderFurthercovenant and agree as follans: ���
<br /> ,
<br /> �- ' 19. Acce2etatioe: Remedies. Lender s6a11 give eotire tp Borrower prior to acce[eratioa foflo�3n�IIe�aower's.
<br /> breac6 oisny cavenani or a�eement Fn tE6s Security Ins4rument(but not prior to acceleration under p2rn�aptts��and 11
<br /> unless appficabte l�w provides otherwise). The eotice shall sqecify:ta1 the defaul� (b)t�e actIon r�qaire�tc�.cure the
<br /> r detanl�(e1 a daLe.rcat less than 3t')da}•s from the date the notice is given to Sar�owes,by w6fch the degault mus�6e cur2d; .
<br /> � �tnd(d!that fiilure to cure the default oa or before the date specified tn t�e noEice msy result in a.^�terntIan oi.t3�e s�ms
<br /> sec�id 6y tbfs S�cnrity Iesfroment aad sale of the PropertJ;.1'he notice shsl!Wrt�er iciform BdrroK�z of the rig6t Eo
<br /> reinstate�fter acceteration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-extstence of a degnutt or a�tij�olher �
<br /> defease of Bonower to accederatiaa 9nd sale.Itthe defa�lt is aot cured on or before the date s�esifie3 in the a�aH�.Le�d�.t
<br /> at Its optian m�y reqvire immediate paymeni ia full ot all sums secured by this Security InssrLment witl�ai�Y furtl��r
<br /> demand and may invoke the poiser of saie aad aay othar remedIes permitted by applicsble law.i.ender�a�i be eatitic�30�
<br /> eollect all eacpeases incurred in �vrsuiag the remedies provided in this paragrapb 19, includin�; b�n noi Nmitct'i to,.
<br /> reasonable attoraeys'fees aad cvsts of tide evidence.
<br /> If the��r�f sate is inQOked,Trustee s�all recard a notice of default�n each cocu►hj in�4�ic'�anp p2rt•of:th�
<br /> Property i�{r�t�aad s�ail mail copies of sac6 notIce in the manner prescribed by appllcable is►w to Borro�ser can�V tn the
<br /> other pers-.��rn'bed by aQplicable law.After the time required by applicable Iaw.Tr�sqee s�sill give pnbllG notic�e of
<br /> sale tn�#s.���ns and in tbe taanner prescribed 6y appUcuble law.Trustee,wit6out demand on Borra�s�r..s:za91 sell the
<br /> Prope��-sc anb'k'r auctfoa to th�6ighest bidder at the tiine and ptace and under the tem�.c designatea3 in the Ratf��f sate ia
<br /> one or raore par�.and in aar•vrder Trustee determines.Trussee may postpone�aIs uf alI or aay.�arc�!�f tiz�groptrhy 6y
<br /> public announceci�sfi at the time and plsce of any prevtoasly sc6eduled sale. I.eader or its desi�see ma�.pur � t�e
<br /> Property at any s2J.cp
<br /> Upan receipt af pay-eceat of the price bid.Trustee shall deiiver ta the p°�ase,�T:r�tt�'s dead conveying the
<br /> Property.The recitats in the k�pstee's deed shall be prima facIe evidence af t[�e hvtb of tlte�stute�t�nts made therein.
<br /> Trustee shall yppty t6e proceeds of the�aJc in the following order.(a1 to all exper�of ti�e s�l�inctuding,[sut not limited
<br /> to,Trustee's fees as permitted by applicsfs�e law and reasonable attomeys'fees;(bl ta aID�����urc-d by this Sewr;ty
<br /> instrumen�and(cl any excess to the pe�sor.or p�rsons te�ally entitled.to i� .
