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2� 17�271 � <br /> DFE� �F TRL��T <br /> Lnan No: 1������94 {��rttinu��} Page 5 <br /> Trus��r wil! deiiver, ar cause�v be de�iWered. �o Lender such ins�rumen�s as Lend�r may r�quest fram time�o#ime <br /> to �ermi�such participativn, <br /> Complian�e With Laws. Trus�ar ►►varrants �hat �he Property and Trustor's use af the Proper�y c�mp�ies with at� <br /> existin� appli�able laws, ordinances, and regulations vf go�ernmental au�hvrities. <br /> Survi�al of Repr�sentations and `IVa�ran�ies. All represent�rtions, warranties, and agreem�n�s made by Trustor in <br /> this Deed a�Tru��shall sur�i�e th� executian ar�d d�livery a�thi� Deed of Trus�, shall be �ontir�uing in nature, and <br /> shall remain in��II�orce and ef�ec'�until such time as �orrawer's Indeb�edness sha�! be paid�n ful�, <br /> EKIST�NG lNDEBTE�NESS. The�Fallowing pravisians concerning Existing Indeb�edness are a part��this Dee�❑�Trus�: <br /> Exis#ing LEen. The 1i�n o� this Deed �� Trust se�ur�ng the lndebtedness may be se�andary and infer�or �o an <br /> existing fien, Trus�or �xpressly co�enants and agr�es to pay. ar s�e t�the paymen�vf, �he Existing Endeb�edness <br /> and�o prevent any de�aui�❑n su�h ind�b�edness, any de�aul�und�r th� ins�ruments evidencing such indebtedness, <br /> ar any def�ult under any securi�y docum�n�s�ar suCh indebtedness. <br /> No Mvdi�icatiQn. Trus�ar �hall not en�Cer in�a any agreement wRth the haEder o� any mortgar�e, deed ❑� trust, a� <br /> a�her security ag�eement wh�ch has prFority o�er thfs Deed of Trus� by ►►vhich �hat agreemen� is madi�ied. <br /> amend�d, �x�ended, nr renewed wE#hau� the prior wr���en cansen� a� Lendsr. Trus�vr shail neither request nor <br /> acc�p�any�uture advances under any such securi�y agreement withou��h� prio�-wrifiten consent�f Lender. <br /> GC3NDEMIIIATIC�N. The�olfr�wing provi�ions rela�ing�o candemnation prviceedings are a part❑f this �eed o�Trus�: <br /> Prviceedings. f� any prvice�ding in cvndemnativn is fi�ed, Trus�or shal! promp�ly no��#y Lender in wri�ing� �nd <br /> Trus�or shall pramptly take such s�eps as i-nay be necessary �a defend �he action and abtain the award, Trustor <br /> may be the naminaf party in such prvice�ding, but�.ender shal� be entitled tv participa�e in the prac��ding �nd�v be <br /> rep�esen�ed in �he prviceeding by counsel ❑f its awn �hflic�, and Trustvr wili deliver or cause tv be de�i�ered ta <br /> Lender such ins�rum�n�s and dvcumentativn as may be reques��d by Lender �r�m time �o time �to permi� such <br /> par�icipat�nn. <br /> Applica�it�n o�Net PraGeeds. If all �r any part v��he Pra�er�y is condemned by eminent d�m�in prvGeedings or by <br /> any pro�eeding or purchase in lieu a�cvndemna#ivn, tender may a�i�ts elec�ion require tha�all or any portivn ot�he <br /> net praceeds �f th� award I�e a�plied ta �he Indebtednes� ar the repair or restorativn vf the Prvperty, The n�� <br /> pra�eeds af�he �wa�d shall mean �he awa�d a�er payment a� all r�asanabEe �vsts, e�penses� and a�t�rneys' �e�s <br /> incurred by Trus�ee ar�.end�r�in conneG�ian wi�h�he cvndemnation. <br /> IMPQSlT��N �33F TA�ES, FEES �ND CHARCES �Y GOVERNMENTAL AUTH�R1TlES. Yhe ��Ilowing �ra�i�ian� relating <br /> 'to ga�ernmen�a�taxes. �ees