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<br /> � � gQ-- i Qi�25 �
<br /> � , ,
<br /> - ; t, JACK KEIfF, Secretary o! Housfng and lirban Develop�ent Yaahington, D.C., �
<br /> actfng by and througA the Dfrector, Otitce of Single Faisfly Houstng, da hereby
<br /> ; certify that a c�rtain ■ortgage. aore partfcularty desaribed hersfn6elov fs,
<br />_ together wfth the debt thereby secured. cancelled and satis8fed and j do hereby �
<br /> discharge the saas and request and cansent that it be satisffed of recard. 7he
<br /> aforesaid n�rtgage. being describad as follows: �
<br /> iTate: July 30, i982. Asount af i3e&t:_ �122.Q40.00 . .
<br /> �.. . � ..
<br /> . Nlortgagortst: GsrY 1i. Nitchell and Shfrley Mitchell.,. ltusfoaxtc��.arid w14e .
<br /> Mortgagee: The Seasetary of the De�sartnent of Housin� rs�d Urban QevelopQent
<br /> � Recorded: luly 30, 1982. Instrument 82-Q0�203. in the �:lice oi the Register �
<br /> of Deette, tfall County. Nebraska .
<br /> : Legal: Lot Ten (9d1, Potash Subdfvision. Hall County, 1tEi�raska � � ' �
<br /> �� .
<br /> The interes� of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Devele��ent was �
<br /> � �=
<br /> � acquired pursuant to Section 235tc)(2) oi the Natfona! liousing Act �12 U.S.C. � • ,
<br /> , 171Sz)
<br /> � 1N YI'P�dESS iJ3i�E0F, the undersigned. has hereunto set his hand and sv�l
<br /> : for and on behalf of tha safid Secretary of Nousirrg and Urban Developsent, under =
<br /> .. au�iaority and hy v.irtue of Section 204(g) of the Natfan�l Housing Act, ar
<br /> . a�e�dad. ard 45 F.k. 6�826. ,
<br /> ; �
<br /> - ; Signed, sealed an� deltvergd JACK KEHP . �
<br /> ; in the pres�naQ �8: Secretary of Housing and t�rban Developaent
<br /> ' By: F e 1 H usi co■,.i�sionsr
<br /> . �
<br /> . By:
<br /> � RAQ r �., Ma sey, Man er, a a ice �,,;
<br /> ' , ^�"�
<br /> - � c Sea 1) ���M��I�A�
<br /> �4 . - r
<br /> - � Hafore �e, Clifton �. .'rones .a Notary Pvhlic in and for the said
<br /> ~ State and County, on thfs 7th day of r-1arcY� , 19 �o , personally
<br /> appeared Rocrer t�I, cdassey who f s p�rsona 11 y we 11 known to se and known
<br /> = to sa to ba the duly appointed t�t��nacrer of ths HUD O�aha OfPice,
<br /> apAha. Nebrask�. and the perso� who Qxecute�l the forssoing inatrua�nt, by
<br /> �, vfstue of tha authority vested in hia by tha Code of Ftderat Rogulations.
<br /> �� t 1'itle 24, Chapter E1, Part 200. Subpart D, and Titie 24� Sut�title A, and !
<br /> � s hawin� ifrst ■�de known to hia the contents thsreat. h� did acknouledge the
<br /> �,� si�ning thereof to bs his free anai voluntary act and dved as t•�anaa�r � �
<br /> � �if the Oaaha 0!lice, !nr and on behalt ot Jack Ke�p� Secretary o! Ho��ing and �
<br /> Urbin Development, of Washfngton� b.C., �t�ccessors and assigns, for the uses, '
<br /> purposea and consfderatlan therein set forth. : �
<br /> . �
<br /> - -- , -
<br /> I�itness �y hand and official seal the 7th day o! ' t•tarch , 1g ga �
<br /> � � , �
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