2� 1 7�2 79�
<br /> D��� �F TRl�ST
<br /> L��n No; ���3��51� ���ntinuedj P�ge 5
<br /> SEGVRITY AGREEMENT: FINANClNG S�'ATEMENTS. The �oflowing prv�ision� reia�ing �o this Deed o� Trus� as a
<br /> security agreemen�t are a part❑f this D�ed a�Trust:
<br /> S�Gurit� Agreerrient. This ins�rumen� shall canstitute a Se�uri�y Agreem�nt �o the ex�ent any of �he Prv�erty
<br /> �onst��utes �ix�ures, and Lender shall ha�� al! a�the righ�s ��a secured party under�he Un��a�rm Commercial �od�
<br /> as amended�rom time to�ime.
<br /> 5ecurity lnte�est, Upon request �y Lender, Trustar shaii take whateWer aGtion is requested by Lender ta perfect
<br /> and cvnt�nue Lender's securi�y in�erest in the Personal Prape��y. !n addition ta recarding th�s Deed o�Trust in the
<br /> real proper�y re�vrds, Lender may, at any time �nd without �urther auth�r�zat�on frvm Trustar, file exeGuted
<br /> cQunterparts. copi�S nr reproduc�i�ns of this ❑eed vf Trust as � �inancing sta�ement. T�-u�tor shall reim�urse
<br /> L�nder#or al! exp�nses in�urred in perfecx�ng or continuing this security interes�. Llpon de�F��ai�, Trustor sh�!! no�
<br /> remo�e� se��r ar de�tach th� �'ersonal Proper�y �Frvm the Praperty. Upon default, Trustor shall assemble any
<br /> Persona! Prvperty not a�tixed �o the P�ope�y in a manner and a� a place reasonably c�nvenien�t to Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable �❑ Lender within three �3} days after receip� of writ�ten demand #ram Lender ta the
<br /> extent permitted by appiicabie law.
<br /> Add��ss�s. Th� mailing addresses af Trustor �dek��or� and Lender �secur�d partyf from which in�ormatiQn
<br /> GvnGerning the s��uri�y �nt�rest gran�ed by this [�eed of Tru�t m�y be obtained �e�ch as ��quired by the Llni�vrm
<br /> C�mmercia3 CvdE} �re as s�ated t�n the firs��aage vf this Deed v�Yrust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURA,NGE�; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fv�lowing pro�isions relating �a �ur�her assuran�es and
<br /> a��arney-in-�act are a par�of this C�eed�f Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and firom time�a time, upan request v� Lend�r, Trustor will ma�e, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ar wii� cau���o be made, exeGut�� or deli�ered, tr� Lender ar�o Lender's designe�, and when reques��d by
<br /> Lender, �ause to be �filed, recorded, rs��Ied, or rerecvrded. as the case may be, at such times and in su�h v��iG��
<br /> and pla�es as ��nder may deem a�ppropriate, any �nd all such mortgages. de�ds a�trus�. securi�y deeds� s�Gu�i�y
<br /> agreements, financing statemen�s, cantinua�ivn s�a�ements, in��Cruments o� �ur�her assurance, cer�ificates, �nd
<br /> other documents as may, in�h� soie ❑pinion a� Lender, be nec�ssa�y or desir�bie in❑rder�o e��e�tua�e, cvmp�ete,
<br /> perf�c�, continue, ❑r preser�� �1 y Trus�ar's obligativns under the Note, this Deed af Trust, and �he Re�ated
<br /> Dacumen�s, and .�2} the �iens and securifiy interests created by this Deed af Trust as �irs� and priar iiens on the
<br /> Pr�perty, wh��her nvvv ❑wned or herea�ter acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibsted by !aw or Lender agrees to the
<br /> G�ntrary in writing, Trustar sha�l reimbu�rse Lender far �!I cos�s and e�penses incurred in connection wi#h the
<br /> ma��ers referred tv in�his paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fa��. I�Trustor faiis �o do any ❑f�he�hings re�erred �o in �he pr�c�ding paragraph� L�nder may da sa
<br /> �ar and in �he n�me af Trus�or and at Trustor'� exp�nse. For �uch purpvses. Trus�or h�reby irre�o�ably appain�s
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's attorney�in-�ac�for the purpase o�makin�, execu�ing, delirrering. filing. recarding, and doing ali
<br /> other things as may ae necessary or desi�able, in Lender's sole opinivn, �o accomplish the ma�ters re�erred �o in
<br /> �he preceding p�ragraph.
