�:��CKi: .;r�:'1 �fir r'n:�.?Cd`: t�.t�•�a�i". .r YTy.y�.�. _ :�V. � �`1�e�:�:"1.�s';'.-��":�'.: ..n'�e;*ri�.:-`�~ �.�;:
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<br /> f '�' L� � �.: .:: `t: _ ,��t�V.��{•�)b.��� 7^S�� --'�_i:i�VCt.e��' � -
<br /> ���'��1�t�` ``d�l�v�-�"''^itlr$.', 'ti� "� �•F,�-v ,Gt +�+cs�t�mc��ai __ —
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<br /> —_ . . . . ' . . . �:\^ - ' .
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<br /> � • •
<br />" i Nox-Utv�FOtt�t CovEtvnNts.Borrower and Lender further covrnant a,nd agree as fajt�ows: �'" i Di�4 3 �
<br /> • , I9.Acceleratioa; Remedles. Leader sh�ll gi�e eottce to Barrower prior to a¢celent#on fo!lo�ving Borrawe�s �
<br /> breach of any ca�enant os agrament in this Security Instrumcnt(but not prior ta accelention ander pu�[grapiLS!3 aa�17
<br /> �� u�n2ess Applfca6le law prarldes ot6er�►Ise).T6e notice s6a11 specity:(�) the deftult,(bl the �ction reqnired to czve the
<br /> ` �� dafanl�tc)a date,aot les�thsn 3fl days from the datt!he eot�ce is gtven to Borrawer,by�h[ch the defss�icmust be cuse�
<br /> aad(d)Wat faitare to cure the delsuIt an or befure the d�te apeciRed In tEe aottce m�y resutt in arceleration oi the sums
<br /> - ,. secured 6y this Secar[ty Iestrument ana sate o!the Property.The no3fce ahaA[unher inform Borrdwer o!rbe rigi�!to �
<br /> reio�stAte�tftes acceleratioe mmd ifse rlght to Dring a coart sctdaa to uscrt th�aas��xistgs�of u defasstt or a��a�her `
<br /> deftnse of Borro�ver to accet�..�tt�oA and sale.It the defaulz fs not cured on or 6efoee the date speclHed in t6e notict,Leader �� '
<br /> � at Its opt�on nwq reqaire immediate p�yment in full o!all sums secaired by this Security Instrumeet wiYhout fasthar �
<br /> , � demaad and may invoke the power of sale stnd any other remedies permitttd by�ppltcable law.I.cnder sha116e entitleti to
<br /> � coltect dD expe�es incarred tn pursuing t6e re�nedies pravided in th#s p�ra�aph 19, tncludleg; bat not limited to, � .
<br /> . r,e�sanabte attaraeys`fees tnd costs of titte eddenca • �
<br /> � � ff the pawer of sAl�is inroked,Trastee s6al1 recard a ootice af detault in�acb cnunty in which any part of the -
<br /> ��pertv is�tte�aad si�ntl mail copies af such nottce in the manner presceibed by spplieable 1��r to AdorroRer and tothe ��
<br /> , ,�. ot�er persn�s pr�lsed 6y appl�cable law.After the time reqaired By�ppllcable law.Trnstte shal!gire pv6lic notice of ��
<br /> sa;e io!h�p�s�rns��3�a the manner prescribed by xpplicabie IsW.Trustee,w3irhuut demand on Botrawer.shayl sell!he
<br /> �operty ai F�i�7ic 9u�8ion to the bighest bidder at the time�nd place and unde�the terms designated in the nalice of s91e�n
<br /> . oae o7 eaore p�rfiets aad sn any order Trustee determines.Trustee msry postpone saEe ot all or any pArcel of the Ptoperty by
<br /> � pnblic ann6n�xameai at the Eime aad place of any previousiy scheduled sale.Lender or its designfe may purchast t6e .
<br /> � . prctperty at a�s3r ssle. •
<br /> � Upon seceipt of g�y�eat of tbe price bid,Trustee shall delirer to the purch�ser Trustee's deed conveying the � �
<br /> . �raperty.T6e recitd.s�n die Trustee's deed siiall be prtma facie evfdence at the truth ot the stat�ementb m�de thertin.
<br /> �'nistee shall appiy thep�r�ceeds of the sale in thE fa!lo�ving order.(�)to all expenses of the sate,includinR�6ut not limi4etl .
