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<br /> . , EXHIBIT "A�� 9Q�' ,�����Q �
<br /> Parcel J.. Lot Two (2)� �n Bzach's Third Subdiv9.sion, i� the City of Grand Island. •
<br /> � liall County. Nebraska. � �
<br /> , Parcel 2. A part of the Nmrth�r�se Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW� $W}j of
<br /> Sectiun ?1, Tosic►shfp 11 North, Range 9 Weat of the 6th P.M., more �
<br /> particularly described as follows: �
<br /> � . Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Brach's Third Subdivisfon, Grand
<br />- Island, Nebraska, said pofnt begin on the 4iest right-of-way line of Harrisoa
<br /> Street; thance �est on the South line of said Lot 2 a distance of 199.0 feet;
<br /> thence South paralle� to the West right-of-way lfne of Harrison Street a
<br /> dfstaace of ZS.0 feet; thence East garallel to the South line of said Lot 2
<br /> a distance of I94.0 feet; thence North on the West right-of-�ay li�te of
<br /> Harrismn Street a distaace of 25.0 feet to the poiut of beginningr contafnfag
<br /> � 0.114 acr�a, m�re or less by Quitclaim Deed subject to easements to the Ci�y
<br /> of Graa�l Isla.nd., -
<br /> t��ceL �e . Lt, tra�t .c�f Iaa� comprisiag a gar� of Lake Front Tract No. L�.� ��t�rr_-�rg g=���$ .
<br /> �ake ��ruated in part of the Northwest Quarter of the Soutfrs��s� fii�rter (I�T,T� ..�ia�.�� �. .
<br /> � Of SEC�L�� TRenCy-One (2I), To�s:;ip E?�e�a (11) �Iortix, I?�is.� Niric (9), Wes� . .
<br /> of the �S�L. �.I�., in Hall Countyr '+:��La�'sa, more ga��iCU�arly dasc�T�ed as follour�:
<br /> 3eginnfng at t�?: southe�t caza�: of said �rac� �a. 13�; �h�nce northwesterly
<br /> aLa�g.t'�e northeasterly I��e of saic} Trac� �1fl. Z3�, asaum�r� bearing of
<br /> _ � �?,�a_i'57"W, a distance of Fifty-rour a�a,� �cs:± T�t•_ss (54.4) Feet; r_hence
<br /> � 54�='�Z'S2"W, a distance of Four �-� 3i:-; ic��hs {�,yj geet; thence �L�i°00'28"E, -
<br /> a distance of Fifty-Two and Eigkt �undr�L•hs� (52.08) Feet to the pJ.rce of '
<br /> beginning and cantaining 106.64 sq. ft. or 0.002 acres, r�ore or less, by
<br /> Quitclaim Deed.
<br /> Said tract of land be3ng more particularly shown and described as Tract 1�4 on .
<br /> the Land Survey dated May 7, 1984, and made by Benjamfn and Associates, Inc. � ��
<br /> and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, _
<br /> as Document #84-002596.
<br /> , Yarcel 4. A tract of land comprising parC of the Northwest Quarter of Suuthwest Quarter � -
<br /> (NW} SW}) of Section Twenty-One (21), Townshfp Eleven (1Z) North, Range Nine (9), e.�
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as !
<br /> i' follows:
<br /> $eginning at the northwest corner of Lot Two (2), Brach�s Third Subdivision; :
<br /> , thence southerly along the westerly line of said Lot Two (2), assumed E
<br /> bearing of due South, a distance of Ninety (90.0) Feet to the Southwest corner
<br /> : of safd Lot Two (2); thence N8g°54'21"W, a distance of Thirty-Two (32.0) Feet �
<br /> to the aoutheast corner of Lake Front Tract 4/13A; th�nce N09°37'S7"W and along ��"
<br /> the northeasterly line of said Tract No. 13A, a dfstance of Fifty-Four and ��
<br /> Four T�nths (54.4) Feet; thence Iv48°32'S2"E,; a �distance of Fifty-Four and �
<br /> � Eighty-Eight Hundredths (54.88) Feet to the pZ�;ce of begian3ng and containing
<br /> 2,?07.9I sq. ft. or 0.062 acres, �ore or less, by Quitclaim Deed. �
<br /> Said tract of land being more particuZarly shown and described as Tract /13
<br /> on the Land Survey dated May 7, 1984, and made by Sen�amin and A.ssociates, Inc.
<br /> and recorded in the Offfce of the Register of Deeds, Hall County. Nebraska,
<br /> as Document li84-002596. �.
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