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2� 1 7�2 782 <br /> L�AN #: '1fiQ2'1389� <br /> ��i�her Ba�rov��r nar Lender may commen�e, �oir�, ar be jained t� any judi�ial action 4as �ither an <br /> individuai �i�ig�n� or th� memb�r af a class} that arises �ram the �ther party's actions pur�uant �o �h�s <br /> ���urity l��trumen�ar fiha�a�lege��hat fih�ather part}r has br��ched an� pr�vision a�, or any du�y owed <br /> �y r���vn �f, �his 5�cur�ty Instrum�nt, untii su�h Bo�r+�w�r ar L��d�r has notified the �ther party �with <br /> suc�na�i���iv�n in c�mp�ianc�with the requ�r�m��ts of��cti�n 1�}of such all�g�d�reach and afforded <br /> t�� ��h�r �a�t� h�reta a r�a�anabl� peri�d after th� gi��n� of�u�� noti�� �v �ake corrective action. 1� <br /> A�p�icable La�►�r provides a�ime period ��ich �nust el�ps� befor�certain action can be taken, that tir�� <br /> �e�iod wi�1 be d��m�d to be r�a�onabl�f�r purposes of th�s paragraph. The n�t�c� ����c���rat�vn� and <br /> �p�ortun��y to cure given to �o�row�� pursuart t� Sec�ion �� ar�d ��e no�ice of acGe�erati�n g��rer� to <br /> �3�r��wer pursuan�to����i�n �8�h���be�����d to satis�y the na�i��and opp�rtun�ty�a t�ke cnrr���iv� <br /> ac�ion prov�s�ons�f this�e��i�n ��. <br /> 21. Hazard�us 5ubstan���. A� u��� �� ��is ��c��on ��: �a} "Haz��d�u� ���s��r�c��" a�r� th�s� <br /> su�stances d�fin�d �� t���� o� h�������� �u���anc�s, pailutan��, or w�st�� b� Er��ira�r����al L�� <br /> and �h� fol�ou�ing subs�a����, ga��[in�, k�r���n�. o�her f�amm��l� or toxic p�tra��um pr�du�ts, ��xic <br /> ���t�c�des and herbicid�s,�ola�il��o�ver���,rr��t�r��is con�ainin�asbes�as�rfarm��dehyde,�nd r�d���ctiv� <br /> ma��rial�; �b} �'Enviran��n��l L��v" ��an�f�de�a� i��vs and laws of th��u;��sdic���r��h�re�he Property <br /> �s I�cated tha�re�a�e�o heal�h, saf��y�r�nvi��nm�n�a� p�otection; (c}"En���onmen�al Cl�anup" inc�udes <br /> any response ac�ian, r�m�dia� a��ian, or r�m�va� action, �s de�in�d in �nviranm�n�a� Lavv; and �d} ar� <br /> "E�vir�nm�ntal �onditio�" mean� a condrti�n that c�n cause, cantribu�e ta, or o�he�vise �r�gger an <br /> �nviranmenta! ���anup. <br /> �or�o�er shall no�caus�or permi�th�presenc�,u�e,disp�sal,starage,ar release of any Hazardous <br /> Su�s�anc�s, or�hr�a�en �� �elease any Hazardous Subst�nc�s, on �r in th� Praper�y. Borrawe� shail <br /> not da, nor allow anyane ��se tv do, anything aff�cting �I�� F'rap�rty �a} that �s in viala�ian of any <br /> Envir�n��nt�! La�, ��� whi�h creat�S a� En��rvnmental Gandi�ion, or �e}whi�h, due �� �h� presenc�, <br /> use, �r re�ease of a Hazardou� �ubstance, creates a conditi�n th�� adv��s�ly affects th� valu� �f the <br /> P�rop�rtyn The pr�ceding twa�entences sha�l n��apply t��h� p��sen��, u�e, �r stv�age on�h� P�ap�r�y <br /> of smalt quantiti��o�Hazardau� Su�stances that are�en�ral�y r��ognized to b�apprapriat�to normal <br /> r��ider���a�u��s ar�d ta main�er��nce of the F'�o��rty�inc�uding, �u�nat�imited�a, haza�dous substances <br /> in consum�r produ�ts}. <br /> B�rro�ver�half p�Qmpt�y giv� Lend�r vvr�tt�� n�tice of�a} any investi�at��r�, c�aim, demand, IavYsuit <br /> or othe� actian �y any ga��rnm��tal a� r�gu�a�o� ag��cy �r priv�te parky invo�v�ng the Prop�r�� �nd <br /> any Ha�ardous �u�stanc� �r �nvir�nm�r��ai L�vv �f which Barrvwer has ac�ual knaw��dg�, �b} �ny <br /> Env�ronmenta! �andi�ionf �n�fud�n� �ut�a� lirn��ed �o, ar�y