,o- i� . � --- . _ .. .
<br /> _ r. �<in ::'f2-�`� `i:•, .r�� ,n, ri�•S. .;yu:ri�: :Z.n' � +sY'-- „s- .i�'",:,,3a;' �n,.�t> 1 -
<br /> '�"i-`� 'i:.N° <'4: q �i�.y ���:�,�,`��t y {,; y�.� ::�..,_�,•:,l. ��t�``y`4.. �c�}�1i'-" - _ ¢ �.�i'���`i%F .ti :a5 F...rs��f =
<br /> =--�i�[�i.rJC:�4�..,.Ss�r� �. �'�SM'�'f,.`.E54� �Y3ti' '"Jr�"-`..ti1�'� �M��Yei�,. ��f`"ata�t"�^."'°'cr�?'-`'��'�I}���������-- f��s�� ' a.. a,� E4�. -
<br /> ._�.Zt_3E�c�� �a t �. i�,.t ,. s&'�, sa�� « t,��'�.1r�.x�f4e - __
<br /> - '-'--- �� � f .9ri�'E)� ,.. �.- ,-
<br /> � � - �
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> 9�-1�126'� .
<br /> tc) c'eliver �o Trustee a �arit�en
<br /> ` � dec].aratiQn of c�ef�ult ard derr.ard �o� sale,
<br /> and a written notiae of default ar.d elec�ion
<br /> te cause Trustvr's ir,t�rest in the gropertcy
<br /> to be so2d, which notice Tr�tstee si�all cae;:�e
<br /> ta be duly filed for recoxd in the offieial
<br /> records of the county in which the property
<br /> is located.
<br /> 13. Fareciosure b� Potver of Sale. Should Benegieiary elect
<br /> to foreclose by exercise of tihe po�ver of sale herein contained, �
<br /> Beneficiary shall notify Trustee and s��all c�epo�it with Trustee
<br /> this Deed of Trust and the note and stach receipts ar.d evidence of
<br /> expenaitures made and secured herel�y as Trustee m�y require, a�nd
<br /> upon request of the Berae£iciary, the T�custee sY�all filE for
<br /> recvrd� in the Register of Ueeds� office ir. the Coun�y w�aere the
<br /> proger�y is located, a notice of default, setting farth th� naja�
<br /> af t&� '"rustor, the Eook and Page o_ Document No. of this Deed of �
<br /> Trust as recorded in said Register of �+�eds office, the Iegral
<br /> description of the a�o*re-d�scribed real Fs¢ate and that a breach
<br />. of an db2i5a�ion, fe� which said real �;7�-�tR was conveyed as
<br /> sec��yty, has occurr�d, and spttiAg f���h tlnr_- nature of sueh
<br /> breaclz and the Tru��ee's �l�ction �a s�ll the real estate to
<br /> satisfy the obligation; and �fter the la�s� of not less than one
<br /> (1) month, the Trustee shall give a�r:itten notice af the time and
<br /> place of sale �r�hich may be betwe�:a 9;00 a.m. a�d 5 p.m. at the
<br /> premisc�s, or at tl�a_ CourthousF in. the Couaty c,•herein sueh � '
<br /> propr�rty is lccate�3,. ��scribing th� property to be sold by it� ' .
<br /> 2egai ?esrri�t3on, said notice to be publi.shed in a newspap�r of
<br /> general circulatz4r: in th� Coun�� 4rherEin such property zs
<br /> locate�, once a we«�-3c for five (5) conseeutive 4r�eks, the last ! • .
<br /> publi��tic►n to h� at least ten (Sa) days, but nat more than .
<br /> thirty (3p) days, Fxior to the sale; and the Trustee shall then �
<br /> sell said prop�rty at �he �ime and place desi.gnated in the .:'.�;;;i�
<br /> nctice, in thr: n�ann�r pravid�3d bp l.a�� in effect at the time o� .
<br /> filing said ncGzc�, a'� public auctS.on to the highest bidder fQr ,���`�
<br /> cash �ad shall deli.vPr to such purchaser a deed to the prop�rt� =
<br /> sold, r_��nsis�E:n� with the lav� in effect at the tima.
