. . ..
<br /> �. �L� 1'-.�4 `il,s'. ,-�. �.s ':;r�vlati�,..y_i•ir;:'�:.<� '`�y.+"Y".-. _ . .t2��� ,S.}5� -'t+Ct� .ii::" _t•;'- ....aK� �. , _ ..��. ,.ps,•�3
<br /> _�tar�'Yh�1�� rS-a.. �S �• � ��`�h�e["'. � -'}. r� �` r '..�. e=� _<..t .5;::, yY ..
<br /> _° _ ���i��� 4 .'l ` ��S � ;4 ��`' �- �''` , ; '• �.r.. :�t' +.w��.;s�li.'�"'��i +�y�t��:,'�
<br /> � ������,.rc, ��
<br />. _�"_�___d_�_._.,_:�C��_ � ~1 :i"' 'is� __ 'Eaki�"�C-�.1�' ..�,.:�'t t���S1�M�r'�V�3�
<br /> ' . • � . -___ ' �
<br /> �^ 3, .
<br /> � _�� —. _- -�- . _- _.�-_�._.— --_— -- - —,,:,��- ---— -- - �.—_ - - __---- - _----•-{'�l--•......-
<br /> � _� 4�� ��- �135� Nuftman and fdton 8 Wolt,Waltan.Ht fi8461 ik
<br /> . r�
<br /> :{ i'i
<br /> � tF ' � '� .
<br /> �� ��
<br /> f� : UAIIIEL D. ROC1C A!W SW�1�W p. ROCK, Nusband and Ni¢e, each in his and her own rigf►t �
<br /> s{ and as spouse of� each otiter , Grantor, whether one or more, ��
<br /> ;f +
<br /> '� !
<br /> !` . in consideration oi THIRTY TFH)USAtID A[iD NO/100Y�fS DOLLARS-------------(s30,000.00)------ �
<br /> ,( ; ,
<br /> , ,
<br /> , ' � ---------------------------------- , receipt of which is hereby ac�cnowledged, convey�to i
<br /> �� � QAYID L. S7AR�STKA attd DANNr R. STARO�KA ,G�antees, �
<br /> {i ; �._ ;�
<br /> j� ' as joint tenants and not as tenants in.car.nmqrr�th� fallawing deacribed real eatate(as defined ,;
<br /> f �
<br /> �j ' in Neb. R�v. �:at. � ?6-20!) in I}�3T Caunty.Nebraska: i�
<br /> � �:
<br /> . . i� Part of La� Nine (9) of Lhe County Sub�iavi$�on of th� South Half (SZ) of the �� ,
<br /> Sout�ea�st. ��arter (SE�;) of Section �ff.�cen (16�, in T��mship �leven (11), North ;�
<br /> ` Ranqe tiir�� (9) West of the Sixth P.(�.. r:ore particularTy described as follows,
<br /> � • ta-wit: CormRencing at a point on �h� Easterly boundary line of said Lot Nine (9� �
<br /> • ��' H�S3Ch �J01t?� �S One Hun�red Three Feet (1Q3) fiortherly from the Southeasterly i ;
<br /> ; �; corner af said lot, running thence Westeti•ly para11e1 with the Southerly boundary
<br /> ,� iine of said 1ot for a distance .of Sixty-six Feet (G6) running thence Northeriy �
<br /> {�arallel with the Easterly houndary lin� of said lat for a distance of �ix�y- '
<br /> �' nTne feet (69), running �hence Ea�t�ray parallel �r�ith ti�e Southerly bon��3ry ��
<br /> � iine of said lo�, for a distanc� o� �i�xty-six feet (6�j to the Easterly �oundary �(
<br /> ;1 line of ��id lot, running tlienc� Sau�y,erly along and uRan the Easterly boundary :,; "
<br /> _ �� line of ��rd lot, for a distance of Stxty-nirr� feet tf9� to the plac� of bec�inntng. �� ' .
<br /> l� EXCEPTIfJ� a certain tract therefram as recorded sn Deecf in Book 95, Page 68, in the � �
<br /> �f Register a€ Deeds 4ffice, all in Hail Count,y, f�ebra3ka� If ,
<br />, �� �� ' �
<br /> ;I i -
<br /> {I Grantor covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Granteea that Grantor: � , _
<br /> ! , i --
<br /> ! '
<br /> l ►; :
<br /> ,' (1> is lawfulty 5eised of such real estate and th�st it i:� frf�r. f'r��m encumbrances c;uhj<rc�t t��easementt;, � ��
<br /> i reservatinn�;, covenants�nd reytricti��nx��f re�•urd ;
<br /> i ,
<br /> i; I2) has legal powes and �awful authority ta conve�y the =,:me; � i
<br /> �� � � '' 1.
<br /> , (3) warranta and will defend thf� title to the reai .•state aga�nst the lawful claims v£a21 persons. ' `��
<br /> i� ,�
<br /> �� Executed: .,,,,, S:�arCtl .12 . �Q� ! •
<br /> .................. 1 ...... i� .
<br /> �� � ;I '�-".
<br /> � !' I�:cu,r�.i..�_.�._..��. .�C�l3�t 1�c�::1.......... ....���1Q.`c,rrua...ic. ..Gj��tc..�................ � � .
<br /> �; DAtliE1 D. ROCK SHAUIJR U. ROCK i
<br /> � : 5tate ot .Nebraska................................... .............................................................. i
<br /> 1 � County ot .��.�1................... �)
<br /> � / i
<br /> ;'� The toregoing instrument was acknowledged before rne an � ,`j� � ��
<br /> ; ............��/..��.:,,[.. ..�.............. ; .
<br /> ;� by ....Uaniel _D: Rock and, Shauna U.. P.oek, Husi�and and 'vJife . , �i
<br /> ..... .. .... . . . .. . .
<br /> : '� ��MIiM�� .....�:���-ra.:8.:.��i. ..Z:....... !�
<br /> . E ,, s���r�: o� �v�8�sx�a► �� _ % � ;i
<br /> .. County .... ........... �� !� -- _-�
<br /> i� 04 ................. . ;
<br /> :-- _=
<br /> �� ;r '
<br /> �' �� Filed for record and entere@ in Num�rical Index on .................................... �
<br /> i; .......... �
<br /> :i: et ..... o'clvck .....M.. and recarded in I)�Prl 4�pCnrc� .�..................•-. . p�ge ....._............ ;� �----
<br /> '; By� Cnur;.y or 1JeputyCountyClerk.......•...•............ i
<br /> L RE{;i&:��r oY �ec�;� or Ue�uty fi,eE;ister af I)eeds !
<br /> ' i �
<br /> � ���
<br /> � ...-
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<br /> �... .
<br /> F_�S'. '..' , _
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