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2� 17�2�93 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Laan No: '1 D 7�C�383� �C�rltirlu�d� Pag� � <br /> Docum�nts, and �Zf the fiens and secu�ity interests created by this Deed af Trust as tirst and prior liens on the <br /> Property, wheth�r now owned or her�after a�quired by Trustvr. Unless prvhi�ited by law or L�nder a�rees to th� <br /> cantrary in writing, Trustar shall reimburse Lender for all cosrs and expenses incurred in �annectian with the <br /> matters referred to in this paragraph. <br /> A�tarney-in-Fact. I# Trustor faiis tv do any ❑f the things referred t❑ in the preceding paragraph, Lender may da so <br /> for and in the name ❑f Trusto� and at Trustor's expense. For suGh pur�oses, Trustor hereby irrs�ocably appoints <br /> L�nder as Trust�r's a��arney-�n-fact for the purp�se ❑f making, exeGuting, deli�ering, filing, reeording, and daing a�! <br /> other things as may �e necessary or desirah�e, in Lend�r's so�e ❑pinion, to accomplish the matters referred t❑ in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�R1111ANCE. If Trustvr pays a�E the �ndebtedness, including without limitation all future ad�ances, when due, <br /> and atherwise performs all the obiigations imposed upon Trustor under this ❑eed of Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er t❑ Trustee a request for �uli reconveyanc� and shall execute and deli��r to Trustv� suitabfe statements of <br /> term:nation of any financin� statement on fil� e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Persona� <br /> Property. Any r�c�n�eyance fee required by law shaii be paid �y Trustvr, if permitted by applicable law. <br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each �f the fvllowing, at Lender's ❑ption, sha�! canstitute an E�ent af ❑efauEt under this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment Default. Trustar fails to make any payment when due under the lndel�tedness. <br /> �ther D�faults. Trustor fails to comply with ❑r to perform any ❑ther �erm, obligation, co�enant or �ondi�ian <br /> cnntained in this Deed ❑f Trus� or in any ❑f the �elated Documenis or to comp�y with �r to perform any term, <br /> obligatian, ca�enant or cvnditian contained in any other agr�ement between Lend�r and Trustvr. <br /> Compliance Default. Failure to campiy with any ather term, vbligation, co�enant ar candition �ontained in this <br /> Deed of T�ust, the IVote ar in any ❑f the Reiated ❑o�uments. <br /> Default vn �ther Payments. Failure o#Trustor within the time required by this ❑eed of Trust to make any payment <br /> fvr taxes ❑r insurance, or any ather payment necessary to pre�ent filing af or t�e�fect discharge ❑f any lien. <br /> False S#atemen#s. Any warran#y, representatian ❑r statement made or furnis�ed to Lender by Trustar or on <br /> Trus�or's hehalf under th�s Deed flf T�ust or the Related Documents is false ar misleading in any material respect, <br /> either now ❑r at the time made or furnished ❑r hecomes false or misleading at any�ime ther�eafter. <br /> Defecti�� Callateralization. This Deed ot Trust or any ❑f the Relat�d aocuments ceases t❑ be in full force and <br /> effect �including tai�ure o� any collateral dacum�nt tv create a �alid and perf�cted s��urity interest or lieny at any <br /> t�me and for any reasan. <br /> Qea#h ar�nsolvency. The dea�h af Trustor, the insvl��ncy af Trustar, the appointment ❑f a recei�er for any part of <br /> Trustor's property, any assignment far the ��ne�it o� creditar�, any type a� credit�r work�ut:, ar the <br /> commencem�nt o#any pr�ceeding under any bankruptcy o� insol�ency laws by�r against Trustar. <br /> Creditar or Forfeiture Prviceedings. Cvmmen�ement ❑f farecEvsure or fvrf�iture prQceedings, wh�ther k�y judicial <br /> prv�eeding, self-help, rep�ssession ❑r any other methad, by any creditor o�Trustor or by any ga�ernmental agency <br /> against any property s�curing the indebtedness. This incfudes a garnishment ❑f any ❑f Trustar's accvunts, <br /> in�luding depasit a�coun�s, with Lender. Howe�er, th�s E�ent �f ❑efault shall not apply if there is a good �aith <br /> dispute by Trustar as to the �alidity or reas�nableness ❑f the c[aim which is the basis of the creditar or �orfeiture <br /> proceed�ng and i� Trustor gi�es Lender written notice n# the craditar vr farfeiture praceeding and deposits with <br /> Lender monies or a surety bvnd for the credit�r ar forfeiture proceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its <br /> s�le discretion, as being an adequate reser�e ar bond for the dispute. <br /> Brea�h vf Dther Agreem�nt. Any breach by Trustvr under the terms of any ather agreement between Trustor and <br /> Lend�r that is not remedied within any gra�e perio� prv�ided therein, in�luding without limitati�n any agreement <br /> conc�rning any ir�debtedness or other vbligation of Trustvr to Lender, whether existing nvw vr later. <br /> E►rents Affec#ing Guarantor. Any of the preceding e��nts ❑c�urs with respect to any guarant�r, endarser, surety, <br /> ar ac�ommodativn party ❑f any of �he fndebtedness ar any guarantar, endorser, sure�y, ar accommodatian party <br /> dies ❑r �ecomes �ncampetent, or re�akes or disputes the �alidity of, �r liability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> Inde�tedness. <br /> Ad�erse Change. A material ad�erse change ❑ccurs in Trustar's financial condition, or Lender belie�es the <br /> prospect❑f payment flr performance ❑f the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaod faith t�elie�es itself insecure. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The payment vt any installment of principal or any interest on the Existing indebtedn�ss is <br /> not made within the time r�quired by the promissory note ��idencing such indebtedness, ❑r a de�aul� flccurs under <br /> the instrument se�ur�ng such indebt�dness and is n�t cured durir�g any applicabie grace periad in suGh instrument, <br /> or any suit or other actian is c�mmen�ed to foreclose any existing lien ❑n the Praperty. <br /> Right ta �ure. If any default, ather than a d�fauit in paym�nt, is curahle and if Trustor has not �een gi�er� a nat��e <br /> of a �reach of the same pr��isian of this D�ed �f Trust within the pr��eding twel�� �1�� months, it may he cured if <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends wri�ten natice ta Trustar demanding �ure of such default: ��� cures the default within <br />