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<br /> 90= i 0135 5
<br /> 1•P�yret�i of Pr[acipai,Interest aad Lyte Cturpe. �orrower shall pay when due the principal of, attd interest on,the debt
<br /> evidenccd by the Note and tate charges due+ender the Note.
<br /> 2.llfnat�ty Piy�aeats ot Tues.InsIInace ead Other CAarges.�orrower sha11 include in each monthiy payment,cvgether with
<br /> r the principal and interest as set forth in the Hote and any late charges.an installment of any(a)ta�ces artd special assessments
<br /> � ;evied or ta br levied agaiast the Property. tb) leasehold payments or ground renu on the Propercy.and(c)p�-emiums for
<br /> insuraarr rcquired by ParHgraph 4.
<br /> � Each monthly installment for items(a),(b)and(c)sbafl equal on�-twelfth of the annual amounts,as reason�bly estimated by
<br /> Lender.pIus an amount sufficient to maintain an additionai batance af not more thctn one-sixth of the estimated amounts.Thc
<br /> full annual amount for eac6 item sha{I be accumutated by Lender witivn a geriod endang one montb before an item would
<br /> become delibquent.Leader shaf!hold the amou�sts coliected in trnst to pay items(a),(b)and(c)bcfore they become delmquent.
<br /> If at any time the total of the paymcnts he!d by Lender for items(a),(b),and{c),tugcther witi�the future mohthly payrstents
<br /> for such items payabie to Lender prior to[he due dates of such items,exceeds by more than onr-sixth the estimated amount of
<br /> payments required to pay such items whea due,and if payments on the riate are current,then Leader shai!eicher ref�nd the
<br /> txetss aver one-sinth of the estimated payments or c�edit the excess over.oae-sixth of the esdmated payments to subsequent
<br /> payments by Borrower,at the aption of Barrotiver.[f the[otal of the paymenu made by Borrower fo:item{a),(b),or(c)is
<br /> insufficient to pay the item when due.[hen Borrower shall pay to Lender anq amount necessary to maice up the deficiency on or
<br /> before the date the item becomes dur_
<br /> As used in this Security Instrutnent, "Secretary"means the S�:�*; c;Fiousing an� �)tban Devetopment or his or her
<br /> designet.Most Security Instruments insurcd 6y the Secretary aze i=,�<-�.---*�programs which require ad��ance payment of the
<br /> rntire mortgage insurance premium.If this Seeurity Instrument is cr:.::s i��sre+i under a proo am a�hieh did nat require advance
<br /> payment of the entire martgage isisurance premiuta,then each moetk�iy Faynteret shall atso inciude either:(i)an instaltment of the
<br /> annua)mongage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Gecretary, or(iiy a�nonthly charge instead of a mortgage
<br /> iasurance premium if this Security [nstrument is held by the���a.ry..Each monthlq installment of the rnortgage i���rance
<br /> premium shall be in an amount suffcient to acevmulate the fuil�r.:ial mortgage insurance premium with Lender en��onth
<br /> Secret o the date the 6u11 annua!mortgage insurance premium is du�to the Secretary,or if this Security Instrument is E-ie?-.:by the
<br /> arY. each monthly charge shall be in an amaunt equal to one-twelfth of one-half percent of the outstandirtg �rineipal
<br /> balance due on the Note. •
<br /> If Borrower tenders to�ender the full payment of al!sums secured by this Security lnstrument.Borrower's account�halt be
<br /> credited witb thc balance remaining for all installmenu for ite^�s (a). (b) and (c)and any mortgage insurance �r�.ium
<br /> installment that Lender has not 6ecome ubligated to pay[o the Secretary,and Leader shall F-omptly refund a�y excess far.ds to
<br /> Borrower. Immediately ptior to a foreciosure sale of the Property or its acqu:sitipa 6y Leader. Bpr�ower's account shatt i�:
<br /> credited with any bat2nce remaining for all installments for items(a),(b)and(c�_
<br /> 3.Applkxdon ot Pay�ments.All pay�enents under paragraphs t a��2 sF.ali�e arY:ied&; yender ac follows:
<br /> IR to the mongage insuranee premium to tre paid by i,ende:to t!:e Secretar-ar to�hs-�onthly ehar�e by the Secret�ry
<br /> insiead of the rnonthJy mongage insurartce premium,untess Bonower paid the entire mon�ase insurance premium when c:sis
<br /> Security iastrument wy.signed;
<br /> SECOND,to any ta�c:.-,special assessments.le,sehold paymcnts or ground rents,and�ire. flood and other hazard insurance
<br /> premiums,as require3�
<br /> TH[RD,to interest�ue under the Noce;
<br /> FO11ItTH,to amartization of the Drincipal of the Note;
<br /> FiFi'M,ta.late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> 4.Fin.Flood�nd Qcjser H��rd lesurnnce.Borrawer shall insure all imprc•.e-:ents on the Property,whether now in existence �
<br /> or subsequently erect�,against any hazards,casu�_r.e,.and eontingencia,ir.c:.:c`�g�re.for which Lender requires insurance. ��
<br /> This insurance sha1I �e maintuintd in the amoLn*.s and for the �eriods that Leader requir�s. Bnrrower shap also insure all ; "'
<br /> impravemcr.ts an the Propaty,whether naw ia P�s.ence or subse��ently erect�d,against los-s�y f7aods to the extent required by
<br /> ihe Secret;�ry.r3�t en�srance shall be carried aith rumpanies appraved by LenCer.The insur�_ce policies and any renewals sha11
<br /> be hetd by Lend;.r artd shaJ1 includt toss payabte ctaoses in favm of, and in��cr^�acceptabJe to.Ler.der.
<br /> In the event of lass,Ba�rower shall give l,ender immediate notice by mail.Lcnder may make proof of'loss if not made Esrompt-
<br /> fy by Borrower.Each insurance company concerned is hereby au�F•�-ized and directed to make payment for such los9 d:r�tly ta
<br /> Lender.instead of to Horrower and to I.ender joindy.Ap or any G,:.�of the insurance proceeds may be applied by I,ender,at is
<br /> option, either(a}to the reduct+an of�he indebtedne55 under tir�: 4ote and this Security /nstrument, first to any delinquent �_,.�•
<br /> amounts appiied in the order in Pssragraph 3. and ihen to prep�;�ca:ef rr:ncipal. ur(b)to�he restoration or repair of Ihe
<br /> Gamaged propeny.Any applicatiun of the proceeds to the principal shalt not e7,;end or postpone the due date i�f the monthly .;.F
<br /> payments whicb are refened to in Puragrapb 2.ar change the amount uisucts�a;rents.Any excess incurance pra:eeds over an
<br /> amount required to pay all outstancling indebtedness under the Note and this Gec;:::ty Instrumeat shall be paid to the entity�legal-
<br /> ty entiUed thereto.
<br /> In the event of forectosure of this 5ecurity instrument or o�her transfer ef title ro the Proper:y that cxtinguishes the iu-
<br /> debiedness.all right,tiile and interest of Borrov�cr �n a�id to insurance policies �n force sh�:l pass to the purchaser.
<br /> 5. PreservaUos aed Malnten�ice o! Ihe P�operty� I,eayeholds. Uorrower �.halt nat curr�mit waste or destroy, damare or
<br /> sobstantially char.�e the Properiy or altow Ihe F'ruperty to detcr:uratc. rcasonable wrar an� tear excepted. Lender may insp;�r.
<br /> the property if the property is vacAnt or abandoned or the loan`s in default. l,ender may take reasonable action tn protect and
<br /> preserve such vzcant or aban�.�n;d property.If this Security lnstrument is on a leasehold,Barrower shall comply»ith the pr�vi•
<br /> sions af the Itase. lf Borrower ncquires fee title tn the Nroperty,the teasehold and fec title shall no�be merged unlcss I.eitder
<br /> egras to the merger in writing.
