2� 17�2874
<br /> Periodic Payments du�under�he Note and this Security�nstrument and perfv�ms ather mor�gage laan
<br /> servicir�g vbligat�ons under ih�Nofe,this Security lnstrument,and App�icable Lav+r.There alsv m�ght be
<br /> one ar more changes of the Loan Servic��unre�ated ta a sa��❑f the Note. If�here is a change�f the
<br /> Laan Servicer,Barrower will be given written not�ce❑�the change wh�ch w�l[state the name and address
<br /> of�he new Loan Servic�r,the addr�ess tv wh��h payments shau[d be made and a��y other�nfar�nation
<br /> RESPA requir�s in connect�an with a no�ic�of transfer vf servic�ng.[f�he N��e is sold ar�d�herea�ter the
<br /> Loan�s serviced by a Laan Servicer vther than fhe purchase�of#he Note,the mo�gage loan servicing
<br /> nbl�ga#�ons to Bo�rower will�emain with the Loan�ervicer vr be transferred t�a successvr Lvan Senricer
<br /> and a�e not assumed by the No�e purchase�r un�ess athennrise prov�ded by�he Nvte purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrow�r nor Lend�r may cammeric�,join,or be�oin�d t�any judic�a!a��ion{as either an
<br /> individual litigant❑r the member of a class}that arises��om the other party's actiot�s pursuant to this
<br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that th�other par�y has brea�h�d any prvvision of,ar any du�y vwed
<br /> by reason af,this Security Ins�rumenf,un�il such gvrrvwer or Lender has natified the ather party�with
<br /> such notice given in compliance with the requirements o�5ection 15)af such al��ged breach and afforded
<br /> the other party he�eto a reasonab��p�riad after�he gi�ring vf such notice to take corrective ac#�vn, lf
<br /> App�icab�e Lauv p�o�ides a time per€ad which mus�elapse be#vre cer�ain action can be taken,that time
<br /> periad will be deem�d to be r�asvnable for purposes of#his paragraph.The n�tice o�acceleratian and
<br /> oppartun�ty t❑cure g�ven t�Svrrv�nrer pursuan�ta Sect�on 2�and th�na�ice a€accelerat�an g�ven#❑
<br /> Barrower pursuant tv Section�8 sha�f be deem�d to satis�y the notice and appo�tunity ta�ake c�rrecti�e
<br /> action provisians o�this S�ction�fl.
<br /> �"1. Hazardaus Substances.As used in this Section 21: €�}"Hazardous Substanc��"are those
<br /> suhstances defned as#oxic ar hazardvus substances, pal[utants, ar wastes by Env�ronmenta! Law
<br /> and the fo�lowing substances:gasoline,ker�s�ne,flther flammab�e�r tnxic pe�rvleum products,toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbic�des,vv�at�Ie so��rents,mater�als con�aining asbestos orformaldehyde,and radioactive
<br /> materia�s;�b}"Environmental Law"rneans fed�ral laws and laws vf�he�u�isdiction w��e�e the Proper#y
<br /> is Ivca�ed�hat relate ta heaith,sa�ety ar en�ironmenta�pr�tect�vn;�c}"Envirvnmental Cfeanup"in�ludes
<br /> any�esponse a�tion,remediai activn,o�remaWa�act�on,as defined in Environmer�tal La�v; and �d}an
<br /> "Environmental �ondition" means a condition that can cause, contr�but� to, ❑�otherwise �rigger an
<br /> En�i�anmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrv►rve�sha11 not caus�❑r pe�-mi�the presence,use,dispvsa�,starage,or re[ease vf any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances, nr threaten to release any Hazardous 5ubstan�es, vn vr in�he Property. Borrvwer shal!
<br /> not do, nvr alfow anyone �Ise to dv, anything a�fectir�g the Proper�y �a} that is in �iolation of any
<br /> En�ironmental Lavv,�b�v�,�h�ch creates an En�r�ronmental Condition,or(c}which,due to th�presence, �
<br /> use,or re�ease of a Ha�ardous Substan�e,cr�a��s a condition that ad�ers�ly af�ects the vaiue vf the
<br /> Prvpe�y.The pr�ceding two sentences shal[not apply ta the presen�e,use,or storag�an the Prv�er#y
<br /> a#sma��quantities of Ha�ardvus 5ubstances that are general�y recvgnized t�be apprapriate to normal
<br /> residential uses and to maint�nance of the Proper�y�ir�c�udir�g,but not i�mited to,ha�ardous subs�an�es
<br /> in cansumer�roducis}.
