— , __ ____ _ :s—ttr .
<br /> :w,t.►.�r,L,aa•::v< . ' �as`�l1'�'�c� � t.•�_'-:trite..Nt�- �c5.srclv.�i�'"�ic►c%.�i`e'�.i�lG.�AI,.�A,..._
<br /> �i . ��`. .�;.t„�.•�_r,,,� _ ...�iJw-.�:�,sf�E.z:..•.�tt � �• `htSL�F?aZ1�17:-i+!. �y��� b "ti -s - ---_-
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<br /> •_____. -- ` � �
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<br /> [SQace Abor_Ths uns For Retcr6r�0 Dm) `
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> THtS DEEO Ci- '�'�UST f'Secar:ry insh+�merr��1��nadi ra*• i�?arch 8
<br /> t9 90 . ,�aswstor i� 4lillia�. -' Hane�� a-d I�� '�=e Hanev husbanct•an� Li�fP
<br /> �"3orrower`ry. TAe Wstes ts [dame•L. Millsap
<br /> ' ('Trustee'�. The benefldary�S
<br /> FLEET ridRTGAGE CORP. . whkh Is or�anixed�nd�dstl�tg
<br /> un��r ttte taws at the State of Rhade Island ,artd whoss sddress b 125 E. 1Jells Street„
<br /> Milwaukee, tJisconsin 53202 �"�a�dd�.
<br /> 8crowar owes lender the prin::�t.sum ai Fif ty-Six Thousand Six Hundred and no/lUOths----------_�__
<br /> ---------------~- ---Dopara(U.S.i Sb,600.00 1. Thia deM Is evide�:ed by 8ortower's note
<br /> dr:�ri the aame d�te�s this Sewrity InsWment("Noie'�,which proviQes tor monthy payrtNnts, vritb th�f1�1 debt,H not paid aarYer. due �
<br /> �nd payabie on NCarch 1 ZO15 -- -- '
<br /> Thls Sac:ujtty(ss�,�ur..eni aecures to Lendes:(�)repayment of the debt erWenced by tA�Nots, with 9r�tAresl. and a�reaew�is, �'�ansbns
<br /> �n� e.^.a�;fi�::cr,s; (b�the payment o!tll olher aums, wRh interest, ad+raneed under pu�praph 7 C�x protect the securky of rhis Security
<br /> tnatra�ran� �tttd(ca th2 pettormance o1 Bortowed'e covens^��and apreemer►ta. Fa thts purpos�. 8ortawer frrevocabty qrtnts�nd convey�
<br /> to T�ustae,in t�ust,with pawer oi sate,the foltowtny des�raed propMy focat2d h Ha12 County, Nebraskr.
<br /> 5
<br /> :a certain part of the Sout:� �wen��r Acres of the West Half of the Sauthvest
<br /> Quatter of Section Thirty-Three, T�wnship Twelve, yoet�, Range Nine. t,�e3t of � ��`
<br />, the Sixth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, mare particul.arly described as follo��rs: • �*
<br /> Beginning at a point o�n the South line of said Souti� Tcaenty Acres of the West
<br /> Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section Thirty-three, which point is
<br /> 329.9 feet West ot the Southeast-carner of said Soutt� Twenty Acres, running
<br /> thence North para31e1, of the East I<fne o£ said Sout:� Twenty Acres, 660.3 feet,
<br /> running thence �,lest, paral'el t� t�:e South line of �aid Twenty Acres 131.9 fee�; , -
<br /> running thence 5outh, pata'�lel to the Cast Linc of �aid Saut: Twenty Ac:es,
<br /> 6b0.3 fee[ ta a poinC on the South L1ne of Said South Twenty Acres; th�nce ' �
<br /> running F.ast upon and alon� the South J.ine of said Tc:enty Acres, 131.'"� feet to -
<br /> the actua2 point of beginnin�.
<br /> whlch has the�dl:ess o1 at. l , Box 177 Grand Island
<br /> 6�$��1 �' veet m •
<br /> lVebnska . o� (.AropeRy Addross'y:
<br /> :°=__=—--
<br />, 7�GETHER Y11TH all improvemeMS now or hereafter erected on the Gr�perty,e�C att easaner.'s.�tghts, appuRenances, rente, royallles, .
<br /> c�ir.eral,oil.a;�W�as Nghts end profts.wate►righta,and stock and a7 r"u.a.ra� now or hereefin�a�sr.n ol the property. AM reptecements
<br /> ez�aQditiona s`�N be covered�y thb Securiry Instrument. All 01 the 4cregoir.g i���tYred to in 2;r>>Security fnstnrment�a ths "PropeAy."
<br />: L�£iRO1Ni'E3�COYENANYS that 8arrower 1�lavAully scisrd ot the estate hsrety�nvtyed and hee ihe�iqht to�enf end convey the
<br /> Properry an���t'the Property i�unencumbered, oxeapt lar encum6ranaes of record. Bortower w�rt�nt3 and wi116etertd genenly tho tiUe � ty�
<br /> � to the Proper?f a�ainst es ctaim�end demande, aubjoct to any encumbrances ot record, ��
<br /> 1N15�CURITY IN5Tf1UMENT cambinas unitorm tavenants tor nnUonal uso and non-unfiortn eovrnant�v�itb I:mited variats'ons by j+;ris• ��
<br /> i dic!,�on to constitute�unilorm socuriry ln5tru�ent couering real property. ���
<br /> ,_
<br /> tprm YJ2D�l;Fi)►1tCilASM Sny^;0 fErr.�i�LPI.IR/�m�J.0 UH�iOHfd t4;it+��W!�r�i �� .
<br /> hQ je t ;�4
<br /> �•-„y t,n ,:,a/J7, �)�J 1[! "
<br /> �
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