2� 17�2�98
<br /> DEEI� �F TRUST
<br /> Loar� Nv: 1 Q'13�41�� �Cq�ltinu�d} Page 7
<br /> f�fiteen �1�y days; or {2� if the cure requires m4r� than fift��n {15� days, immediateEy initiates steps ►�hich L�nder
<br /> deems in Lender's sQl� discreti�n t❑ h� sufficient tv cu�e the default and Ch�reafter continues and Gomp�etes a1�
<br /> reasonabl� and necess�ry st�ps sufficient�Ca �rodu�e corflplian�e as sQon as r�asonably prac�ical.
<br /> RlGHTS AND R�MEQlES nN C�EFAULT. If an �vent af Default aGcurs un�er this peed ❑f Trust, �� �ny time thereaf��r�
<br /> Tru�t�e❑r Lender may exer�ise �ny one ❑r mor� t��the fallowing rights and remedi�s:
<br /> Acce�eration Upon D�f�u1t; Additional Remedies. �f any Ev�nt of ❑efault ❑�curs as per th�e terms of the N���
<br /> secur�d hereby, Lender may dec�are all lndebtedness se�ured by this ❑eed of Trust to be du� and payabl� and
<br /> the sarr�e shall thereuport become due and �ayab�e with�ut any presentm�nt, demand, pratest or nati�e❑f any
<br /> kind, Th�rea#ter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} �ither in person or by agent, wiCh or withvut bringing any action or prvc�eding, ar by a receiver
<br /> appainted by a �aurt and withvut regard tv the adequ��y of its seeurity, �nter upvn and �Cake pvssession
<br /> of the Praperty, or any part thereof, in its ❑wn name ar in the name c�f Trustee, and d❑ any acts which it
<br /> deem� necessary ❑r desirable t❑ preser�e the �alue, ma�ketability or rentabili�y of�he Pr�perty, vr part nf
<br /> the PrQperty ❑r interest in the Praperty; increase the incame fram the Property or pratecr the se�urity �f
<br /> the Property; and, with ar withaut taking possessian af tha Property, sue fvr ❑r otherwise cvllect the
<br /> rents, issues and prafits of the Property, Encluding thase past du� and unpaid, and apR�y the same, less
<br /> costs and expenses of�peration and colleGtion attorneys' fiees, t❑ any indebtedness se�ur�d by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, al� Fn such �rder as Lender may determine. The entering up�n and taking possessi�n �f the
<br /> Pro�erCy, the callectivn af su�h rents, 15SL1B5 and prafits, and the applicatian therevf shall not cur� �r
<br /> wai�e any default or noti�e of default under this Deed af Trust �r in�alida�e any act done in response t❑
<br /> suGh def�ult vr pursuant�Cv su�h notice of defiault; and, notwith�tanding the cvntinuance in possessiQn ❑f
<br /> th� Property ar the �vllection, r��eipt and �ppliGatian �f rentsr 15Si„!�5 ❑r prv�its, Trustee �r Lender �hall
<br /> be entitled tv exercise e�ery right pro�ided f�r in the Note or the Re�at�d Documents ❑r by law upan the
<br /> accurrence o�any e�ent af default, including the ri�ht t� exercise the pow�r��sal�;
<br /> �b� Cflmmence an action t❑ foreclose th�s ❑eed af Trust as a mor�ga�e, appoint a recei�er or spe�ifically
<br /> enforce any of�h� ca�enants her�vf; and
<br /> {c� Deli�er to Trust�e a written dee�aration af default and demand f�r sale and a w�it��n n�ti�e ❑f d�fault
<br /> �nd eleGtion t❑ ��use Trustar's Entere�t in the �r�p�rtY t� bs sold, wh�ch n�tice Trusfi�e sha11 �ause to be
<br /> duly fifed #or record in the apprapriate affices of the ��unty in which�he Pro�erty is lacated; and
<br /> �d} 1Nith respe�t to �II ar any part�f the Personal Property, Lender shall ha�e all the ri�hts and remedies
<br /> ot a secured party under ths Nebraska Unif�rm Commerciaf Code.
<br /> Foreclosure by Power of�afe. lf L�nder elects t� fare�l�se by exer�ise of the Pawer ❑f Sa�e herein Gvnta�ned,
<br /> Lender �hal! notify Truste� and shall d�pasit with Tru�tee this Deed of Trust and the Nnte and su�h receipts
<br /> and e�idence �f expenditures made and secured by this Deed �f Trust as Trust�e may require.
<br /> ta} Upan receipt of such nati�e from Lender, Trustee shall Gause to �e recarded, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such Natice of Default and NatiGe af Sale as then required by law and by this ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, uvithou� demand vn Trustvr, after such time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> re�o�dation ❑f such Nv�ice of Default and after N�tice ❑f Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Property at the time and place nf safe fixed �y it in su�h Notice o� 5ale, either as a whole, or in
<br /> separa�e lots ar �arcels vr items as Trus�ee shall deem e�pedi�nt, and in such vrder as it may determine,
<br /> at �u�lic au��ian ta the highest bidder fvr Gash in lawful mvney Qf the LJn�ted 5tates payable a�the time
<br /> �� sale. T�ustee shall deli��r to such pur�ha�er or �aureh�sers th�revf �ts good and suffi�ient deed Qr
<br /> d�e�s con�eying the pr�perty s� s�ld, but withaut any cv�enant ar warranty, express or implied. The
<br /> re�itals in such deed of any matters �r �acts shall be �onclusive proaf o# the truthfulness therevfi. Any
<br /> persan, in�luding without limixaxion Trustor, Tru�t�e, or Lend�r, may purchase at�uch sale.
<br /> �b} As may be p�rmitted by lavv, aft�r deducting a11 �asts, f�es �nd exp�ns�� vf Trustee and af this
<br /> 7rust, includin� casts �f e�id�nce af title in �ann��tiQn with sale, �rustee shal� app�y the prac��ds vf sal�
<br /> t❑ �ayment of �iy a�l sums expended under the t�rms of this Deed af Trust or under th� terms ❑f the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including but not limited to accru�d interest and late �harges, �ii� �II other sums th�n
<br /> secured hereby, �nd �iiiy the remainder, if any, t❑ th�person ar persans legally entitled theret�.
<br /> �cy Trustee may in�Ch� manner prv�ided by law postpone sale af all ar any p�rtian af th� Prvperty.
<br /> Remedi�s Not Ex�lusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and ea�h o� them, shai� be �ntitled ta enfc�rce payment and
<br /> performanc� of any indebtedness ar❑bligations secured by this Deed af Trust and tv exercise all rfc�hts and p�wers
<br /> under this Deed v� Trust, und�r the Nvt�, under any ofi the Related Documents, or under any ❑ther agreement �r
<br /> any laws now ar h�reafter in �ar��; notwithstanding, svme or ail vf su�h indeht�dness and obligatians secured by
<br /> this Q�ed ❑f 7rust may n�w �r hereafter be �therwise secured, whether by martgage, deed ❑f trust, p[�dge, lien,
<br /> assignment ar atherw�se. Neither th� acceptance vf this [3eed af Trust nar its �nforcement, whether by court
<br /> action or pursuant to the pawer �f sale vr ❑ther pvwers contained in this Deed �f Trust, shall prejudice ar in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's ar Lender's right to rea�ize upan ar enfarce any other security now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and eaGh�f them, shall be ent�tled ta enfnrce this De�d
<br /> �f Trust and any vther security now vr hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they ar
<br />