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2� 17�27�4 <br /> WA��.ANTI�S. Grantor, for it�e�f, �ts heirs, personal repres�n�at��es, SUCC�55�r5, and a.ssigns, re�resents, <br /> warrants, ca�enants and agr�es wit:h L�nder, its su�cessors and assigns, as fo�lo�s: <br /> P�rfor�mance flf [�bl�ga�ior�s. Gran�or pro�nises �� perform a�l t�rms, condx�ians, and �a��nan�s of�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen� an�Re��ted�.7ocun�en�s in acc�rdanee w��h�he terms con�a�n�d�h�rein. <br /> DefenSe and T��le�o Prape���y.At�he time of exe�u�ion and delivery of thzs ins�rurnen�, Gran�or is �a�rfu�ly <br /> seised af�he e�ta�e hereby c�n�eyed and has the ex�lusive righ�to mor�gage, �ran�, con�ey and as�ign �he <br /> Property. Grantor c�venanis tha� the Property is unen�umb�red and free �f a�l liens, except for <br /> encumbrances of record accteptable to Lender, �urther, Gran��r covenan�s that Gran�or wil� warrant and <br /> defend genera��y the ti�le �o�:he Properfiy agains� any and all ciaims and demands wha�saever, subj ec�to the <br /> easements, restrict�ons, or �3�her encumbrances of record accep�able �� Lender, as may �e Iisted in �he <br /> schedule of exc�ptions to co�verage in any abstra�t of ti�i� or tat�e insurance policy insuring �ender`s interes� <br /> in the Properry. <br /> C4ndition af Property. Gr�:,n��r pr�mises at aI� times �fl pr�serve and to maintain �he Properry and every <br /> par��hereof�n ga�d repair, ��orking ❑rder, anc� �ondi�ion and �i�I from time ta tirne, make alI needfu� and <br /> proper r�pairs sa that�he vali�e�f the Froperty shal�not in any way be impaired, <br /> �temo�al of any Par� flf th�� �'rQper�y. Grant�r prarni�es no� �o remo�e any part of�he Prop�rty from its <br /> presen�Ioca�ion,excep�f�r r��placemen�,maintenan�e and re�oca��on �n�he�rdinary course�f bu�iness. <br /> A�tera�ivns to #he Proper�y, �ran�or pr�mises t� abstain from the commission of any �as�e on or �n <br /> connec��on wi�h �he PropYyrty. Fur��er, �rantor shal� make n� ma�erial a��era�i�ns, add�tions or <br /> impro�ements of any �ype ��hatsoever to the Property, regardless �f v�rhe�her suc� a�tera�i�ns, addit�ons Qr <br /> �mpro��rnen�s �rou�d increa;�e the value of �he Prop�rty, nor permit anyone �o do sfl except for tenan� <br /> impro�e�n�nts and completio:n of items pursuant to appro�ved p�ans and specifica�ians, vvithout Lender's prior <br /> �rrit�en �onsent, which cons��nt may �e �nrithhe�d by Lender �n its sole discre�ian. �ran�or�v�l� com�p�y v�r�th <br /> aI� �a�rs and regula�ions of;�.�1 public authorities ha�ing jurisdic�i�n over th� praper�y includin�, wifhou� <br /> limita�ion, th�se rela�ing to °:he use, accupancy and rnaintenan�e th�reof and shal� upfln requ�s� promptly <br /> subn�it�a Lend�r evidence��'such cornp�iance. <br /> �ue�n Sale�-Lender's �onsent, Gran�ar shal� not sell,fur�h�r encumb�r or o�hervvise dispose of,�xcep�as <br /> � herein provid�d, any or a�I ��f its in�erest in any par� of or a�i flf�he Property wi�hou� f rs� ab�aining t�e <br /> vv�-itten �onsen� of Lender. ::f any �ncumbran�e, Iien, �ransfer or sale or agreement f�r these �s crea�ed, <br /> Lender rnay d�clare immedia�ely due and payable,�he�n�ire�baian�e of the�ndebtedness. <br /> �n5u rance, �ran�ar promises to keep the Prop��-ty insured agains�such risks and in such form as may wi�hin <br /> �he soie discretion af L�end�i} be accep�ab�e, �au�ing Lender t� be named as loss payee or if reques�ed by <br /> �ender, as �.or�gagee. The fnsurance company shall be ch�sen by �ran�or