<br /> b•C�u�es to aorrower�ed Pratectlae ot Lender's R1�6ts ie Ihe Proyerty,parrower shall �
<br /> pay all gove�nmental or rnunicipal
<br /> chugee.fines nnd impositions that ure not included in Paragraph 2. Borrower thall pay these nbligaaions an time dirn:tty lo�he
<br /> entity whlsh is owed the payrrt-nt.If failure�v pay w•o�td adversely affect l.ender's interest in ihe Pruperty,upon Z,cndcr's re-
<br /> quest BottaweT shall prumptly furnish to l.ender reeripts evidencing thcse payments.
<br /> 1►Bonower faits tn make these payments or the payments reyuired by Patagraph 2,or fails t�-►pertorm nny ather c��venants�nct .-----=-=--
<br /> agreements cnntained in this Security lastrumen�,or there is a leg�►1 proceeding that rnay significantly affect l.cuder'�►igius in
<br /> the Proptrty�such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation or toenforce laws�t regulalions),then Lender may duuud
<br /> pay whatever is necesaary to protect the value c•f the Propeny and Lencler's rrghts in the Nrc�perty, induding paymeru�f ta±�e�,
<br /> hazard insurance and other items mentiuncd in Paragtaph Z.
<br /> Any emaunts disbursed by lender unsler this Par�ranh shafl 6erom��n a���ana!1eh!�:[ia:ra=acr arrd IK:�;urcu��y iiii� }
<br /> SRVriry irtstrument. t7tese ainounts shalt beat �nterest irom the c!ate ot disbursement,at the Note ratc, �ind at thc opi'r�,n of �
<br /> t endet�shall be irnnte�iacely due�nd payable. ��.
<br /> �•CtisQeauWos.Y he pru:eeds of any aHard ur claim fur darnages,dtrect ot cunsryuemiai.�n cua�nc�ti�m ti��th�uy rundem
<br /> nation ur aEher tuking��Pany part nf the PropersX,or f��t c�nveyance in place ot conderunalivr�,are herehv:ic.�g�teJ��uc!�h�ill he �
<br /> paid tn t,en:ler t�the crtcnt nP�h�ful)Umuum of the indeb�pdnc�s that remains un�aui undrr thc tie,te and rhi•5c�r:rn•tn,tru- ��"-�
<br /> ment. Lender ehaU npply such�,r�xeecEs tv thr reducle��n e�f N�e indebtedriess undet the Nute a��cl thic�;F�w�t p intitrument ter�t�.� �
<br />, any de6nt�uer.t atnnunta,irrl�eed in the ordt:prr�o�dcJ in Paragr�ph 1.�n�then ru��rc�iymer.t c,f prtn,��,:ll. AIIY i1��I1C8llhn��t ��
<br />. the rro:�td; tn ehc priu�i�a! ct�alE n��t cxtcnJ �*r t.oc�pun�the Auc ��tc ,f Ihe m�m'hiy pJrit:cnt�. «ht�h:ftt �t•fclrr<� u� �i� . ;
<br /> !'ata�uipt�l.at ch�nv-"%°��^<<ti�ttY�1f SttcPt h.�Srt:entc htiy etc ec:preaeeels��.er an.a�u�e:ut ;cquirei#!�.�•a� ��i!�•uE:-m:d:���n .
<br /> c?�bte�necc �;RQet tflr ti��tc.tt.0 thls'4r:ut�ty Inefruttten! .hali tiC pa�cD;,�the rul:•ti Ic::,�llv�•n�.•!cd r�e�cr��
<br /> �. �ttb. I cnuct it�.�: i��l.`ci! }ic�.:f�id.t�;�rF�c.e�irhnt�n•d hy?ht 4�:�.,,�r:
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