spElling, leakir�g, d��charg�, r�l�as� �r�hre�� <br /> �f r�leas� of any Hazard�us Sub����c�; �nd �c} a�y c�ndit�on c�used �y the �r�se�ce, use o�r��e��� <br /> af a Hazardous Subst���� whi�� �d�er��ly �f��c�s the va�ue af#he Pr�pe�ty. If�orrow�r ���rr�s, ar �s <br /> nati�i�d by �n� �overnm�r��a� vr r��u���o� �u�hor�ty�, �r any pr�vat� p�rty, that an}� r�mvv�f a� �t�€�r <br /> re�ned�at�on af any H�z�rd�u� �u�st���� ��f���i�g the F'roperty is necessa�y, Sarraw��sha�! pr�mpt�y <br /> �ake a�l n�ces�a� rem��i�!a�tion� in a��ard�nce�ri�h Env�r�nm�ntal Law. ��thin� h�r�in s�all c��a�� <br /> ar�y �bliga���r� on L�nder far�n Er��ira�mental G�e�nup. <br /> N�lV-�h��F�F�� ��'+IE�IA�T�. Bor�o�v�r�r�� Le�d�������r���enan�and a�r�e a�foli�w�: <br /> ��. #����I�ra��i�an; Rem�d�es. Lender shaii ���� r�c�tic� to �orr��►er priar ta accelerativn <br /> f��lo�inc� �arr��rer's breach of any ct�►��nant c�r a�r��rr�ent i� thi� S��urity �nstrument�but nat <br /> pr�or to ac��leration under 5e�tion 18 unless Applicabl� La�nr p�r�av�d�s atherrn��se�. The n�tic� <br /> sha�l sp�cif�: ���th�default; �b� the a�tion required to c�ure th�defau�t; �c� a�ate, nat iess than <br /> �Q days from th� date the notice is given ta Barrvv�er, by �hich th� default must be cured; <br /> and �d� th�t fai�ure to �ure the default on or before the date spec�f��d in the nvt�ce ma� result <br /> �n acc�leratinrr af�h� sums se�ured b� this Security �r�strument and �al� of the Prc�perty. The <br /> noti�e sha�l further inf�rm Bvrrower of the right to reinstate aft�r ac�e�eratian and the right to <br /> bring a court actio� tc� ��sert the nvn-existence vf a default ❑r any ather d�f�ns� of Borra�rer <br /> #o acc�lerati�n and sale. If�he def�ult�� nvt cur�d on Qr before the date spe�ified in the notice, <br /> Lender at its apt�an may r�quire imrnediate payment�n full af all sums se�ure� k�y this Security <br /> lnstrument ►�rithaut further �iemand ar�d nnay in�oke the povuer vf sale and any other remedies <br /> perm�tted by Applicabl�La�v.Lend�r sh�ll I��entiti�d to�afiect al�expense�incurred in pursui�� <br /> the remedies provided in t�his Secti�n 22, ir�cluding,but not limited ta,reasanabl�attarr�e��'f��s <br /> and co�ts af title e�idence. <br /> �f the p��nrer of sale is�nuoke�l,Tru�t��shal! re�ord a notice�af def�ult in ea�h count��n►�hich <br /> �n� part�f the Pr�perty�s Iocate���d sh�ll mail�api�s af�uch natice in the nn�r�ner�res�ribed <br /> Iby App�icab�e La�r to E3arrv��r and to th��rth�r p�rsran�pres�ribed hy Appiicab�� L.a�nr.After t�e <br /> tir�n�require�b�app�ica��e�aw,Tru�t��shal�g�r►e public nQti�e af�a�e�a the pers�ns and in th� <br /> rr��n ne�r pr�s�r�bed by a�p�ica���La�w.Tru�t�e,with�vut denr��r�d or�E�c�rr��r�r,sha i I se!I th�e Prnpert� <br /> �t public a�uction to the hi�h�st b�dd�r at t��tim�and plac+��n��unr��r th�e terms desigr�ated in the <br /> noti�r�af�al�ir�one or mare p�r�efs and i�any ord�r 1�rus��e det�rmines.Tru�tee ma��av�t�one <br /> ���e af all ar �ny parcel of the Property by pu�li� anr��u�cem�nt at th� time and place �f an� <br /> pr��iau��y�chedul�d sale. Lender or its de�ign�e m�� p�r�h��e th� Prvperty at any sale. <br /> . : �-=� <br /> Initials. <br /> NEBRAS�iA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM IN�TRUl11�ENT Fflrm 3Q�8'�1�'I r � <br /> Ellie Mae, �nc. Page �0 of'�� NEEDEE�] 03�5 <br /> NEEDEED[CLS} <br /> 041'�212�3�7 0�:05 PM PST <br />