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2� 1 7�2 79� <br /> aEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: 'I�7 3�257 Q {��rltinued� Page 7 <br /> �f�er �`rus�or`s failure �q d� so, that decisivn by Lender wiil not affect Lend�r's righ��a de�l�re Trustor in de�ault <br /> �nd ta e�ercise Lender's remedi�s. <br /> Reques#�or No#ice. Trus�or, o�n behai�of Trustor and Lender� hereby requ�s�CS that a cop�v�any NQti�e v�De�ault <br /> and a copy❑�F any Noti�e Q��ale under this �3eed Qf Trus� be ma��ed to them at the addresses set�vrth in the �irst <br /> paragraph❑�this ❑eed af firust. <br /> A�vrn�ys' Fees; Exp�ns�s. !f Lend�r institutes any suit or a��ion to enforc� any c�� the ��rms vf this ❑e�d o� <br /> �'rus�, Lender shal! be entitEed tv reGc��er such sum as the cvurt may adjud�e reasvnab[e as a�tarneys' fees at trial <br /> a�nd upon any appeal. Whether �r na� �ny court activn is ir��ai�ed, and �o �he e�en� nvt prvhibited by law, all <br /> reasonable �xpenses Lender incurs ��a� in Lender`s opinion are necessary �� any �ime �or th� protectivn o� its <br /> in�erest or the en�orcement a�its rights shall become a part af�he indebtedness payable on damand and shall bear <br /> in�erest at the Note ra�e frvm�he da�e of the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses cv�ered by this paragraph include, <br /> wi�hout limitation, hawe�er subj�ct�o any limits under appli�ab�e �aw, Lender's a��orneys' ��es and Lender`s legal <br /> �xpenses. whether ar nnt �here is a lawsuit, in�luding at�orneys' �r�es and expenses far bankruptcy prviceedings <br /> tincluding eftorts tv modify or�aca�te any �u�vm��ic stay or injunctiony, appeals, and ar�y�n'�i�ipated pos��udgment <br /> �o�lection ser�ices, the cvs#of searcF�in� records, ❑b�ainEng title repar�s tin��uding �dr��l�sure reparts�, surveyars' <br /> reparts, and appraisaE fees� �i�le insuran�e, and fees �or �he Trustee, �v �h� ex�Cent Qermitted by appiicab�e !a►nr� <br /> Trus#or also�ril1 pay any cvur�casts, in addition to all other sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Righ�s o�T�us#ee. Trustee shall ha�e ail of the r�ghts and duties af Lender as set�ar�h in this se�tivn. <br /> P�VIIERS A111D DBLIGATIQN� �F TRUSTEE. The�ollowing provESEans re�ating tv�he pvwers and v�l�gatians ❑f Trustee <br /> �re parC o��his Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> . <br /> Powers af Trus�ee. tn add��ivn�o ali powers��Trus�ee arising as a matter o�law,Trus�ee sha�i ha�e the pow�r ta <br /> take the following actions wi�h respecx t�the Proper-ty upon the written reque�t❑� Lender and Trustor: �a}�oin in <br /> preparing and �iling a map ar pla� of the F�ea� Propert�, inc�uding �he dedica�ivn nf stree�s or other rights to the <br /> public; {h} �oin in granting any easement vr creating any res�riGtian on �he Real Prvperty; and ��� join in any <br /> su�ord�natian or other agreemen�[a��c�ing�his Deed vf Trust ar the interest❑t Lender under this Q�ed v�Trust. <br /> Yru��e�. Trustee sha�l m�et aE� qua�i�iGaxivns required for Trus�ee under applEcabie law. In addition tv th� rights <br /> and remedies s�t �ar�h abave. wi�h r�sp��� to aii or any part v� the Prvperty, �he Trus�ee shall ha�e �he ri�ht t❑ <br /> forec�ose by no���e and sal�, and �.