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2� 1 7�2 7�2 <br /> DEEL� �F TRI�ST <br /> Lvan Nv: 1�13D4'1 1� �Continued� Page � <br /> whethe� or not the advan��s are made pursuant t� a commitment. Spe�i�ically, wi�hout iimi�ation, this Q�ed ❑f Trust <br /> secures, in additian t❑ the amounts specified in the N�te, afl fu�ure amaunts Ler�der in it� dEscr�tion may laan t� <br /> Yrust�r, tag�ther with aIl Fnr�rest ther�on. <br /> �Trust�r pr�sently assigns tra Lend�r �aiso known as B�neficiary in this G�eed ❑f Trust� all o� T�usttir's righ�, title, and <br /> interest in and to �II pre�ent and Tuture leas�s of the Property and all ��nts frvm the Property. ln additi�n, Trustor <br /> grants �o Lender� Unif�rm Gommer�ial Cade ��curity interest in �he Persor�al Prop�rty and f��nts. <br /> TH15 T�EED �F TRUST, IN�LU�ING THE ASS�GNIUIENT nF RENTS ANL� THE SECURITY IN�'�REST IN THE RENTS ANL� <br /> �ERSC]NAL PR�]PERTY, IS G1VEN T� SECURE �A} PAYMENT C)F THE INDEBTE[]NESS AND tB} �'ERFQRMAN�E QF <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL C�BLI�ATI[�NS UNC�ER THE N�TE, THE RELA7E❑ D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED UF TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED C7F TRUST IS GIV�N AND A�CEPTED DN THE ��LL�INING TERfI��: <br /> PAYM�NT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as ❑therwise pr�vid�d in this �eed vf Trust, Trtustar shal! pay to Lender a!I <br /> amounts se�ured hy this Deed ❑f Trust as they became due, and shall str+�tly and in a timely manner per��rm ali of <br /> Trustar's �bligations under the Note, this Deed of Trust, and th� Related Dv�uments. <br /> P��5E551�N �ND MAINTENANCE �F THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustar's p�ssessiQn and �use of the <br /> Property shall �e g�verned by the toilowing pra�isions: <br /> Passession and Use. Until the ❑ccurren�e of an Event of Detault, Trustor may �1 y remain in possession and <br /> c�ntrol of the Property; ��y us�e, operate ❑r manage the prop�rty, and �3} colfect the Rents fram the Propert�. <br /> G�uty tv Maintain. Tru�tar shall maintain the Property in tenant�ble canditian and pramptly per#orm all repairs, <br /> r�placements, and mainten�nce necessary to preserv� its �alue. <br /> Com�liance With �n�ironmental Laws. Trustor repr�sents and warrants t� Lender that: �1� During �he pe�iQd Qf <br /> Trust�r's ownership of the Property, there has been no us�� generation, manufa�ture, storage, t��atment, dispQsal, <br /> release ar threatened r�lease of �ny Ha�ardous Substance by any perSon on, und�r, about ❑r from the Praperty; <br /> ��� ?�rustor has na knowledge o�, or reason to beii��e that xhere ha� b�en, except as pr��iously disclas�d to and <br /> acknowledged ay Lend�r in wri�ing, �a} any �reach ar �iolati�n ❑� any En�ironmer�taf Law�, tb� any us�, <br /> generationr manufactur�, storag�, treatment, dispa�al, releas� ❑r thr�atened release af �ny Ha�ard�us Substance <br /> ❑n, under, abaut ❑r from the F�rvperty by any prior ❑wnerS �r ❑�cupan�s af the Prope��ky, or ��y an� actua! or <br /> thre�tened litigati�n ar elaims nf any kind hy any persnn relating ta such mat�ers; and �3� Ex�ept as pr��iously <br /> disc�osed ta and a�kn�wledg�d by L�nder in writing, {ay neither Trustor nor any tenant, cantracfior, agent ❑r ❑ther <br /> authorized user of th� Prnperty shaRl use, generate, manufa��ure, �t�re, treat, dispose of or re��ase any Ha�ardQus <br /> Su�stance an, under, about or �rom the F'roperty; and �by any such acti�ity shall be Ganducted in comp�ianc� with <br /> all applicable ��deral, state, and lacal laws, regulations and ardinanc�s, including wi�hout limixation all <br /> En�iranmenta� Laws, Trustar au�hori�es Lender and its agents ta enter upan �he Property t❑ make SUGh <br /> inspe�tions and tes�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lend�r may deem appropriate to determine campliance of the <br /> Prdperty with this sectian of 'the aeed ❑f Trust. A�y inspections ❑r tes�s made by Lender shail be for Lender's <br /> purp�ses onfy and shall not be canstrued to creare any resp�nsihility ❑r lia�ility an the part of Lender t� Trustor or <br /> t❑ any �ther persan. The representations and warranties cantained herein are based ❑n Trustor`s due d+ligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property far Ha�ardaus SubstanG�s. Trustor hereby ��y reEeases and wai�es any fut�re claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trustor �e�om�s liable for cleanup vr o�her C(35�5 u�der <br /> any such laws; and ��y agrees t❑ indemnify, defend, and h�ld harmless Lender again�t any and afl claims, losses, <br /> liabi�ittes, damages, penalties, and expenses whi�h Lend�r may dir�ctly or indirectly sustain ar sutfer resufting fr�m <br /> a breach vf this section of the ❑eed a� T�ust or as a cansequen�e o� any use, generation, manufactur�, storage, <br /> disposal, release �r threaten�d re�ease oc�urring priar tg Trustor's ❑wnership or inter�st in the Property, whethes or <br /> not the same �vas Qr shauld ha�e b�en knawn to Tru�tor. The pro�isi�ns vf this section of the De�d ❑f Trust, <br /> including the ❑biigation to ind�mnify and defend, shall sur�i�� the �aym�nt of the Ind��tedn�ss and the satisf�ctian <br /> and recQn�eyan�e of the lien of this ❑eed �f Trust and shall n�t be a#f�cted by L�nder's a�quisitio�a� any inierest <br /> in the Pr�perty, wheth�r �y �oreGl��ur� or❑therwise, <br /> Nuisance. Was#e. Trustor shall not cause, conduct or p�rrr�it any nuisan�e nar �ommit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stri��ing of �r waste an or to the Pr�perty ❑r an� partion �# the Pr��erty. Withou# limiting the generafity o� the <br /> fnre�oing, Tru�tor wiil not remo��, ❑r grant to any ather par�y the ric�ht to rema�e, any �:imber, minerals �including <br /> oil and gasf, caaf, clay, s�aria, sail, gra��l ar r��k products without L�nder's prior written �onsent, <br /> Remv�al of�mpra�ements. Trustor shall nat dem�lish ar r�mo�e any Impra�rem�nts from the Real Property without <br /> Lender's priar written consent. As a cand�tian to the remo�al of any lmprauem�nts, L�nder may require Trustar ta <br /> make arrang�m�nts �atisfa�tory ta Lender t❑ replace such lmpro��m�nts with Impr��ements of at �e�st e�ual <br /> vaiue. <br /> L�nder's Right to Enter. Lend�r and Lender's ag�nts and r�presen�ati�es may en�er upon the Real Property at a!I <br /> reasanable t�mes to attend to Lender's int�rests and to �nsp�cfi the Rea� P�operty tor purposes of Trustor's <br /> �omp�+ance with the terms and �onditi�ns of�his Deed of Trusf. <br /> Comp�ian�e with Go�e�nmentai Requirements. Trustor shai� pramptly compiy with all �awsr �rdinances, and <br /> regulations, now ar hereafter in effect, of al� ga�ernmental au�th��ities applicabl� to �he us� or occupancy of the <br /> Property, including without fimitation, the Americans V11ith CJisabi�ities Act. -rrustor may cantest in g�od faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, �r re�ui�tian and withha�d compliance during any prac��dEng, including appropriat� appeals, <br />