<br /> FllLL P�RF�RNIAN�E, it T�ustor pays ali the indebtedness, including wi�hout limitation all �u�ure adWan�es, when due,
<br /> and o�herwise perfvrms �!I the obEig��ians imposed upon Trus�vr under this Deed af Trust, Lend�r �ha�l �xecute and
<br /> deli�er �� Trustee � request �nr �u�l recon��yance �nd shall ex�cu�e and deli�er �a Trustor sui��ble stat�men�s a�
<br /> terminatian a� an� �inancin� sta�ement vn fiie eviden�ing Lender's security in��r�st in �he Ren�s and �he Persanal
<br /> Prc�perty. Any recc�n�eyance fee required by 1aw shaii be paid by Trustar, i�pe�mit�ed by appiicab�e law.
<br /> DEFALILT. ��Lender's ap�ion,Trustor will be in default under this ❑eed o�Trust i�any of#he fo��owing happen:
<br /> Fraud or N[aterial M�srepresen�a�i�n. Trus�or cvmmits �raud or material misrepresen�atian in cvnnection with �he
<br /> term�a��he No�e.
<br /> payment Defau��. T'rustor�aifs�v mee�c the repaymen��erms v��h� Note�or any vu�standing balance.
<br /> D�her Defautts. Trustor's ac� or fa�lure �ca ac� ad�erseiy af�ec�s L�nder's seGurity �n�erest in �he Property, �r any
<br /> righ�of Lenderrs in such secur'i�y.
<br /> Righ�to Cure. �f any de�ault. o�her than a defauit in payment, is curab[e and if Trustor has na�b�en gi�en a nc�tice
<br /> �f a breach of the same pra�Esion o�this Qeed of Trust withEn the pre�eding twel�e �'i�� m�nths. i�may be cur�d i�
<br /> Trus�or, �f�er Lender sends writt�n nvti�e�o Trustvr demanding cure o�su�h de�aul�: {�} Gures th� defaul�w�thin
<br /> �en �1 Q� days; or ��� i��he cure ��quires more�h�n ten �'�Q} daysr immed�at�iy ir�i�i�tes steps which Lender d��:ms
<br /> in Lender's svle discretian�o be su��icient to cur�the defaui�and�herea�ter�vnCir�ues �nd cQm�a�e�es a11 rea�anabl�
<br /> and necessary��eps sufficient�a praduce�vmpliance as svan as reasvnably prac�ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REM�DIE� �N QEFAULT. I�F an Even�of Qefault accurs under this Deed vf Trust. a�any time�hereafter,
<br /> T�ust�e❑r Lender may�xercise any one or more vf the fiolivwing righ�s and rem�dEes:
<br /> AcceleratEon L�pon Default; Additsonal Remedies. l��ny E�ent o� De�ault oc�urs as per the terms o�the Note
<br /> secur�d hereby, Lender may d�clare ail �ndeb�edness se�ured by�his ❑e�d v�Trus�to be due and paya�le and
<br /> �the same sh��l�hereu��n bec�me due and payaale wtthvu�any presentmen�, demand, prates�nr nc��ice Qf any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender m�Y:
<br /> ta� Eithe� in perst�n or by agen�, w�th �r withvu� bringing any aG'�ion or proceeding� or by a recei�er
<br />