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<br /> agreements h�reinafter ca�taineci, the parties agree as follows: ���:141��5 �
<br /> . 1• The City hereby grants to the Licensee a license to coru�ect the above
<br /> _ � � descnbed property in the City of Grand Island to the existi{�g saiaitary setver main lor,ated
<br />_ in Claude Road s:a location in acco,�ance with pJans and speci�ications approved by the �
<br /> City�s IIuector of Public �'�'��ks; provided, that tP?�Licensee shall noi occupy ihe aforesaid "
<br /> . Claude Itaad ri�Ea�-Qf way for any use other�than such ��itary sev�rer private line; and
<br /> provided further,that such�nstruction is inspected and apF�aved by the Cit�'s�??epartment _
<br /> - ' , flf Public VVorks.
<br /> ' 2• The.f..i�nsee agrees to pay�:�consideration far such sewer cnnnection
<br /> � i an eguitable fee � es-.Lw,;=:�ed by the City's Director of Public Works.
<br />_ 3. �r :s �c��rrstood and agreed that the Licensee can construct and ' �
<br /> ` maintain the privm�,�sanitary sewer s�r���;� line proposed �nder this agreement at his own •�''`;�`�
<br /> x,
<br /> : risk. The Licensee hereby��:IVes any claims for damages against the Ciry af Grand Island, '
<br /> : its officers,agents��:nployees, and independent contractors, for any damage or injury that -
<br /> ,
<br /> � may result to said sanitary ��;�,;;Yr line 6eing located in public right-of-way�nd connected ta ��
<br /> , � ra1 e City sanitary ��,c,�,;,r main.
<br /> 4. The £,`��nsee shall indemni y and h�Id harmiess the City from and �
<br /> ,
<br /> � against any and a1s I+:,f ss and damage, and any and all claim.�, wemands, suits, liabilities, t�nd �,�,;
<br /> ; �
<br /> � . payments in cor�r,r�.�t or in tart, penal and other, resultin frc�m ��: '�'
<br /> , � in respect of the
<br /> Licensee's use of t;h�;.� City right•of-w�y far the aforesaid pri�:ate sanitary se�ver ;ine. �
<br /> 5. It is Understc�c�d and�igrted sl�ac the Lieensee�vai��s the ribht to�bject
<br /> r�o the canstructian r�t.�any sanitary sewer district in Claude 1�cad or in the area which�vould
<br /> , serve the above described property. Fiirthermore, ii is understood ��nd agreed th��t this �
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