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<br /> �,j.r��,�d/r~���.,� %�s,�. �,�� ��_j
<br /> Plat of a tract of land comprisfng part of the South
<br /> Half of the Northwest Quarter (S� NW}) of Sectfon Tbirteen
<br /> ( 13j. Townohip Te�a (10) North. Range Nine (9) West of the
<br /> 6th P.M. ia Hall Ceunty. Nebraska. more particularly described
<br /> as follows:
<br /> Begfnning at a point or� the west line of said Section ,
<br /> Tbirteen (13� , sald pcirat being Six Hundred Seventy Three, r
<br /> and Saventy Four Hundredttss (673.?4) fee� north af th� southw�st �
<br /> corner of said Norttnw�st Quarter (NW�); 4hence northerly ;��;�
<br /> along the weat lfne of 8afd Section Thirteen ( 13) . a distance � . ,
<br /> of Sfx Huadred 6c�ty Eigtat and E3gbty OAe Hundredtbe f648.81p �
<br /> feet to tha no�thaest corr�er of said South Half of the Ptic�rthwest ' ; �
<br /> :.. �, . ..
<br /> Quurter (S� R'�V})i thonce ��aterly along slae north l ine �f ,
<br /> said South H�lf of the Northwest Quarter (S� Nk]}), a d3stance �, . �►��
<br /> of T1vo Thouoand One Hundred Sev�nty One and Ninety One Hundredths � '�
<br /> (2.1?1.91) fect; tbence deflecting righ� Rl° 34' 38u and running
<br /> southarly� r� dietance af �fx Hundred TtaYr�y and Twen��; One
<br /> liunda�adtha f630.21) feet; thence deflecai2�g right 87 59' 14��
<br /> aaad running westerly. a distance af Two "s`houeand One Hundred .
<br /> Fitty Two and Ninety Three Hundredtha (2,152.�i3) feet to ;
<br /> tbe plsa� of b�ginning and coutafning 31 .?3? acres more or , �
<br /> 1eos. -
<br /> I hereby cer�i,fy thst to tho best of my knowledge aad
<br /> belief, the accompanying plat !s from an accurste eusvey
<br /> of !be deacribed proparty m�de undar my evperviaion.
<br /> ,
<br /> � U• �-�t.t.i
<br /> �E��d • +;++. Gharles B. BCes L.S. 192
<br /> ��r„�:I������ ...__----.
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<br />. ��:�l0 1" -: 4UU' - -- -- - - --L�E-teNl�AFt1' l_U, I44() `�
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