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<br /> � UNEFU1tM COVENAl�iTS. BOifOSytf iafd I,[iidt� COY[1fi17t iild �IL'C aS fOlIOWS: '
<br /> 1. Ra��t oi eTi�ci�i ri i�lete�t: Pr�eNYee�t �M L,�te �. Sonower shall praQePUY PaY wttea �a:. :,:�
<br /> ` principsD ot and intcraC oe thr debt evideneed �y che Note and any Rrepsymeat and l�te chu�es due uodtr ths Note.
<br /> � 2. F�E$�'�ues�t�see, S�bject tcs sppSicabk f�w vr ta�writtsn waivar Ir�L�►dir. &s�rawer shal,l paY ta
<br /> Lendrr on the day monthiy payments ue dvs under the IYote, untit tAe Note is paid in fuU� a sum("Funds")eqwt to one-
<br /> twrltth of: (s) yeuly tua and aasessments which crt�y attain prioricy over this Security Iastrument; (b} yeuty iqsehold �
<br /> paya►eais or Qosmd rents on tht Froperty. if any; (c)yeuly huud insurance premiumr. snd(d)yeuly mort�e�nsur�ce �
<br /> premiums. if aay. Thsx itemi ue c�lled "escraw items." tiender may estimate 4he Funds due on the basis of currmt da4 : �
<br /> atid reasooabk atitnstes o£future escraw items. '
<br /> — ' 'firc Funds ahall be held in an institutfon t�e deposits or xcauats of which ue�iniurod or guuanteod by �fafenii ae �
<br /> state a�ency(inctudin�Lender if Lender is such.an institutiony. Lender shaU appty the Funds to psy the acrow itans. Lenda :
<br /> - may not ciiar;e for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, un➢ess Lender pays •
<br /> Borrower intcrest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Bonower and Lcader may aaree in
<br /> vrriting that interest sh�ll 6e paid on the Funds. Unless an agrament is mzde or ap�Iicable laW requirts int�rat to be paid,
<br /> Lender snall not be required co pay Borrower any interest or earnir.gs on tha Funds. Lendv shall give to Borrower. without '
<br /> ct�uge, ut annual acconntir,g of the runds showing credits an�1 debits to the Funds and the pur,::he for which eacb dcbit to '.
<br /> the Fuads was made. The Funds are piedged as add'stional security for the sums secured by this Security Instrument. '
<br /> � if the amount af the Funds held by Lender, togethu with the`future monthly payments of Funds payabie prior to t6e
<br /> due dates of the escrow iteau. shall exceed the amount required to pay tAe estrow itetas whcn due, tht excess shall be. at
<br /> � Bonower's option. either promptly repaid to Barro�ver ot credited on monthly payments of Funds. If the amount of the
<br /> Funds heid by Lender is aot suffctent to pay the escrow itsms when due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount
<br /> necessary to make up�he deftciency in onG or more payments as required bv Lender.
<br /> � Upon paymtnt in tnll of all sums secured 6y tfiis Secvs�itg i.�strument. Lender shall promptly refund to B�orrowes any :
<br /> Fuads hdd by Lcsde.r. If uader paragraptt 19 tRe Property ig_�c�� or acquired tsy Lender, Lender sha1J appIy. no latc, than
<br /> iaurtediatety pd�c to the sale of the Property or its acq�:._+�ician Lry Ltnder, any Funds held by L�er at tise time of
<br /> � � application €.s�crcdit against the sums secured by this �-,tsity IAStrument. '
<br /> I3. AapllcatMa af,Psynisets. Unless applicabls la�v gra��i��es osherwise, all payme.nts receic�#. by i.tndtr under
<br /> pua�raDhs 1 aad 2 shaU he appGed: Grst, to late cAau�due under the Note; sccond. to prepaymeat charges due under the
<br /> Note: third, to amouats payable under paragaph�; fcurth, to interest due; and last, to principal dur.. `
<br /> 1. Crat�es: Iie�e. Borrower shall_pay all taaa. assessments. charges. fines and itn�o,'iu�rs attributable to the
<br /> Praperty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or gro�,zd rents. If any. Bonower
<br /> shall pay these ot�ligati�����the manner pravided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that ma.�:�r. Banower shall pay.hem on �
<br /> I time directly to the persesn rnved payment. Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amaur.ts to be paid under .
<br /> . this paragraph. If Bcsrrowz:�.�a�es these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidenci�g the
<br /> , payrtcents.
