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2� 17�2�93 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 7�'13D383Q �Continu�d� Page 2 <br /> whether vr na� the ad�anc�s are made pursuant t❑ a c�mmitmen�. Speci�i�ally, withvut limitation, this Deed of Trust <br /> secures, in addition to the amounts specified in the Not�, all future amounts Lender in its �iscr�tian may loan t❑ <br /> Trustor, together with all interest th�rean. <br /> Trustor presently assigns t❑ L�nder �als❑ knawn as Beneficiary in this C]eed af Trusty all a# Trustor's right, titl�, and <br /> int�rast in and t� �21 present and �uture leases of th� Property and aii �ent$ fram the Pro�erty. fn additiQn, T�ustor <br /> grants tv Lender a Unifvrm Cammer�ial �o�ie seGurity interest in �h� Personal �raperty and Rents. <br /> TMIS QEED �F 7'RUST. 1NCLUDIN� THE A551GNMENT DF RENTS ANC]THE SECURiTY INTER�ST IN THE REN7S AND <br /> �'�RSQNAL PR�P�RTY, �� G1VEN TQ SECIJRE iA� PAYMENT �F TH� INDEBTEDNE55 AN❑ (B� PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL 4�LiGATIL�NS UNQER THE N�TE, 1"�IE RELATE❑ �]D�UMENTS, ANC� �"HiS DEEQ �F TRI�ST. THIS <br /> DEED DF TRLlST i�a G1VEN AND ACC�PTED qN TH� �CaLL�WING TERN111�a: <br /> PAYMENT AND F'ERF�RiVIANC�. Exc�pt as otherwis� pro�ided in this C]e�d of Trust, Trustor shali pay ta Lender all <br /> amounts seGured by this De�d o� Trust as they beGome due, and Sh�ll strictly and in a time�y mann�r �erform a11 af <br /> Trustor's a�iiga�ions under the N�te, thfs Deed of Trust, and the R�lat�d ❑�cum�nts. <br /> PD55ES51�N AND MA[NTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees that Trustar's passession and use of the <br /> Praperty shal� t�e go�erned by th� �o{iawing pra�isions: <br /> Possessian and Use. Until tihe accurrence af an E�ent of ❑ef�ult, Trustor may �1� remain in pa�sessian and <br /> �vntrol af�he Property; ��� use, operate or manage the Proper�y; and �3� �alleGt the Rents from th� Praperty. <br /> Duty t❑ Maintain. Trustor sha41 maintain the Property in ten�ntabie candition and pramptiy perform a�l repairs, <br /> replacem�n�s, and maintenance necessary ta preser�e its �alue, <br /> Campliance VNith Enr►ironm�ntal Laws. Trustar represents and warrants t❑ Lender that: �1� ❑uring the period of <br /> Trustor's ❑wnership af the Praperty, there has b�en n❑ use, generation, manufacture, storage, treatment� disposal, <br /> releas� ❑r threaten�d release ❑f any Hazardvus 5ubstance by any persan on, under, ab�ut or �rom the Property; <br /> �2} Trustor has n� knowledge ❑f, or reason to belie�e that th�re has heen, except as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> acknowiedged b� Lender in writing, ta} a�y breach vr �ivlation o# any En�ironmental Laws, �by any use, <br /> generatinn, manufa�ture, starage, treatment, dispasal, r�lease or tf�r�atened release of any Ha�ardous Sub�tance <br /> an, under, about ar frorn th� Prap�rty by any prior awners ❑r accupants vf the Praperty, ❑r �c7 any actua� or <br /> threaten�d litigatian �r claim� ❑f any kind by any person relating tti su�h matters; and �37 ExG�pt as pre�iously <br /> d�sciosed t� and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, ta} neith�r Trustor nor any tenant, �ontra�tvr, agent❑r other <br /> authorized user of the Pra��rty shail us�, generafe, manufa�ture, store, treat, dispose �f a� reiease any Hazardous <br /> SubstanCe vn, under, abaut or frvm the Property; and {#�} any such acti�ity shall be canducted in cam�liance wFth <br /> all app�icabie federal, state, and loca! laws, reguiations and ordinances, including without limitation all <br /> En�iranmental Lav�s. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Pr�perty t❑ make such <br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustor's expense, as L�nder may deem apprflpriate ta determin� complian�e �# the <br /> P�o��rty with this section a� the C�eed of Trust. Any inspectians ❑r tests made by Lender shal� be for Lend�r's <br /> purpases onfy and shaii nat be cvnstrued tv create any respansibility ar liabi�ity an th� part of Lender to Trustor or <br /> ta any other person. The representatians and warranties contained herein are bas�ed an Trustor'� due diligenc� in <br /> �nvesti�ating the Praperty far Hazardvus Substances. Trustor hereby �1� release� and wai�es any future ClaimS <br /> against Lender far indemnity ar cantribution in the �vent TrustQr bec�mes liable for cleanup or oth�r casts under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees �o indemnify, defend, and hvld harml��s L�nder against any and all claims, lass�s, <br /> �iabilities, damages, penalties, and exp�ns�s which Lender may direGtiy or indirectly sustain ar suffer res�ul�inc� firom <br /> a breach o� thi� secti4n af the Dee�i of Trust ar a� a cansequence ot any use, gener�tic�n, manufa�ture, starage, <br /> disposal, release or threat�ned releas� �ccurring priar to Trustvr's vwnership or int�r�st in the Prop�rty, wh�ther or <br /> nat the same was ar shauld ha�e been knt�wn Co Trust�r. The pro�isions �f this Suctivn v� the �e�d af Trust, <br /> including th� abligativn to indemnify and defend, sha!! sur�i�e th� payment of the Ind��tedness and the �atisfaGtion <br /> and re�on�eyance of th� lien o�this Deed of Tru�� and shall not be affected �y Lender's acquisition of any int�r�st <br /> in the Praperty, whether by fareclasure �r oth�rwise. <br /> Nuisance, W�ste. T�ustar shall nat cause, conduct ❑r permit any nuisance nt�r ct�mmit, permitx br su�fer any <br /> stripping �f r�r waste an or t❑ the Praperty ar any portion ot the Prop�rty. Withou� limiting the generality ❑� the <br /> foregnin�, Trustor will not remo�e, or grant tv any other party �h� righ� to remove, any timber, miner�ls {inciuding <br /> ❑il and gas], Gc�ai, clay, s�oria, s�il, grauel ar ro�k praduc�s without Lender's prior wr�Ftten cansent. <br /> Remova�of�mpro�ements. Trustar shall nvt demolish or remn�e any Impra�ements from the Real f�raperty without <br /> Lender`s pr�or wri�ten consent. As a condit�an t❑ the remo�al af any fmpra�em�nts, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangemsnts satisfactory to Lender �a replace such Impro�emen�s with Impro�ements of at leas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right tv En#er. Lender and Lender's agents and repr�sentati�es may enter upan the Real Property at all <br /> reasonable times t❑ attend t❑ Lender's interests and t� inspect the Reai Prvperty f�r purpose� ❑f Trustor'� <br /> camplian�e wi�h �he terms and conditians af this Deed of Trust. <br /> CompSiance with Go�ernmental Requirements. Trustar sha�� promptly comply with all iaws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, nflw ar hereaft�r in e��ect, o# all go�ernmentai author�ties applicabl� to the use or ❑ccupancy of the <br /> Praperty, inc�uding withaut limitation, the Am�ri�ans With �isah�lities Act. Trust�r may cantest in goad faith any <br /> suGh law, ordinance, vr regulativn and withhold complianc� during any prvc�eding, inc�uding appropriate appeals, <br />