2� 17�2874
<br /> Secur�ty instrument,including pratect�ng ar�dlor assessing�he�alue nfthe Property,and se�uring andlor
<br /> repairing the Pr�perty.Lender's actions can inc�ude,but are not limited�o:�a}paying any sums secured
<br /> by a��en which has priority averth�s Se�urity[nstrumen#;{b}appearing�n cau�t;and�c}paying reasonable
<br /> at#o�neys'fees to protect its�nfer�st in the Prvpe�y andlor rights underthis 5ecur�ty lnstrument,including
<br /> its secured pasition in a bankruptcy praceeding. 5ecur€ng the Praperty inc�udes,but is nvt I�mited to,
<br /> en�e�ing the Proper�y to make repairs, change lvcks, rep�a�e or board up dva�s and wir�dows, drain
<br /> water fram pipes,eliminate building or v�her cvde violations or dangerous conditions,and ha�e util�ties
<br /> turned on or o�F.Al�haugh Lender may take action under this 5ect�vn 9,Lender daes not have to do so
<br /> and is n�t under any duty or obligation to dv so.It�s agreed that Lender incurs no I�ability fvr no�tak�ng
<br /> any a�a��actions authflriz�d under this Sec#ion 9.
<br /> Any amaunts disbu�sed by Lende�under this 5ection 9 shall be�ome additional deb�af Barr�w��
<br /> secu�ed by�his 5ecurity lnstrument. Th�se arr�aunts sha11 bear interest at the Nate rate �rorn ihe
<br /> dafe vf disbursement and sha1�be payable,wi�h su�h intere�t,upon nvt€ce f�vm Lender to Ba�rower
<br /> request�ng payment.
<br /> lf th�s Security �nstrument is on a �easehold, Bo�rower shal�comply with a�l the prv��sivns of the
<br /> lea�e. �orrawer sha�! nat surrender th�I�asehold estate and interests herein cQn�eyed ar terminate
<br /> ar cance�the gr�und�ease.Bo��ower shali no#,ervithout the express v�rritten cor�ser�t of Lender,alter or
<br /> amend the ground�ease. [f Borrnwer acquires fee tit�e to the Proper�y,the leasehald and the�ee title
<br /> shall not merg�un��ss Lender agrees ta the merger in writing.
<br /> �U. �ortgage�nsurance.lf Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condit�on vf making the Loan,
<br /> garro►nr�r shal[pay the�remiums r�quired�o maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect.I�,f��any reasvn,
<br /> the[t�ortgage Insurance cvverage required by L�nder ceases to be availab�e f�om the m�r#gage�nsurer
<br /> that pre�ious�y pravided such insurance ar�d Borrower was required to make separately designated
<br /> payments towa�d the prem�ums for Martgage lnsuran�e, Borrowe�shal� pay the premiums required
<br /> ta obtain co�erage substantia[ly equiva(ent to fhe Mortgage l��surance previously�n e�fect, at a cost
<br /> substantially equivaient�o the�vst to gorrvwe�vfi the Mvrtgag�[nsu�ance p�eviously in effect,�rom an
<br /> a�ternate mos�gage insurer se�e�t�d by Lender.I�substantial(y�qui�a[ent Mo�tgage Insurance cove�age
<br /> is nat a�a+�ab[�, Bat�ovr�r sha�l c�ntinue tn pay to Lender the amount of the separate�y designa�ed
<br /> payrnents that v�rere due when t�e insuranc�cflverage ceased ta�e�n effect. L�nde�wiii accept,use
<br /> and retain fhese paymenfs as a non-refundable�oss resenre in�ieu vf�ortgage lnsu�ance.Su�h foss
<br /> reserve shail be non-refundab�e, notwithstanding�he�ac#tha#the Lvan is ultimate[y paid in fu11, and
<br /> Lender shat�not be requir�d t�pay Bo�vwer any interest nr earnings❑n such Ivss�esenre.Lende�car�
<br /> no Ionger�equi�e lnss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance�Q�erage��n the amount and�or#he periad
<br /> that Lender requires}provided by an insure�se�ected by Lender again bec�mes a�a�lahle,is obtained,
<br /> and Len�er requires separately designated payrnents toward the premiums for Martgage lnsu�ance.I�
<br /> Lender required�liartgage Insuranc�as a cond�tion of makir�g the L�an and B€�rro�ver was requi�ed to
<br /> ma�e se�arately designated payments toward the premiums�or Martgage Insurance, Barrower sha[�
<br /> pay�h�pr�miums�equired#v ma+ntain Mortgage Insurance in effe�t, or ta pro��de a non-refundable
<br /> Ivs�r�s�nrei un�i!Lender's r�quirement fvr Mort�age Insurance ends in acco�dance wi�h any written
<br /> agreement��tuveen Barr�w�r and Lend�€�p�oW�ding fvr such#ermir�a�ion or unt�l termination is�equired
<br /> by Applicable Law. Na�hing in this Secti�n ��af�ects Barro�rer's obl�ga�ivn tv pay interest at�he rate
<br /> provided in th�Nate.