<br /> Bor�a�rer shall promptiy give L�nder��rr�tten natice of�a}any�n��st�gat�on,��aim,demand,lawsu�t
<br /> �r other actian by any ga�ernmental ar reguLatory agency ar p�ivate party invoiving the Praper�y and
<br /> any Hazardous 5ubs�ance vr EnWironmentaC La�►� of which Borrower has actual knowledge, tb} �ny
<br /> Etav��onmenta[Condition,in�luding but n�t I�mited to,any sp�lling,�eakir�g,discharge,release or threat
<br /> o��e�ease fl�any Ha�ardvus Substance,and�c}any condition caused by the pr�sencs,use or�e[ease
<br /> o�a Hazardaus Substance which adversely affects the vaiue vf fhe Property. I�Bvr�vwer learns,ar is
<br /> nntifed by any gv�ernmenta� o�regu�atvry au�ho�ity, v�ar�y pr�►rat� party, that any remnval or other
<br /> remediafivn o#any Hazardous Substanc�affect�ng the Pr�per#y is necessary,Sarrov►r�r shail promptly
<br /> take a!f necessary remedia�ac��ans in accordance with En�rironmenta[Law.Nothing here€n shal�create
<br /> any vbligation on Lender�or an Environm�nta�Cleanup.
<br /> N4N-UN[FDRM GOVENANTS.Barrowe�and Lender fur�her cvWenant and ag�-�e as fo![ows:
<br /> 22. Ac�e�era�ion; Remedies. Lender shaft give nvt�ce tfl Borrower privr to acGelerativn
<br /> foi[o►rv�ng E3orrower's bre�ch of any ca��nant or ac�reement in this 5�curity[nstrument�but nvt
<br /> priQr tv accefera�ion under Sec#ivn'�8 unless App[icable Law prv�id�s o�he�wise3.The notice shatl
<br /> spec�fy:{a}th�de�au�t;(b3 the action required ta cure the defau�t;�c}a date,not tess than 3a days
<br /> fram the date the nvti�e�s given ta Barrvw�r,by vuh��h the defau�t must be cured;and�d�that
<br /> #ai�u�e�o cu�e the defaul�on or be�ore the date sp�ci'�ied in the nv��ce ma�result in accelerativn
<br /> vf the sums secured by this 5ecu��ty lnstrument and sale❑f the Property.The natiGe shall�urther
<br /> inform�vrrower vf the right to reinstate after accelera�ian and the right tv br�ng a court ae�ian ta
<br /> assec-t th�non-ex�stenc�v#�a de€auit vr any other defense of Barrvwer ta a�ceieratifln and sa[e.
<br /> If th�defauit is no�cured on or be#vre the da��specifed in the no��ce, Lendet�a�its opt�vn may
<br /> require immediate payment ir��'u!I o�aif sums se�u�ed by this Securi�y tnstrument withaut�urther
<br /> demand and may�nvoke the po�nrec of sa�e and any other remedies permitted by Applicab[e Law.
<br /> Lender sha[[be ent�tled to�v�lect a�1 expenSes incurred in pursuing the remedies pro�rided in this
<br /> 5e�tivr�22,including,but not I�mited ta,reasvnab[e attvrneys'fees and cas�s af title evidence.
<br /> [f the p�wer of sale is invoked,Truste�sha�l reGord a nfltice vf defaul�in each county in which
<br /> any pa�t of the Praperty is lvcated and shalt mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed
<br /> by Applicable Law to Bvrrower and#o the v�h�r persons prescribed by Appt�cab�e Law.Af�er�he
<br /> time required by App�icable Law,Truste�sha[I giWe pub[ic notice o�sale to the persans and ir��he
<br /> manner prescrihed byApplicab�e Lau�r.T�ustee,vuithoutdemand an Bvrrow�r,sha�[set�the Prvpert}�
<br /> at public auctivn Lo th�h�gh�st b�dder a�t ihe t�m�and plac�and under the terrns des�gnated�n the
<br /> notice v�sa[�in vne o�more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trus�ee may pvstpvne
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�r�gl�Family--Far�ni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM 1NSTRUMENT Fomn 3028 1I0'[
<br /> Elfie Mae,�nc. Page 9 of 1 Q NEUDEED Da 15
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