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2� 17�2793 <br /> ❑EEI� �F TRU�T <br /> Laan N�: ��'i�Q453a ��ont��lu�d� Page 5 <br /> No Modi�ication, Trustor shall nat enter inta any agreemen� wi�h �he holder �f any mar�gage, deed vf trust, or <br /> ❑ther securi�y agre�ment v►rhich has priority over this Deed of Trust �y which that a�reem�n� is modified, <br /> amerrded, extend�d, or renewed w�thout the prior wri��en cvnsen� nf Lender, Trustar sha11 neither reques� nor <br /> accept any future advances under any such security agreem�n��nri�haut�he prior writ�en consent of Lender. <br /> CONDEIIlINATI�N, The following provisions relatin�to �ondemna�ion pr�ceedings are a part of this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Prvice�dings. If any praceeding �n �ondemnation is �Fifed, Trus�or shall promptly no�ify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trust�r shall promptly tal�e such ste�s as may be necessary �o defend �he acti�n and o��ain �he award. Trustor <br /> may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitfed ta parti�ipate in the proceeding and ta be <br /> rep�esented in th� praceeding by c�unsel of ��s own choice, and Trustar wi�l deli�er ❑� cause �o be deliv�red �❑ <br /> Lender such fnstrumen�ts and d�cumentation as may b� reques�ed hy Lsnde� �Fram �ime fia time to permit such <br /> participation. <br /> App<<cativn vf Ne� Prviceeds. I�a11 or any part of the Proper�y is condemned by eminent damaEn proceedings ❑r by <br /> any proceeding ar pt�rchase in l�eu af�vndemna�ian, Lender may at its election require that all �r any por�ion af�he <br /> net pro�eeds of the award be appli�d �a the �ndebtedness or the repai� or restoration of the Praperty. The net <br /> proceeds o��he award shall mean �he aWard a��er payrnent �f all reasonable costs, expenses, and at�orneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lender in cannectivn with the cand�mna�ion. <br /> IMRaSITl�lll QF TA�C�S, FEES �4ND CHARGES BY GCIVERNiV�ENTAL AUTH�R�TIES. The fiollowing pro�isions reiating <br /> �a go�ernmental taxes, fees an� charges are a part of this aeed ❑f Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Char�es. Llpan reques� by Lender, Trus�ar shall execu�� such documen�s in addition to <br /> fihis Qeed o�Trust and take whate�er o�her action is requested �y Lend�r t❑ perfect and continue Lender's lien ❑n <br /> the Real Pr�perty, Trustar shaif r�imburse L�nder far a�l �axes, as described below, �age�her with al! expenses <br /> +neurred in re�ording, perfecting or continuing this Deed ❑f Trust, includin� withaut limita�ian al{ taxes, fees, <br /> documen�ary stamps, and o�h�r charges�or recarding or register�ng�h�s D��d o�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The foi�owing sha11 c4nstitute �axes to which this sectian applies: �1� a s�eci�ic tax up�n this typ� �� <br /> Deed af Trus�r or upon all ar any part of �he indebte�ness secured by thi� �3eed vf Trust; �2y a sp�cific rax an <br /> Trus�or which Trus�ar is authariz�d ar �equi�ed t❑ deduct�rom payments ❑n fihe lndeb�edness secured by this type <br /> ❑f Deed af Trus�r; �3� a tax on this type ❑f Deed of Trust char�eable aga�ns��he Len�er or the holder af the Note; <br /> and �4-� a sp�cific ��x an at� vr any por�ion o�the Indeb��dness ❑r an paymen�s ofi principal and irrterest made by <br /> Trustor, <br /> Subsequent Taxes, Ef any tax to which this sec�ian applies is enac��d subsequent �❑ the date ❑� this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trus�, this event shall have the sam� e�fect as an E�ent ofi Defiault, and Lender may exer�ise any vr all of i�s <br /> aWaElable remedies fvr an EWent ❑f D�fault as pro�ided below unless Trus�or e+�h�r {1} pays ths fiax before it <br /> beGr�mes deEinquent, or {�} �antests �he tax as prv�rided abo�e in �he Taxes and Liens section and deposits wi�h <br /> Lender cash ar a sufficien�c�rp�ra�e surety b�nd ar ather security satisfactvey t❑ ��nder. <br /> SECURITY AGREE#I�IENT; FiNANCiNG STATEMENTS. Th� following pravisions relating t� �his Deed of Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a parfi of this De�d af Trust; <br /> Se�uri�y Agreement. This ins�rumen� shall c�nsti�ute a 5ecuri�y Agreemen� ta the extent any o� �h� Praperty <br /> cansti�utes fixtures, and Len�er shall have a�l ❑fi the rights flf a secured party under the Unifvrm Cammercia� Cade <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> Se�urifiy [n�eres�. lJpan request by Lender, Trustar shalf talce whatever a�tion is requested by Lende� to perfect <br /> and �Qntinue Lender's securi�y in�eres� in �he R�n�s and Personal Property, ln addi�ian t❑ recording this ❑eed Q� <br /> Trust �n �he real praper�y records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorizatian �ram Trusfior, �ile <br /> ex�cuted caun�erpar�s, �opies or repraductians of �his Deed of Trust as a �inancing s�at�menfi. Trustor shall <br /> reimburse Lender far all expsnses incurred in perfee�ing or continuing �his security interest. Upon de�Faul�� Trustor <br /> shall not rema�e, s�ver or deta�h th� Persanal Pr�perty from the Property, Upon �efaul�, Trustor sha11 ass�mble <br /> any Persanal Prope�ty not a��ixed to the Prvper�y in a manner and at a place reasanably c�n�enient to Trus�ar and <br /> L�nder and mal�e i� available ta Lend�r wi�hin three �3} days a�ter receip� o� written demand from Len��r t❑ the <br /> exten�permi��ed by applicabl� [aw. <br /> Addr�sses. The mailing addressss a� Trus��r �deb�ar7 and Lender tsecured party7 �rom which information <br /> canc�rning the secu�ity interest granted �y this Deed of Trust may be obtained �eaeh as requir�d by the Uniform <br /> Gommercial �tidey are as s�a�ed an the firs�page of this Deed of Trus�, <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The fa�iowing pra�isians relating t❑ �urfiher assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fact are a part of thts Qeed ❑�Trus�: <br /> Fur�her Assurances. A� any tim�, and from time to time, upan request ❑f Lender, Trustor will make, execu�e and <br /> deliver, o�will caus�to b� made, exe�uted ar deli��red, to Lender�r t❑ Lender's design��, an�v�rh�n requested by <br /> Lender, cause ta be filed, r�corded, re�Fiied, ❑r rerecvrded, as �he �ase may �e, at such t�mes and in such ❑ffices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriat�, any and alI such mortgages, deeds ofi#rust, security deeds, security <br /> agr�ements, financing statements, continuatian statem�nts, instruments of further assuran�e, certificates, and <br /> ather dacumen�s as may, in the sale Qpinion of Lender, be necessary or desirabfe in ard�r�o effe��uate, complete, <br /> perf�ct, continue, or preser�e �17 Trus�or's abliga�i�ns und�r �h� No�e, this Deed ❑f Trust, and �he Related <br />