<br /> � Borrower shall pramDtiy dischargc any lien which has priority over this Security instn►ment untess Borrower:(a��.gcees ' .:
<br /> ! in writing to the paymsnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in go� faith
<br /> � :�
<br /> ! the lien by, or defends¢�t=nforcemenx of the lien in.legai proceedings wfui:� in the Lender's opiniaa operate to prevent � :� �
<br /> ; :�eafarczw�f�t vf the lin of forfeituse of any part af the Prop�rty; or(s) secures from the holde:af the lien an agreement . �: ;.!�
<br /> i sa:isfactory to Lender aubordinating the lien to this Security Instrumer.t. If Lenacr dttermines that any part of the Property is =��:�—
<br /> � subjcct to s� lien which may attain Driaaity over this Stcurity Enstrument, Lender may givc Bonower a notice identifying the
<br /> lkn. Bonov�u shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actiong sat forth above within 10 days of the giving af rotice.
<br /> S. Hmrd I�wttace. Borrower shall keep ehe impr+ovomenu now cxisting or her�after erected on the Property insured
<br /> a�ain�t Ioss by �re, hazards included within the term '•extended coverage" and any oiher dazards for which Lender requires
<br /> insuranss. This.insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and Por the periods tAat Lender requira. The insurance carrier
<br /> providtns tkr ir.surance shal! be chosen by BorrowsT subject to F.�rtder's agproval which shuli not be unreasonably withhetd. ,.
<br /> All i�;:r.�tet p4licies and renewals shal! be acceptable to l.end:r and sh�,'.!includc a standard mbrtgage clais�. Ler.der
<br /> ; ehall have the right ta hokl the policies and renewals. [f Lender requ3res,�Barruwcr shail p•romptly give to Lender all receipts
<br /> �t'paid prem'sums and renewal rtotices. In the eveat of loss, Borrower shall gi�re ;�rompt notice to the insurance carrier snd
<br /> Lender. Lender may make proof of[oss if not ma�e promptiy by Borrower.
<br /> - Unless Lendtr and Borrowar otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of
<br /> tlte Property damaged, if the restoration or repalr is economically feasible and [.ender's security is not lessenrJ. If the
<br /> restoration or repair is not economicaUy feasi�ble or Lender's security would he lessened, the insurance proceeds sha:l be j
<br /> applied to the sum secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, witb any excess paid to Borrower. it �
<br /> Borrower abanclons the Pruperty� ar daes not answer within 30 days a notice from [.ender that the insurance carrier has �
<br /> — offorcd to settle a claim. tha.� Lender may coliect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> ` the Properiy or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not thsn due. The 30-day period will be�in when
<br /> the rtotice is given.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Barower o�herwise agrte irt writing, any application of proceeds to pnncipal sha�l nat txtertd or
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnAe the amount �f tht payments. If
<br /> under paradraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender, Bnrrawer's right to any insurance policies and procteds resulting
<br /> from damase to the Property prior to the acquisition shaU pass to t.ender to th�exeent of ti�e sums secured by this Security
<br /> lastrument immeciiztely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. h�e�rrvallon�d Malntee�ece of Property; I.esae6otQs. Borrower shall not drtroy, damage or substantialiy change ,__._�__,_
<br /> � y ' the Property, allow the Praputy to deteriorate or commit waste. If this 5ecurity Instrument is��n a leasehold, Bo�rower shall ,
<br /> — comply with the provlsions of the lease,and if Borrower�cquires fee title to the Property,the Irasehotd und fee title shali not
<br /> mcrge untess Lcnder agrecs to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. ltotseUon o!LeAder'�Wshts to tlie Properiy;Morttage[esunecc. If Borrower fails to perPorm the covenants and
<br /> � aarCement�contaiaed in this Secutitv Instrument,or there is a legal praceeding that may signiti�an�lv aff�ct t.rnd�r'e rigAta in �
<br /> the Property (such as a procceding in bankruptcy. probate, for condemnation ar to enforce laws or regulationsJ. then Lender �
<br /> m�y do attd pry tor whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's tights in the Praperty. Lender's ���
<br /> actions m�y inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this �ecurity tnstrurtient, appearing in c��urt, (�jR
<br /> ` �` paying reasoaabte attamry's fces attd cnttring on the Property to make rep�lrs. Alihaugh l.cnder may takc ar�idn unJer this r
<br /> ' paragraph 7 Lender does not have ta dn so. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this part�gro�ph 7 shall became �.�
<br /> additionaf debt of f3on�wer secuted by this Security fnstrument. fJnless Borrower and l.ender agrce tu other terms ��f '�
<br /> �� � payment, these tun�unts shall bea� interest f�om the date af disbursement a[ the Note ruu and Sh;ill he ray:ible, with interest. ��
<br /> -- upon notice ftorri Lender to il¢rrawer reyursting payment. • t�
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