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2� 17�27�4 <br /> Ie�a�l� enti�led �here�o. The reci�ais in t�e Trus���`s deed shal� be prima facie eviden�e �f �he truth of the <br /> statemen�s made in ��. If L�nder c�;�os�s�o in��ke the power of sale, Lender or Trus�ee w�l� pra�ide noti�e of sale <br /> pursuant t� app�ieable Iaw. Any s�;.��h sale or a sal� n�ade pursuant to a judgmen� or a decree for the foreclosure <br /> hereaf may, a� th� �p�ion of Len��er, be �a�e en masse. Th� comm�ncement o�pr�ce�d�ngs to fareclos� �his <br /> Security �nstrumen� in an�manner au�horized by lav�sha�l be dee�ed as exercise o�th�above option. <br /> Upon the occurrence of an Event of I7�faul�, Lender sha�I imrnedia�ely be en�itlEd �� make app�ication far and <br /> ob�ain th� appointm�en� of a r�ce�v'er for the Pr�per� and of the earnings, inco3me, issue and profits of it,�vit� �he <br /> pow�rs as �he court n�aking the a�apointments confers. �ran�or hereby irre�a�ab�� consen�s �o such appoin�men� <br /> and wai�es no�i�e of an�applicatir�n�heref�r. <br /> N� �V'AI'L�ER. No �elay flr failu��e of�ender to exercise any righ�, remedy, pa�r ar priviiege hereunder shal� <br /> affec� �ha� right, remedy, power or•pri�i��ge n�r shall any s�ngl� or par�ial exercis� ther�of preclude �he exercis� <br /> of any righ�, remedy, pawer or pr��ileg�. No Lender de�ay or failure t� demand �trict adheren�e �o the terms of <br /> �his Security Instrumen� shail be �eem�d�o c�nsti�u�e a caurse of c�ndu�t inconsi�ten� w��h Lender's right at any <br /> tin�e, hef�re ar after an evenf of d;�fau��, �Q demand strict adherenc� �o�he �er�ns �f�h�s Security �nstrumen� and <br /> the Re�ated Documen�s. <br /> S�JBST�TUTE TRUSTEE. L�nd��r, at i�s op�ian, may fxam�irne �a time re�ove �'rustee and appaimt a suc�essor <br /> trustee ta any Trus�ee appninted hereunder by an ins�rument r��orded in the �oun�y in v�hich �his Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen� i� recorded. �ithou� conveyan�e of�he Proper�y, �he successar trust�: sha�� su�ceed to ali the ti�le, <br /> power and du�ies conf�rred upon Truste�herein and by app�ica�l��aw. <br /> J�IN'T AND SEVERAL LIABI��ITY. �f this Secur�ty �ns�ru�n�n� shou�d b�sign�d by r�-�.�re��an one person, all <br /> p�rsons executing this Se�urity In:�trument agree that�he� sha�l be j�in�ly and �e��eral�y bound, �nrhere pern���ted <br /> �y �aw, <br /> SURVY'"�AL. Lender's rights in th::s Securi� �nstrumen� �vill can�inue in i�s su�ce��ars and assigns. This Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�ru�men� is binding fln aII heirs, �;X�CLI�QI"5y admin�s�ra�ors, assigns and successors of Grantor. <br /> N(3TIC�S A�CD '�'A�'V�� �F r��T��E, Unless otherwise required by applica��I� �av�, any n�ti�e ar deman�i <br /> gi�en by Lender �o any party is c��nsidered effectiWe: �i� �vhen i� �s �epos��ed in ��e United S�at�s Maii vvith �he <br /> appropriate pos�age; ��i} when i� �;;s sent via elec�ronic mail; �i�i� when i� is sent via facs�mil�; ��v� �nrhen i� is <br /> deposited with a na�ianally re�ogn:�zed avernight caurier servic�; �v� on�he day o�~p�rs�nal deli�ery; or�vi� any <br /> a�her commerc�al�y reason��le me��.ns. A copy of any not�ce sha�l be sent to �ach�arfiy a�the addr�ss af the parry <br /> gi��n a� �he beginning of this SeGuri�y Ins�rumen� unl�ss an a��ernative addr�ss h�s been provided �a Lender in <br /> �nrri�ing. To th� exten�perrnitted by Iav�, Gran��r waives notice af Lend�r's accep�ar��e flf this S�eurity �ns�rument, <br /> defenses based on suretyship, a���y defense arising �rom an� �lec�ion by Ler_der und�r the United S�a�es <br /> Bankruptcy ��de, Uniform Camm�rcial �ode, as enacted in the s�a�e where Lend�t-is �oca�e�or o�her app�ica�le <br /> �a� or in �qui�, demand, notice c�f ac�e�era�ifln, not�c� of n�npayment, pr�sentmen�, pro�es�, na��ce of d�shonor <br /> and any other no�iee. <br /> ��QI�EST ��R N�TI�ES: �ra;��or requests that copies of�he n4�ice of d�fault�:nd no�ice of sate be sent�o�he <br /> ` address of each par�y given at the�eginning of the S��urity�nstrumen�. <br /> T� THE ��TEN'T PERI�IITT�D BY �AW, ��.iANT�R '�VAIVES AN'Y RI�HT T� N�TI�'E, Q�'H�R <br /> THAN T�E �It3TI�E, P�[3V�:D�D AB�VE, AND WAIVES ANY RI��IT TQ ANY HEA�IN�, <br /> JUDI�IAL DR. UTH��.WIS�s PRIQR T� ��ND�R E�ER��SIN� ITS RI��-ITS U�D�R TI-��S <br /> �E�URITY �NSTRU��NT. <br /> 'V�AIVER �� APPRA.�SE��NT` I�IG�TS. �rantor waives aI� appraisen�ent ri�h�s rela�ing �� �he Properr}��o <br /> �he extent permi�t�d by law. <br /> LENI]ER'S E�PENSES. Grantflr agrees t�pay ali �xpenses �ncurred by L�nder in conne���on �vi�h enf�rcemen� <br /> af��s r�ghts under the Indeb��dness, th�s Security Ins�rurr�en� or in t��event Lender is mad�party�o any li�igation <br /> because of fhe exis�en�e of the �nd=�b�edness or this Secur��y �ns�rument, as vv�l� as �aurt cos�s, �aliec�ion charges <br /> and reasonable attorneys' f�es and��isbursemen�s . <br /> ASS��NABIL�TY. Lender rnay �ssign or ��h�rwis� �ransfer th�s Security Ins�rur�ent or any of L�nder's ri�hts <br /> under this S�curi�y Instrurnent wi���au� n�tice to Grantor. Grantar may nat assign t::�is S�curit� �ns�rurn�n� or any <br /> par�of�h� S�curity Instrumen�wit�E out�he express writ�en cans�n�af Lender. <br /> �C3VE�NIN� LAW. This Secur�ty �nstrurnen� �ri�l b�governed by the la�vs of the Stat� of Nebraska including <br /> al�proceedings arising frorn this S�;curity Ins�rumen�. <br /> S�VERASILITY. If a cour� of:compe�ent jurisdxCti�n �e�ermines any �erm ��r pro�rision of �his Securi <br /> � <br /> Instrument is inWalid or pro�ib��e�� by applicable �aw, tha� ��rm or pr�vision w��l be ineffect�ve to the ex�ent <br /> required. Any �erm �r pro�ision�����has been d���rmined ta be in�alid or prflhibife�vsri�I �e s��ered from the res� <br /> of the Security �nstrumen� wit�ou�Y invalidating ��� r�mainder flf either �he affected provision or �his Security <br /> �nstrurr�en�. <br /> '�VA�V�R �F J�1RY TRIAL. A:�� parties �o �his Secur��y Instrument hereb�� knflwingly and vo�un�ari� <br /> Y <br /> wai�e, to the fu�l�s� ex�en� permi:��ed by Iar�v, any r�ght �a tria� by j ury of any dispute, whether in contra�f, <br /> �ort, or��herwise, ar�sing ou�of, in cannection �vi��., relafed to,or�ncfden�a� �c}the reiationsh�p es�abli�hed <br /> be�ween �hem in �his Secur��� I��strumen� or any other ins�rumen�, da�ume�.� or agreem�n� execu�ed or <br /> deiivered in c�nnection w�th�hi���ecur��y Instrum�n�or the Relat�d D�cum�nt�. <br /> ENTIRE .A,�����ENT C]� T�E �'ARTI�ES, This agreemen�, inc�ud�n a�� a reemen�s referre� �o or <br /> � g <br /> lncorpora�ed int��his agr�en�en�, cc�nst��u�es�he entir�agreemen��e�we�n�he parties rela�ing�a t�e sub'ec�nza�ter <br /> J <br /> of �his agree�nent. Th�s agr�ern�n� sup�rsedes ali prior oraI ar written a�een�ents, commitme�a�s and <br /> �20a4-2�16 Campl'tance Sysiems,tnc.7c6 t42d2-d2a4eaCG-2d 1 b.?30.�.8 <br /> C�m�ner�ial R�al Estate Scc�rity lti�trumcnt-I]L�€�07 Pa�;e 4�f 5 G�[iaEi�esystems.Gam <br />