subje�� t� Len��r's appraWai, <br /> whi�h shall not �e unreasa��ab�y withhe�d. A�I insurance poli�i�s must pro�xde �hat Lender wi�� ge� a <br /> m�n�mum of 10 days no�ice�rior��cance�iation. A�Lend�r's discr��ion, Gran�or may be required to produce <br /> � receip�s af paid premiun�s an�:�renev�ai po��cies. If Granttir fails�o abtain�he required ca��rage, Lender may <br /> do so at Grant�r's expense. C�ran�or hereby �irects each and ���ry insurer af�he Prop�rry�Q make payment <br /> of loss �o Lend�r���h �he proc�eds�o be app�ied, only at Lender's opti�n, �o�he repair and replac�m�nt of <br /> the damage �r loss.or t� be app�ied �a t�e Indeb�edness �vi�h �he surplus, if any, to be paid by Lender �a <br /> Grant�r. <br /> Payment af Tax�s and �ther Applicable �harge�, Grant�r promises to pay and t� disc�arg� iiens, <br /> en�umbrances, �ax�s, as�ess�nents, lea�� paym�n�s and any ath�r �harges re�at�n� �� the Proper�y �vhen <br /> �e�ied or assessed against Gr��n��r or�he Prape�-�y, <br /> Env�r�nmenta� Laws and 'Hazardaus or T�xic IV�ateria�s. �rantor and every �enan� ha�e b�en, are <br /> presentiy and shal� con��nu� �o be in s�r�c� cflmp�iance vvi�h any applica�l� Iocal, s�a�e and federal <br /> environmen�al �a�s and regu�:a��ons, Fur�her,n�ither�ran�or nor any�enant shall manufacture, s�ore,handle, <br /> dis�harg� Qr d�sp�se of haza:�d�us or ��xi� r�a�erials as may be defined by any s�at� or federal �aw an �he <br /> Property, �xcept ta the ex�er�� �h� ex�s�ence of such rna�eria�s has been presently disc��sed in v�riting to <br /> Lender, Gran�or v�i�� i�nmedi��te�y n��ify Lend�r�n wri�ing of any asser�ion or c�aim made by an�par�as ta <br /> the poss�b�e �i��a��on of ap���icab�e state and f�dera� environmen�ai �aws �ncluding the Iocati�n of any <br /> hazardous ar t�x�e mater�als ��n�r ab�u�t�� Fr�perty. �ran�or indemn�f�es and holds Lender harrn�ess from, <br /> withou� ���mi�ation, any �iabi�i�y or expense of�rha�soever na�ure incurred dire�tly or indirec�iy out af or �n <br /> c�nnec�ion�vith: �a}any envi�onmental �aws affe�ting all or any par�of the Property�r�rantory�b��he past, <br /> presen� ar future exis�ence o:f any ha2ardous materials �n, on, under, about, or emanating from or passing <br /> through. �he Proper�y or any part �her�of�r any pr�p�r�y adja�ent �her�to; �c� any past, presen� or future <br /> hazardflus a�ti�i�y a� or in c�;nnection wi�h ���e Properry or any par�th�reof; and �d� the n�ncomp�iance by <br /> Grantar or Gran�or's fai�ure tc-�comply ful�y ai�d�i�ne�y wit� environmen�al laws. <br /> Finane�a� �nfnrmatian. �rar�tor agrees to supp�y Lender su�h fnancia� and a�her informa�ion c�nc�rning <br /> i�s affa�rs and�he s�atus of a��y �f its asse�s as Lender, from time to t�me, may reasflnab�y requ�s�. Grantar <br /> fur�her agrees to permif Lent:�er t� verify a�counts as �ve�i as to insp���, copy and ta examir�� �he boflks, <br /> recards and files of Gran�or. <br /> Len�ier's Righ� �o �r��er. L�nder or Lender's agen�s shali ha�e�he right and access�o �nspec�th� Pr� e <br /> p �Y <br /> at a�i reas�nable tim�s in order to attend to L�ender's in�eres�s and ensure �o�p�ianc� with �he �ern�s of t�is <br /> 5ecurity �ns�ru�.en�. If the F�roperry, or any par� �here�f, sha�l require inspe���on, repair or main�enan�� <br /> wh�ch �ran�or has fail�d to �:rovide, Lender, a�ter reasonab�e noti�e, may en�er upon �he Pr�perfiy�o effect <br /> �2�D4-2a16 Campliance SysFems,Inc.7c6)0?d2-dZa4ea�6-��1d.23Q.4.8 <br /> Comi:zerciat Real Estat�5ec�rity Instrument-DL4�a7 Pa�;e 2 of 5 www, <br />