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<br /> t�SS"LG!v7�'r'11 4F TRI;ST DEEU ����., ��-"��
<br /> � I�NOW ALL 'rtEis Bz Tii£S� PR�.S�:;�TS, T1�ri.L sf« Qverland Na[i�nal Bank of Gr�nd Islana,
<br /> a corporatfon, the �arty of the firsE part, in consider�tfon of the sum af Thirty-s�ven
<br /> , thousand and no/�00---------------------------------- Dnl2ars, to it fR hatid p�fd by
<br /> � First Coamerce hiortgage Com�a� a Corporatfon, the party of the
<br /> second part, recefpt whereof fs hereby ackren►I.edged, has grante�, as�i.gtied and
<br /> transferred a�ad, by th8se �rtesents does gran�, assign and trans€er unto f�s successnrs
<br /> an� assigns� a certain Trust Ueed wheg2in the safd TLhe Uverland Hation�l Bank of �rand
<br /> Is2an� is Beaeficfary, Julie F. Litt�e, a sin�Ie pe�son, Fred B. Caok 6 Leona M. Cook
<br /> is Trustor, amd t3ationaL Bank cf Ccmmerc� Txu3C� and Savings Assaciatfon is Trustee,
<br /> which Trust L+eed was dated tiie 9�h 4�3J 4f March , 19 g0 , and recorded the
<br /> 12th-�_-.. day of Marr-h , l��c�, as Documerez Ncs.gn_1�� ��7 of the MORTGAGE
<br /> .. Recards o€ I��11 Ccunty, 1L'N�raska and aII its rfght, [itle and fnterest to.
<br /> the property tl�ereia describ�d, a�s fallows, to-wft:
<br /> Lot FifCeen (15), ICeZ*_ish i�ilZs Su�rii�ision, located in the South
<br /> Half of the N�rthwest �Quart�:�,+_� tlz,: �c:cthr�I w.�l�. Quarter {S�h'4T�S4J�)
<br /> of Secticn Twenry Tive E�-).; Tc;�-�_�i� ��s�,_:�. +�I1) :Vorth, Range Ten
<br /> (10) iJest a� th� 6*h: P,.ti:, •13iail Cc,r;u.:.�~-, :ti�e�:c��'•_ti,?.
<br /> Tag�t{ter with the promissory tcste t::ercyia described, a�s� the money due or io
<br /> become due thereunder, including intereat t�:�a_•-•�n, subject on?.- eo the provisions
<br /> of said Trust Deed there in contained.
<br /> LN WITNESS 4THL-�?EOF, The Overland Naticnn2 Ra:�k vf Grand Islar�d, a corporation,
<br /> has caused this Assignment n� Tru�t Deed to h� executed by its __President , � r=
<br /> and attested by its Sr. �t�.cutive Vice Pre�fdent , and its c�rporate seal to be
<br /> hereunto affixed Chis 9th �ay of March , 14 90 . '
<br /> ;�`::
<br /> •�,:Y�
<br /> , Tlie Ov�riznd tion�l H�nk of Grand Island, .
<br /> ' a corpo a an :.;�,:
<br /> sy: -�� GJ. � �e s
<br /> • � Robert A. Piorris
<br /> „ � AtteCt �� .( 7.'s�� � �" C. ii.�� - � �,
<br /> Thoncas H. Fausch `.�..
<br /> �S'ff�iB UF N�nRASKA ) '
<br /> )SS ;��.
<br /> CCillNSY OF Hall ) �
<br /> U�� thie 9th day of Mar�h . ]9 90 ., '��fore rnc a notary public duly ,.
<br /> commis�:ioned :►nd ��;��:iifi.c�d in �nd f��r �aid county an�' state, perGr,nally came the ahovF
<br /> Robert A. :4orris . _ ____ __ � ,
<br /> Rnd Thomas H. Fausch �f 7'he Uverl ai�d Nat l.�na l S�hnk �f
<br /> � Grand I�lund, who are perFOn:illy known to me t� be ttte identical �+err:on� wltase name5
<br /> r::��e .�f fixed Lo the above Assi};nment OF TYl1fiC i�n:'.d �s t1e Yresident
<br /> -- _ - - - --
<br /> a°'�i 5r. Fxecutive Vi.ce Pt'esident uf. <�:.;�1 �vrpc�ratton anJ thc�}t .1CICflOW�E(If;C the
<br /> " in=.C~uaienC Ca be ttieir voluntary nct and dec�,'.' ..^:1 the voluntary .�ct and dced of said
<br /> ` :.•c.r�c raticr.�.
<br /> ; WITNL•'SS my h�nd and of f icia] ��•�>I .�t Crar.d T;lahd. Nebr�ska in �:r�id
<br /> � e•�suntp, the d<yte afvres�s fd. ��u�� �`�
<br /> ' ,� , y„ �1 f� - _>__�- __
<br />.. � " �,«-���--�•-�t`- ";�; �/( ��� .
<br /> . � Nutary Publir �°__�._ _
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<br /> Y�i1t L!!ClII,ER ~
<br /> � ItE'LUlti4 'PU: w��af�Nw l5 1993 ���*
<br /> Grnnd .Hlund Abstract stt
<br /> 1'.i1. tic,x f�"l7 �`'�
<br /> i;rund It:l acrid. '�f: F;Akti1 �t����
<br /> �s
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