2� 17�29�8
<br /> to execute and deliver to the purchaser or�urchasers at such�ale any deeds o�conveyance gaod and suff cien�at
<br /> �aw,pursuant to the statute in such case mad�and pravided. The Trustee�ha11 apply the pro�eeds of the Trustee's
<br /> sale, first, t� the cQsts and�xp�r�ses�f�xe�cisir�g the povver of sa�e and of the sale, including tlle payment of the
<br /> Trustee's fees actually incurr�d; second, to payment of the obliga�ion seGured by the trust deed; �h�rd, to �he
<br /> payment of junior trust deeds, m�r�gages, or o�her lienha�ders and the balance, if any, ti� the per�on or persons
<br /> legally en�it�ed theret�. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie evidence of �he truth of �he
<br /> statements made in it. rf Lender chooses to invake the power of�a�e,Lender or Trustee wi11 provi�ie notice of sa�e
<br /> pursuant�a applica��e �avu. Any such sale ar a sa�e made pursuan�to a judgment or a decree far the foreclosure
<br /> hereof may, at th� flptian �f Lender, �be made en masse. The cammencement of praceedings to farecl�se this
<br /> Security Instrument in any manner author2zed by 1av�r shall be d�emed as exercise of�he above op�ion.
<br /> Upan the accurrence af an Event af Defau�t, Lender sha�l immediately be en�itled ta make app�ica��on for and
<br /> obtain the app�intment af a receiver for the Proper�y and of the earnings, in�ame, issue and pr�fits of it, vvi�h the
<br /> p�wers as the court making the appo�ntments confers. �rantor hereby irre�oGa�1y cvnsents ta such appa�n�m�nt
<br /> and vvaives natice of any applicati�n therefor.
<br /> NU WANER. No delay or failure of Lender to exercise any righ�, remedy, power or privilege hereunder sha1�
<br /> affect that right,remedy,power or privi�ege nor shall any single ar par�ial e�ercise thereof preclude the exercise af
<br /> any right,remedy, povver or priWilege. No Lender delay or failure ta demand strict adherence to the�erms �f�his
<br /> Securiry Instrument shal�be deemed to constitu�e a course af conduct incons��tent wi�h Lender's right at any time,
<br /> before or after an even� �f default, to demand s#rict adheren�e to the terms af this Security rnstrumerit and the
<br /> Related D��uments.
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE.Lender,at its option,may from time t�time rema�e Tru�tee and appoint a suc�essor
<br /> trustee tn any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrumen� recorded in the coun�y in vvhich �his 5ecuritiy
<br /> Instrument is recorded. �ithout Gonveyance of the Property, the succe�sor trustee shall succeed to a11 the title,
<br /> power and dut�es�onferr��upon Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> J�INT ANl] SEVERAL LIASILITY. �f this Security Instrument should be signed by more than ane person, all
<br /> persalas execut�ng this Security�nstrument agre�that they shall be join�ly and se�erally bound,where permi�ted by
<br /> �aw.
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's r�ghts in this Securi�y Instrument wi�l continue in its su�cessors and assigns. Th�s Security
<br /> Instrumen�is binding on all heirs,executar�,admin�strators,assigns and successors af�rantor.
<br /> N�TICES AND WAIVER C]F N�TICE. Lln�ess otherwise re�uired by applica�le law, any natice �r demand
<br /> given by Len�er to any party is considered effecti�e: (i} when it is deposi�ed �n. the United States Mail with the
<br /> appropr�ate po�tage; (ii} when �� is sent via elec�ronic mail; �iii} �vhen it is sent via facsimile; ��v} �vhen it is
<br /> deposited with a na�i�na�ly recognized avernight courier s�r�ice; �v} on the day of personal delivery; ar �vi} any
<br /> ather commercia��y reasanable means. A capy of a.ny notice shall be sent to ea�h party a��he address of the party
<br /> given at the beginning of�his Se�urity instrument unless an al�ernative address has heen pravided �a Lender in
<br /> wri�ing. To the extent permi�ted by 1aw, Grantor wai�es notice af Lender's accep�ance af this Security Instrument,
<br /> defenses base�on sure��ship,any defense arising from any e�ecti�n by Lender under the United States Banl�ruptcy
<br /> Code, Uniform Commercia� �od�, as enacted �n the sta�e where Lender �s located or�ather applicable iaw or in
<br /> equity, demand, notice of acc�lera�ion, notice of nonpayment, presen�ment, protes�, notice of dishonor and any
<br /> other noti�e.
<br /> REQUEST F�R N�T��ES: Grantor requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale l�e sent to the
<br /> address af each party gi�en at the beginning of#�he Security�ns�runnent.
<br /> WAIVER �F APPRAISEMENT RIGHTS. Grantor vvaives a�i appraisement rights relating to the Property ta
<br /> �he extent perm��ted by�aw.
<br /> LENI]ER'S EXPENSES. Grantar agrees to pay a�1 expenses incurred by Lender in cannection vvi�h enforcementi
<br /> of its�ights under the Indebtedne�s,this Security Instrument ar in the event i�ender is made partiy ta any�itigation
<br /> because af the exis�ence of the Indebtedne�s or this Security�nstrument, as well as�ourt costs, col�ection charges
<br /> and reasanal�le a.t�orneys'fees and disbursemen�s.
<br /> ASSIGNABILITY, Lender may ass�gn ar otherwise transfer this Security Instrument or any of Lender's rigl�.ts
<br /> under this Security Instrument vvithout notice to Grantor. �xrantor may not assign this Securi�y�nstrument or any
<br /> part of the 5ecurity�nstrument�vithaut�he express wr�tten consent of Lend�r.
<br /> �UV�RNING LAW. This Security Instrumen�will be govern�d l�y the �aws �f the 5�a�e of�ebraska inc�uding
<br /> alI praceedings ar�sing from this Securi�y Xnst�men�.
<br /> SEVERA.�ILITY. If a cour� af cornpetent jur�sdiction determiries any term or proWision of this Security
<br /> Instru.ment is invalid or prahihi�ed by appl�cable 1aw, that t�rm or pravision wil� be ineffective t� the exten�
<br /> required. Any term or pro�i�i�n that has been determined to be invalid or prahibi�ed vv71�be severed from the rest
<br /> of the Secu.rity Instrument without invaiidating the remainder of either the affected pro�is�on or this Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrum�nt.
<br /> Q 2DD4-2�15 Compiiance Systems,Inc.39]4-D808-24�5.12,Z.103�i
<br /> CommeT-cial Real Estate Se�urity Instn�ment-DL40�7 Page�of 5 www,campiiancesystems.com
<br />