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2� 17�2�93 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 1�'I 3D383Q �Continued� Page 'I� <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"�, the Hazardous Materials Transpartati�n Act, 49 U.S.�, Sectinn 18�'�, et seq., the Resour�e <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section �9�1, et seq,, or ❑ther applicable state or f�deral laws, rules, <br /> or regulati�ns adopt�d pur$uan�thereta. <br /> E�ent of❑efault. The words "E�ent❑f Default" mean any ot th� e�ents Qt de�ault set forth in this ❑eed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents ❑�default sectian❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Existin� Indebtedness. The words "Existing �ndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Existing Liens <br /> pra�isivn of this ❑eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty fram guarantor, endvrser, surety, or a�commodatian party to <br /> Lender, including without limitatian a guaranty❑f all or �art af the Not�. <br /> Hazardaus Substances. The words "Hazardous Substan�es" mean materiais that, because �f their quantity, <br /> concentration or physical, chemical ar infectiaus characteristics, may cause or pase a present ❑r potential hazard <br /> t❑ human health ❑r the en�iranment when imprvperly used, treated, stared, disp�sed of, generated, manufactured, <br /> transported ar atherwise handled. The wards "Ha�a�daus 5ubs�anc�s" are used in their very broadest s�nse an�! <br /> in�lude with�ut limitation any and all hazardous �r toxic substances, mater�als or waste as de�ined by �r listed <br /> under the En�iranmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substan�es" also in�ludes, with�ut limitation, pe#rafeum and <br /> petroleum by-products or any tra�tion thereof and asbestos. <br /> lmpro�ements. The word "Impro�ements" means all existing and future impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mahile h�mes affixed on the Rea� Pr�perty, facili�i�s, additions, rep�a�em2nts and other �onstru�tian an the Rea� <br /> Property. <br /> fndebtedness. The word "Indebtedn�ss" means all principal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payabie under the N�te or Related Dacuments, together with al! renewals vf, extensions af, modifications o�, <br /> cvnsolidativns af and substitutivns for the Nate or Related Dacuments and any amounts expended or ad�anced by <br /> L�nder tv d�scharge Trustor's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender tv enforce Trustor's <br /> obiigati�ns under this Deed of Trust, tvgether with interest ❑n such amaunts as pro�ided in this Deed of Trust. <br /> SpecifiCally, without limi#ati�n, Indebtedness in�ludes the futur� ad�an��s set forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�isian, together with all interest thereon and all amounts that may be indirectly secured by the <br /> Cross-Collat�raiizatian pro�isian af this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> No#e. The word "Note" m�ans the promissvey nvte dated April 26, 2��7, in the original prin�ipal amaunt <br /> flf $��.$��.4� fram Trustar to Lender, together with ali renewals ❑f, extensians of, madifica�ions of, <br /> r�finan�ings �f, consolidations of, and substituttons for the promissvey note �r agreement. �i <br /> Personai Praper#y. The words "Personal Property" mean all equipment, #ixtures, and oth�r arti�les af personal <br /> property now or hereafter awned by Trustor, and now or het�eafter attached ❑r a�fixed ta the Real Praperty; <br /> together with all ac�essions, parts, and additions t�, a�l replacem�nts of, and a�! subs�itutions for, any ❑f such <br /> property; and tagether with all pr�ceeds �including without limEtatian aEl insurance pr�ceeds and refunds vf <br /> prem�ums� from any sale or vther dispasitian n#the Praperty. <br /> Property. The word "Praperty" means colle�ti�ely the Real Property and the Personal Property. <br /> Real Property. The wvrds "Rea1 Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as further des�ribed in this <br /> D�ed of Trust. <br /> Related �3ocum�nts. The words "Related Documents" mean all pramiss�ry notes, credit agreements, loan <br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, seGurity agr�ements, mortgages, de�ds ❑f trust, security <br /> deeds, callateral mortga�es, and ail other instrurnents, agreements and dvcuments, whether nvw ❑r hereat�er <br /> existing, exe�uted in conne�tion with the Indebtedness. <br /> Rents. The ward "Rents" means all present and future rents, re�enues, incame, issues, royaities, pr�fits, and <br /> other benefits deri�ed fr�m the Pr�p�rty. <br /> Trus#ee. The word "Truste�" means Fi�e Poin�s �ank, whase address is P,a Box �547, Grand Island, NE <br /> 6$8D�-�5D7 and any substitute or successor trustees. <br /> Trustar. The word "Trustor" means E�MUND R KERSHAW III and MICHELLE K KERSHAW. <br /> EACH TRUSTL]R ACKN�INLE�GES HAVING READ ALL THE PR�VISI�NS �F THfS DEED �F TRUST. AND EACH <br /> TRUST�R AGREES T� IT5 TEI�MS. <br />