<br /> i7»��n rec�ipt af p�yment of the F,ri�E bid, Trustee �ha11
<br /> c?elive�� to the purcliaser, Trustce's ciFed convey.�n� the proper��T
<br /> sc��3. Recitals �n i:he 'Prus�ee's deed �hu?1 be prima facie evi- ' �
<br /> dence cs` �hp tzuth of tt�e statvments made therein. Tru�r�ee shall 5 ��;�"� ,
<br /> s sL�, .
<br /> app..;y th� �rcceeds of the sale in the f.olldwing ordEr: (a) to
<br /> all ze�scnable acs5ts and Expenses af. the sale, including but nat �=�
<br /> limited tc, 'Prustee's feNS of nat .^.iore than 1,5R of the gro�s ' "
<br /> ::ale price, reasonablr. attorney fee:; and casts of title evidenc6;
<br /> lb) to all sums �ecured b�� this D�:Ed nf Z'rust; and tc) the •
<br />� exceas, i.f any, to t:hc p�rsan or. perscr�s legally enti:led
<br /> therESto. Ar,y perscn. ireclud.ing 13�ri�:ficiar.y, may g�urchase saia
<br /> prop�r�y at said �aic.
<br /> The �c�rsan cor.c3uctinq '�he sale may, for any cav�c �2� or sh�
<br /> d�ems expediE�nt, �os"�nonc :.�c s�ale £rvm �ime to time un�i�l it
<br /> sha12 bc completc� t�n�, in every such case, notice of pastpanc-
<br /> ment shall k��� gi��ci7 ��y pUblic declar�tion thereof hy such pers��
<br /> at the time �a�w i:a:.�� 2�st a.�pairited far thE sa�.e; pro��iaed , i{
<br /> �he sale is �c���cr.�� �or �c:�c�r than or.e� fI) day beyor.r? �hG d�°c�
<br /> desiyn�,ted in the :�Q:c�a a£ salE�, :aticc thereof ;;ha11 br gi��r::•.
<br /> in the same mannez• �:s �he oriqina_' r:atice bf sale. '�' "-"
<br /> 14. Kemedies Nc� �xcl.°v.sive. 't'ru.Y.�c and Aen�fiGi�iry, atic3
<br /> �aGh of them, shull. l�e c.T�it1E,c1 to E;I1�UZ'C�' paym�nt ��nd
<br /> perfcyrmanc� nf �+e�y :j,r�ob�odnes� :�, f,�i�lic;�zt�c;s� acct;ret3� h��etr:� ahc3 -
<br /> tcy ��xprcise ��1,l rignts and F�owcrs zinde�r this Uc�ec; c�f '['ru�t or '��
<br /> ui�c�er any lo�in i�istrum�nt or oth�r ��c�re.ement c�r �,ny l��tas tioce o�- �
<br /> � he•re�zftc�r ��r�fr�rc.c:c�, tiOttrl.it}t�t�aJiciltiq somE� oz- �.aZl c�f t.�lE. .i,7►(jf�bt�d-- ' ��
<br /> I1C::�r and r,�I.igatic�n�, ,�ct�z•ed hc:t�:b�� 47I12::h �rt�iy tu>c•� c�r h�rc��if'ttr �� ti�
<br /> c�tt��x��i.��� �c�c:ure�i, whtth�_�r by m'rtc�c�c�E, dc�a�<i c�F tr»st , t�leciqr, ea
<br /> licr., �ssiqr»i�F•t�* c�x c�t:h��ro�i :,e. Nc�i''f�c�r tht� ��,t�-<•I�t��i►�z�• «f tl1i:; s�,��
<br /> 1)€•f_-l� ()4 'rI'ti:;�' titsC itf� i`I:tU�"c't'Trl['Fl� � 47�`l�^i}l�'7 i,';f �CiUI � �1c�j..tt7t: C�1 �
<br />' F,r��:�•U�;�:s !•, Yhr� �ir�wc�r crf �,_:��E� c,� a,lF;F•t j+c,Wr.Y., ',; tt• tri c�t+^?�tlttr�r4, •
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