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STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />United States of America, } ss. Secretary of State <br />State of Nebraska } State Capitol <br />Lincoln, Nebraska <br />I, John A. Gale, Secretary of State of the <br />State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that <br />ZAMAM PROPERTIES, L.L.C. <br />a(n) Nebraska Limited Liability Company organized on February 19, 2014 <br />filed a Statement of Authority on June 1, 2017. <br />I further certify that attached is a true and correct copy of the above <br />mentioned Statement of Authority. <br />This certificate is not to be construed as an endorsement, <br />recommendation, or notice of approval of the entity's financial <br />condition or business activities and practices. <br />In Testimony Whereof, <br />I have hereunto set my hand and <br />affixed the Great Seal of the <br />State of Nebraska on this date of <br />June 1, 2017 <br />201703788 <br />46 (.„ <br />Secretary of State <br />