<br /> l0. Lender in Possession. Upon acceleration undez paragraph 19 or a4�,�i;donment ui;th� Pro�,�a-t*�, Lender (in
<br /> person,by agent or by judieialty appointed receiver)s:�Gll be er►titled to enter u�on. 1a}:e p�ssessian ct�d manage the
<br /> Property and to collect the tents of¢he Property inclu�ing thase past due Any rents c�!lectt�by Len�T or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied.Grst to paymenE of the cc�stti of management af the Pmperty and c�1l:ctiun af rents, including, but n��t
<br /> limited to, recei��er's fees, prem�ums n� receiver's bonds and rea.tipnG�ite•attc�mey:'f�s,.�nd•tlr�n to the s�ms secnred by
<br /> this Security Instrument. "
<br /> 21.Reconveyanee.L'p�r.payment of all sums sec:ared by thss SecunE�+lnstn.m��st.Lender s6a11 re,;���est Tru�tee to �
<br /> recon��ey the Properiy and shaU surrender this Secunt�-Znstrumer.t and al)nott�:��:;�encing debt sec�rc�i[�_:this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property��•i9h��ut n�rransy end R�ith�ut c?�,���e to the p��>>n nr persans , .
<br /> legally entitted tu it.Such person or persons tihall pay anf•:ecordatirm coyt�.
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Lender,at its option,mzp fmm tim:ta tien:•re�nn�•e Trustee and appoint a s.0�.essor trustce , •
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hece:a--.�er by an instrument rec��rded ir,th�cs�unt}�sn u•hich this Security Instrurr,_-.r is�ecarded.
<br /> Without convevante of the I�r:,�eRy,the successor trustee shall��xeed tc,all the title,power and duties�.;,�ferred up�n
<br /> Trustee herein aad by�app:i��i;:(aw. �
<br /> 23. Request Por No�fces. Borrow-er requests that copies��S'tlt:: notices of default an�3 sale be Sent to Aorrower s
<br /> addr�,s which is the Property A.iidress. � '_
<br /> 24.Riders to this Security lnstrument.lf one ar more riders are execute:t t:� Harraw•er and recard�,�3 ta�oether with '
<br /> this Security Instrument.the cavenants and agreements of each such rider�hall he incc�rpotst ed ir�t�and sl?a11 amend and
<br /> supptement the covenants and agreement. of thit Secunty instrument as �f the rider(s) wPre a part c� this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument.[Check app3icable box(es))
<br /> _ � Adjustable Rate Rider � Condaniinium Rider ,^, 2-ai Fa�r�1_ Rider _� :
<br /> � Graduated Payment R�d�t �� Planncd Unit Dcvclapmcnt ::idcr �
<br /> ❑ CJ�hcr�sl (specify] '
<br /> Bv Sl�;hitvc; HE�.�►w, Horr�u•er accepts and agrces t�+ the term� and covenants contamed in this Security
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by A��rrau•erand recc,rded a•�th it
<br /> �. �j � �,�[,.
<br /> --����"�`',i�/�4 �...�'!�'.............. ..(Seal)
<br /> .............................................................. ............. ..... .. . �, ............ .. . �3i...... . .
<br /> James �dartin Barrett —ao��oWe�
<br /> l
<br /> ........................................ .......................... .. ..... ... .. . . . . ... .................. ..................................................(Se�i)
<br /> —f3mrowcr
<br /> 5t411 t�i Nt 11lt�\Sk4. W821 ( �nn�t�• ,�:
<br /> On thi� 13th dt�y ��f f�larch . ���9G . h�.�i"�,rr n�i•. rl�r un�icr���nc.l. �t tiE�tar� Ihihl��
<br /> duly�cum�n,.�im�rd�ind c+aalif�cd fc>r�tn�l re�unty,����r�nn,,ll� Eamc James ��lartin Barrett, an unmarried �- ----°_
<br /> p0T50n - , 1��II1C ���I�L��I IE1 h�' Ihi•
<br /> id�ntirt�l pt�P�on��) ��ho�r na�tiul�) arc• ,uh,rtihc�l tn thr t��iei•uii�E• in.trurircni .tnil .��Aii���tilr�tE•�it th� c��••_nh�,n
<br /> thcreo6 tv h:• hlS �ulunt:.uti :i�t .�nd circct.
<br /> �ti'itnr�ti m} h,uict a��c�n��t:ina!�cal at Grand Island. Nebraska +ri ��iui,�,nnr.. ih, �
<br /> c�.,t��:czr::=h�c3.
<br /> �
<br /> � �t -c�n►�n���t� cxp�rr.: �/. ��. ��_� `� � ���
<br /> f, /
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