<br /> Mfl�gage lnsurance reimburses Lendes��v�any en�ity tha�purchases th�Nvte�fvrc��tain losses it may
<br /> incur if BaRawer does nvt repay the Loan as agr�ed.Bo�ro►nrer is not a par�y to the�ttlor�gage lnsurance.
<br /> Mor�gage Insur�rs e�atuate their�v�a�risk on a�l such insurance in fvr�e from�ime to time, and
<br /> may enter intv agreemen�s with ott�er pa�ties that share ar modify�hei�risk,ar�educe Iosses.These
<br /> agreements are an ferms and conditions�hat are satisfactvry tv the m��gage �nsurer ar�d th� other
<br /> party�or pa�ties}to#hese agreements.Th�se agreernents may require the r�o�gage insurer�v make
<br /> payments using any source❑f fur�ds tha��he mortgage insurer may ha�e availab[e�wh�ct�may include
<br /> funds vbtained from Mortgag��nsurance premiums}.
<br /> As a r�su�f v�th�se agreemen#s,Ler�der,any purct�aser af fhe nate,another insurer,any reinsu�er,
<br /> any ather en�ity, vr afflia#e of any vf the�oregaing, may receive �direc�Iy ar indirectly} amourtts that
<br /> deriWe from�ar might be characte��zed as}a par#ion vf Borrawer's paymen�s for�Il1o�#gage lnsurance,
<br /> in exchange�or sharing ar modifying the mortgage�nsurer's risk,or reducing losses.[f su�h agreement
<br /> pravided that an a�liate vf Lender takes a share �f the insurer's risk'tn ex�#�ange f�r a share vf�he
<br /> premiums pa�d tv t�re insur�r,the ar�-angemen�is o�ten t�rmed"capti��reinsurance."Fu�her:
<br /> �a� Any such agreements will not affect th�amvun�s that Borrawer has a�reed tv pay for
<br /> 11�lortgage Insu�ance,or any otherterms afthe Loan.Such ag�e�ments wi�#nat inc�ease the amount
<br /> Borrvwer wil[awe for Mvr�gage�nsurance,and they vui�[nat entitle Bvrrvv�rer�o any refund.
<br /> {b} An�such agreemen�s will not affect the rights Borrawer has- if any-v�+ith respect tv
<br /> the Mvrtgage Insurance under�he Homeavtirners Protection Act v#1998 ar any vther[a�rv.Thes�
<br /> rights may inGlude the rig�t tv recei�e certain dis�lvsu�es,tv request and obtain�an�etlation
<br /> vf the II�#v�tgage lnsuranc�,tv ha�e the Mo�-igage lnsurance term�nated autnmaticaliy,a�dtvr to
<br /> ce�ei�e a refund❑f any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such
<br /> cancel�ation ar terminatian.
<br /> 1'I. Assic�nment a�Miscellanevus Praceeds;Fvrfe�ture.Afi Miscellaneous Proceeds are he�eby
<br /> assigned t�and shall be paid ta Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged,such M�sc.ellaneous Proceeds shall be applied t�rest�rat�v�i vr repair af
<br /> the Prvpe�y,if the�estoration or repair is ecvnom�cally fea��ble and�ender's security is nat lessen�d.
<br /> auring such repair and restoration peri�d, Lender shaf� ha�e the right to hv�d such Miscellaneaus
<br /> Prviceeds unti[Lende�ha�had an apportunity�a inspect such Prvperky to ensure#he work has been
<br /> NEBRASKA--Singl�Family--Far�r�ie MaelFreddie Mac tlNIF4]RM iNSTRUMENT Form 3�28 11Q'1
<br /> Elfie Mae,�nc. Pag�6 of 1� NEU�EED �4�5
<br /> NEUDEED�CL.S}
<br />