�nder wi�� ha�e the rEght ta �or�clas� by judicial foreciosur�, in either cas� in <br /> accvrdance wEth and tv the#u!I�x�ent pro�ided by applicable�aw. <br /> 5uccessvr Trus�ee. Lender, a�Lender's aption, may#rom time ta�ime aQpoint a successflr Trustee to any Trus�ee <br /> appoin�ed under �his Deed ❑�Trust by an instrument executed and acknawledged by Lender and �ecorded in the <br /> q��ice Q� �he recorder vf HALL �vunty, S�a�� v� Nebraska. The instrumen� shall cvn��ir�, in addition �o all other <br /> m��tters required �y sta�e law, #he r��m�� a� �he ariginal Lender. Trustee, �nd 'T�us�ar. the boak and page ��r <br /> computer sys�em re�erence} wher� �Chis Qeed o� Trus� is recorded, and �he name and address o� the success�r <br /> trustee, and�he ins�rument�h�ll b�exeGu�ed and acknow�edged by all�h�bene�ic�aries under�h�s Deed of Trust or <br /> �heir successars �n interes�. The successar trus��e, withaut �Qn��yance a�the Property, shall su�ceed �to a�l �he <br /> �i�te� power. and duties can�erred up�n�he Trus�e�in this Deed v�Trust and by applicable �aw. This procedur�for <br /> subs�itution vf Trus�tee shall govern tv�the exclusic�n of a!!ather pra�isi�ns for suhstitution. <br /> NC�TIC�S. Any notice required tv be gi��n under�his Deed af Trus�. includ�ng with�u� limi���ion any not��e a�F defaul� <br /> and any notice c��sale shail b� �iWen in wrE�ing, and shall be e��ec�i�e wh�n a��ual�y defi�ered. wh�n actuaily recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimile tunEess vtherv+iise required lay law}, ►nrhen depvsited with a na�Cion�!!y r�cvgni�ed a�ernight cvurier, vr, it <br /> mailed. when deposited in the United S�a�es mail. as first class� ce�i�ied ❑r registered mail postage prepaid, directed�o <br /> the addresses shown near�he heginning flf this Deed v�Trust. All cvpies a� noti�es o�foreclosure �rflm �he holder of <br /> any lien which has priority ❑�er this Deed of Trust shall b� sen# ta Lender's address. as shown near #he begEnning a� <br /> �his ❑eed a� Trust. Any persvn may change his vr her address for na�ices under this ❑e�d ��"i'rust by gi�ing �orma� <br /> �vri��en na�ice to �he a�her person ❑r persvns, speci�ying tha� the �urpvse at th� na�ic� is �v Ghange the persan's <br /> �ddress. For no�ice purposes. Trus�or�gre���o keep Lender info�med at a�l times o�Trus�ar"s current address. lJnless <br /> o�herwise prv�ided or required by law� i�there is more than one Trustor, �ny nv�i�� given by Lender tv any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be no�ice given to a11 Trustors. !t will be Trustvr's�espons�bility to tei!the others❑��he notice�rvm Lender. <br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�V151QNS. The fa[Eawing mis�ellaneous pravisivns are a part af thi� Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. What is wri��en �n this F�eed v�Trust and in �he Related ❑a�umen#s is Tr�s��r's en�ire agreemen� <br /> wi�h Lender cvncerning �he ma��ers cv��red by�hi$ Deed o#Trust. Ta be e��ective, �ny �hange or amendment ta <br /> th�s ❑eed ❑�Trust mus� be in �vri�ing and mus� lae signed by wh�e�er will be �aund ar❑bligated by�he change ar <br /> amendment. <br /> �aption Headings. �aptivn headings in this Deed �� Trus� are �or can�enien�e purposes only and are nat ta �� <br /> used ta interpre�or de�fine�he pro�isions of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> M��ger. There shall be nv merger❑��he inter�s�vr estate crea�ed by this Deed o�Trus�wi�h any vther interest or <br /> ���a�e in�he Praperty a� any time held by ar�ar�he bene�it❑� Lender in any C�p�ci�y, withou�the writ�en cvnsent <br /> ��Lender. <br /> �haice vf Venue. �t�here is a la�rvsuit, Trus�o� agrees up�n Lender's request ta subm�t to the jurisdic��vn vf �he <br />