and �harg�s are a par�❑f this Deed a�7'rust: <br /> Current Taxesr Fees and Gharges. Upon r�ques� hy Lender, Trust�r sha�l execute suGh docurnents in addi�ian ta <br /> this Qeed of Trust and�ak� vvh��e�er other ac�ion is reques�ed by Lender to perfe�� and �on�inue Lender's lien vn <br /> the ReaE Prvperty. Trusto� shall �eimburse Lender �vr all ��x�s, as d�scrib�d befqw, toge�her wi�h a11 expenses <br /> in�urred in recarding, p�r�ecting or cantinuing �his ❑eed af Trust, including wi�haut fimi�ati�n alI taxes, �ees. <br /> docum�n�ary s�amps, and o�her cF�a�ges�or r�c�rd�ng or rEgistering�his Qeed o�Trus�. � <br /> Taxes. T�e �Fv[[awing shal� consti�ute taxes to which �his se��ian applies: {�} a speGific tax upan �hi� �ype o# <br /> Deed af Trust ❑r upvn ai� ar any part o�the Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed �t Trust; t2� a specifi� tax ❑n <br /> Qorrower whi�h garrower is �uthorized ar r�quired �o d�du�t�rram payments an the l�deb�tedness secured by this <br /> type ot Deed ofi T�ust; �3} a�ax an this type v� ❑eed vf Trust chargeabie a�ainst�he Lender❑r the ho�der v#�he <br /> Nv��; and �4) a speci�ic ��x on �IE ❑r any pt�rtivn of the IndEb�t�dness ar Qn paymen�� �� pr'incfpal and intere��t <br /> made by �Qrrvwer. <br /> Suhsequent Taxes. If any �ax ta which this sectian app�ies is enacted su�sequen� �a the date of #his ❑eed ot <br /> Trus�, this e�ent shal! ha�e th� same e��eG� as an Event a� �e�auft, and Lender may exercEse any or ail o� i�s <br /> availab�e rem�dies for an E�ent of DefauEt as prv�ided below unless Trustor ei�her t1 y pays the �ax befare i� <br /> b�comes de�inquen�, vr ��} cvntes�s �he �ax as �r��ided aba�e in the Taxes and Liens secti�n and deposi�s wi�h <br /> Lender cash or a su�ti�ient Gorpora�e su�ety bvnd or v�her securi�y satis�actary to L�nder. <br /> S�G[lR�T� A�REEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The �ollowing pro�isions rela�ing �o �his �eed of Trust as a <br /> securi#y agreement are a part of this aeed of Trus�; <br /> Security Agreement. Thts instrument shalf cans�i�ut� a �ecurEty Agreer�ent to �he extent any of �he Praper�y <br /> canstitutes fixtu��s, and Lender shali ha�e a11 ��the �ights of a se�ur�d party under the Unitorm Comm�rcia� Code <br /> as amende��rom tim��❑time. <br /> 5e�uri�y In�eres�. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shall tai�e wha�ever a��ion is requ��ted by Lender �Q per�ec� <br /> and cvn�inue Lender`s security in�erest in the Ren�s and Personal Property. �n additivn tv record�ng �his ❑eed o� <br /> Trust in the rea� p�operty rec�rds, Lender may, at any time and without fu��hsr authori�ati�n from Trustar, �ile <br /> executed �ounterparts, capies or reprvduc�ions ❑f this �eed ot Trust as a �inancing statem�n�. Trustor shall <br /> reimburse Lender�ar a�f exp�nses inGurred in per�ec�ing Qr can�inuEng �his security En�er���. Upon de�ault, Trustc�r <br /> shall not remv��, se�er ❑r �etach the Persona] Pr�perty frQm the Property. Upan de�aul�. Trustvr sha�l assemble <br /> any Persanaf Praper�y nvt a��ixed �o the Pr�per�y in a manner ar�d at a p1ac� reasona��y con��nien#��Trus�vr and <br /> Lender and make it avai�able to Lender wtthin three �3� days after receip� o� written demand ��om Lender to the <br />