2� 1 7�2 72 2
<br /> Th�Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposi�s are�nsured by a federal agency, instrumen�ali�y,or
<br /> entity�includir�g L�nder, if L�nd�r is an institution�hose deposits a�e so insu��d}�r in any Fe�eral I-�ame
<br /> L�an Bank.Lender shall app�y the Funds ta pay the Escrow Items no�ater than the tim�specified under
<br /> i�SPA.Lender s�all not charge Borrov�er f or hvlding and applying the Fun�s, annua�ly analy�ing the
<br /> e�craw accaunt,�r v�rifying the Escrow Items,un�ess Lender pays Borrower in�ere�t on�he Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender to make s�ch a eharge.Un�ess an agreement is mad�in r�riting or
<br /> Appli�able Law requires in�erest to be paid an the Fun.ds,L�nder shall not be required to pay�orrower any
<br /> �nt�rest or�arnings t�n th��unds.Borrow�r and Lender�an agree in writing,however,that intere�t shall be
<br /> paid on the Funds. L�nder shall giv�to B�rrower,wit��ut c�arge,an annual a�counting of the Funds as
<br /> r�quired by RES�A.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds h�ld in escrow,as def ned under RESPA,Lend�r shall account to Borrower far
<br /> th�excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shor�ag�af Funds held in escrow,as defined under
<br /> RESPA,Lender sha�l not�fy Bvrrower as rec�uired by R.�SPA,and Barrawer�hall pay to Leade�the amount
<br /> ne�essary to mak�up the shortage in aecordance�ith�ESP�,but in no m�re than �Z monthly payments. If
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds h�id in escraw,as defined under RE�PA,L�ender shalt notify BQrrower as
<br /> requir�d by RESPA,and Borrower sha�1 pay to Lender the amount necessary ta mak�up the def�cien�y in
<br /> accordat�ce w�th 1��PA,but in na mare than��manthly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in ful�of all sums secured b�this Security Zn.�trument,Lender shall promp��y refund to
<br /> �orrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> �, �harges;L�e�ts.Borro�ver sha11 pa�a�l ta�es, assessm�nts,c�iarges, #�ines, an�irnpflsitiot�s a�tributa�le to
<br /> the Property which can attain priority over this�ecurity Instxument, �easehald payments or ground rents on
<br /> the Prop�rty,i�'an�r,and�orr�munit�Association D�aes,Fees,and Assessment�,if any. Ta the extent tha�
<br /> th�se items ar��scrow�t�m�,��rr�w�r�hall pay them in the manner pr��ided in Sectian 3.
<br /> �orrotiver shall promptly discharge any lien wh�ch has priority over this Secur�ty Instr�n�ent unless
<br /> Borrower: �a}agrees in writing to�he payment of the obligation secured by the l�en in a rnanner acGeptable
<br /> to Lender,but only so long as Borro�ver�s perfarming such agreement; �b)contests the Iien in good faith by,
<br /> ar defends against enforcement of the lien in,lega�proceedings which in Lender's apinion operate to prevent
<br /> the enfor�ement of the li�n while thase proceedings are pending,but or�1y until such proceedings are
<br /> concluded;or(c} secures fram the halder of the lien an�greement satisfactory to Lender subord�nating the
<br /> lien to this 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender determines��iat any part of the Property is subject ta a�ien which
<br /> can attain priority ov�r this Security�nstrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the�ien,
<br /> �ithin ��days�f the date on�hich that noti�e is given,Borrower shal�satisfy the�ien or take�ne or more
<br /> of the actions set forth abo�re�n this 5ection 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower ta pay a ane-time�harge for a rea�estate fax�erificatian andlor reporting
<br /> service u�ed by�er�der Fn connection�vith this I�oaa,
<br /> 5. P ro pe rty I n$u rance.Borra�r�r shall keep the imprvv�m.�nts n�w existing or hereafter erected�n the
<br /> P�op��ty insu�ed against loss by f�re,ha�ards ineluded with�n the term"extended coverag�,"and any ather
<br /> hazards�nc�uding,but not limited to,earthquakes and flvods,for tWhi�h.Lender requires ins�ance.Th�s
<br /> insurance shall be maintained in the amounts�including deductible 1e�e1s}and for the periads that Lender
<br /> re�uires. What Le�.der requir�s�tXrsua�t t�the pr���di�g s��ten�e�c�n�ha�g�durin�the tert�of the Lo�.n.
<br /> The insurance earrier praviding the ir�surance shall be ch�sen by Borrower subject to Lender's r�ght ta
<br /> disapprove Borro�ver's�haice,w�iich�ight sb�11 not be exercis�d�nreasanabl�.Lende�may r�quire
<br /> Borrower to pay, in conr�ectian�vith this Loan,either: (a}a ane-time charge for flood zone determination,
<br /> �e�tificatian and tracking ser�ices;or�b)a one-time�h�rge for flo�d zone de�.ermination a�.d�ertifi�ation
<br /> NEB'RASKA-Sir+���Famil�-Far��ie MaelFned�ie Mac L1NIFORM INSSRLfM'ENT W1TH MERS Farm 3428�]Qi
<br /> VMP� VMPBAtNE}(13Q2}.04
<br /> Woiters I(luwer Finan�la!Serv�ces Page 6 of i 7
<br /> q03374976�7� 4233 47 Q517
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