<br /> to,Trustee's fees 9s permitted by applicable Ww and re�sonable attorneys'fees;(b�to all sums secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrumen�and(c)any excess to We person or persons tegally entitled to it. �
<br /> ' 2Q.Lender ia Possession. Upon acceleratian under paragraph 19 or abandonment os the Property. l.end�r(in
<br /> . person,by agent or hy judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession nf and n�anage the
<br /> Pruperty and to collect the rents of the PropeRy including those past due.Any rents colleeted by Lender or the receiver
<br /> � shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and coltection of rents, inctuding,but nat
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's fsonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums cecured by
<br /> � this Security iastivment. - � � �
<br /> � 21.Recanveyaacs.Upon payment of all sums secured hy this Security[nstrument,I.cnder shall requcst Trustce to ��
<br /> reconvey the Property a�dshall surrender this Securiiy Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument to Trustec.Trustee sha11 Feconvey the Property without warranty and withaut charge to the person ur persons
<br /> Iegally entitled to it.Sach person or Fersons shall pay any rec,ordation costs. . "
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Lender,at i4s option,may from t�me to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustec
<br /> ; to any Trustee appointed hereunder by aa instrument recorded in the c�unty i�which this Security Instrumcnt is recordcd. �. �'
<br /> Without cenveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and dutics conferrcd upon
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law. •
<br /> � 23. Reqaest for Notiees. B�nower requests that copies of'the notices of default and sale t�s sent to Horrowcr'�,
<br /> address which is the Property Address. ' �
<br /> � 24.Riders to this Security Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded►agether with t
<br /> t`s�is Security Inst:vmer_a,Xhe covenants and agreements oPeach such rider shall be incorporated into and sh;�ll amcncl:and I
<br /> � supplement t�e covenznts and agteements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of' this Security
<br /> Instrument.[Check applirable bna(es)j •
<br /> ; — ❑ Adjustable Rat� Rider [] Cundominium Rider [j 2-4 Family Kider _
<br /> i� .
<br /> �
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rider [] Planned Unit Development Rider '�':'
<br /> . ❑ Other(sj [specify) �'�.
<br /> BY SICNING BELOW, �orrower aecepts and agrees to the terms and cc�venants cantained in this Security
<br /> dv�.strument and in any rider(s)ex�cvted by Borrawer and recorded with it. '
<br /> ........................................................................................ ... :.���.�..��'' ��:4�.r..�...:�::�..,....,.... .(Scal)
<br /> .... .. ... � ...
<br /> Robert !. Nazarenu —oo«awe�
<br /> ........................................................................................ ... ary 'L. zaren.s.�. . . .. ,�:-!�-!,-�,7�`Scae)
<br /> � �� —Bor� w r
<br />` (�
<br /> � STATE:OF NF:HRASKA. Hall Cowuy s�;
<br /> On this 5th �t�y �f March ,ty 9p . hefc�rc mc. thr uu�ter.i�nc�l, :� N��ta►y !'uhht
<br /> ., duly rommissionecl and yualificd for said cnunty,r��so»uity camc Robert L. Nazarenus and M€�ry L. ,.. . ,
<br /> � '� Nazarenus, each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each othg,�,,,� �,,,,��,,�,+h���h�• �
<br /> identical person(s) wfi�:� name(s) are subscribed ta the f�orek��ing instrumcnt ;ind arl.n���vlcdEecel tf�c c�crut�nn ,
<br /> thereof to be theiS' voluntary act and drecl.
<br /> Witness my hand and notar:;;i scal��t ' ,
<br /> Grand Is�.and, Nobraska in�;�i�1����u�uti�, �h�•
<br /> date afnrc�:.,:,t,
<br /> _ f�
<br /> .j
<br /> : i '�1. �%��..'tission expires: �/— �..r3
<br /> _ 1..� • - .. ..��;��;� ����� P . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> i�MI�IAItY-SdUM�i1M� • . . �����,��` •� . � �.
<br /> iit:Uu�s�r k tty:co vi:Yn�vc�r . ���
<br /> JO�Y M.dEAiLEY
<br /> ���'� �IlM tke�.E:Q•S+Ot 1,I� ,
<br /> . tL' Utl L'f'.1��IC( 14 c u►ecr c,l thc n�,tc c�r ne�tc��rr�tn•d h�• this I)c�'l) u1 (tll,l. `;1l1� 1![�IL' u! IIt�F�'ti, Ier4�y I�It'} ��
<br /> � �cithalluthcF indcl�tctln��5�eetucd[�y Ihiti Ucctt��t Itu�t,h,�tc hcr�►r,iui in��tll. ti�,u,itc hi•�rh� Jnr�ir,l t��:,ni��! .,��,1
<br /> , iutilc vt nutcs tmd Itn� I)ecil e�f Iru�1� �tihi�h arc �Ich�crccl ticrcl•y. .uiil i�� ��•��,���r�. «iri�+���� ,�.��i,�n�:. ,rif Eh�� <<r.i�.
<br /> ni•�v iiefd hy vuu undr•r thi, 1)ccd ��t Irutit 1�, thc �,cr��,i� �,r �•�r�„n. I.R•,�II� rn�ulrJ rl�,rci��
<br /> � �� U�uc: ..._.�
<br /> 1'f,�,`.:
<br /> "'�4�'��,`. .
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