2� 17�27��
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: '1�"13�4�4a ��ontirlued� Page 3
<br /> sa �ang as Trustor ha� natified Lend�r in writing privr t❑ daing sa and so long as, in Lender's s�1e opinion, Lender's
<br /> interests in the Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may require Trustvr to post adequate seeurtty or a surety
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfactary ta Lender, t❑ pratect L�nder's interest.
<br /> Duty t❑ Protect. Trustor agrees neither t❑ abandon or 1ea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shall d❑ all other
<br /> acts, in addition t❑ thvse acts set forth abo�e in thts sectian, which from the character and use af the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preser�e the Praperty.
<br /> DUE �N SALE - C�NSENT 6Y LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's ❑ption, declare immediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this ❑eed ❑f Trust upan the sale or transfer, without Lender's priar written cansent, of alE ❑r any part❑f the
<br /> Rea� Property, vr any inter�st in the Real Praperty. A "sale or transfer" means the can�eyance af Real Property vr any
<br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Real Praperty; whether lega�, beneficial or equitabl�; whether �oluntary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by autright saie, deed, installment sale contract, land cantract, �vntract far deed, leasehv�d interest with a
<br /> term greater than three �3� years, lease-option contract, or by sale, assignment, ❑r transfer ❑f any benefi�ial interest in
<br /> or tv any land trust halding title to the Real Property, vr by any oth�r methad o# con�eyance of an interest in the Rea!
<br /> Pro�ert�. Howe�er, this option sha�l not be exercised by Lender �f su�h ex�rcise is prohibited !�y tederal law ❑r by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AN❑ L1ENS. The fvll�wing pro�isivns relating to the taxes and liens �n the Praperty are part ❑# this Deed vf
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in al[ e�ents prior to delinquencyy all taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �in�luding water and sewerj, fines and impvsitions �e�ied against ❑r on accvunt o# the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for work dvn� on ar for ser�ices rendered or material furnished �❑ the Prvperty. Trustor
<br /> sha�� maintain the Property free of aff liens ha�ing privrity o���ar equal to the interest af Lender under this Deed❑f
<br /> Trust, �xcept for the lien of taxes and assessments not due and except as �therwise pra�ided in this Deed a#
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trust�r may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, vr �laim in connection with a good faith
<br /> dispute ❑�er the ❑bligation to pay, sa long as Lender's interest �n the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises vr
<br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustar shall within fifteen �1 5} days after the lien arises ❑r, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �1 5� days after Trustor has natice of the filing, seGure th� discharge vf the lien, �r if request�d by
<br /> Lender, d�posit wi�h Lender cash ar a sufficient carporate surety bond ar other security satisfaGtory ta Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient to disGharge the lien plus any �osts and attorneys' fees, ar �ther charges that Gauld accrue as a
<br /> resu�t of a farecfvsure vr sale under the lien. �n any contest, Trustar shall def�nd itself and Lender and shalf sat+sfy
<br /> any ad��rse judgment befare enforcement against the Prvperty. Trustor shalf name Lender as an additional obligee
<br /> under any surety b�nd furnished in the cvntest prviceedings.
<br /> E►►iden�e of Payment. Trustvr shall upon demand furnish to Lender satis#actory e�idence ❑f payment af the taxes
<br /> ar ass�ssments and shall authorize the apprapriate gv�ernmenta� vfficial t❑ deli�er tv Lender at any time a written
<br /> statement af the taxes and assessments against the Prvp�rty.
<br /> Notic� Qf Construction. Trustor shall notify Lender at least fitteen t 15} day� before any work is �ammenced, any
<br /> ser�i�es are furnished, vr any materials are suppEied to the Pr�perty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, vr
<br /> other tien cou�d be asserted on account of the wark, ser�i�es, or materials. Trustar will upan request ❑f Len�ler
<br /> furn�sh to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory tv Lender that Trustor can and wiil pay the �ost of such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAiVIAGE INSURANCE. The following pro�isions relating to insuring the Property are a part�f this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust.
<br /> fVlaintenance a� lnsurance. Trustor shall pr�cure and mainta�n palicies ❑f fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> cv�erage endarsements �n a fair �alue �asis for the ful! insurable �aiue co�ering all Imprfl�ements ❑n �he Real
<br /> Property in an amount sufficient to a�oid appiicatian of any cflinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or of Lender. Trustar shall alsa prvcure and maintain comprehensi�e general lia�ility insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additi�nal insu�eds in su�h
<br /> liability insuran�e pa�icies. Additionally, Trustvr shall maintain su�h ❑ther insurance, including but not limited ta
<br /> hazard, business interruption, and bailer insurance, as �ender may reasanably require. Palicies shall be written in
<br /> form, amflunts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptabl� #a Lender and issu�d by a G�mpany ar cvmpanies
<br /> reasonably acceptable t� Lender. Trustor, upan request ❑f Lender, will deli�er to Lender from time t❑ tEme the
<br /> policies or cer�ifi�ates af insurance in farm satisfactary tv Lend�r, including stipulatians that co�erages will nat be
<br /> cancelled ar diminished withvut at least ten t 10} days prior written natice t❑ Lend�r, Each insurance policy aisv
<br /> shall include an endarsement praviding that�o�erage in fa�vr af Lender will not b� �mpaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omission or default of Trustor or any other p�rson. 5hvuld the Real Praperty be �vcated tn an area designated by
<br /> the Administratar❑f the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a spe�ial flood hazard area, Trustar agrees t❑
<br /> vbtain and maintain F�deral Fload fnsurance, if a�ailable, far the full unpaid principal balance af the loan and any
<br /> prior liens an the prap�rty securing the loan, up tv the maximum policy limits set under the Nationa! Flood
<br /> Insurance Program, or as ❑therwise required by Lender, and to maintain such insurance for the term af the Ivan.
<br /> Application of Prv�eeds. Trustor shall pramptly notify Lender af any �oss ❑r damage to the Property. Lender may
<br /> mak� proo� of lass if Trust�r fails ta do sa within fifteen ��5y days af the casualty. Whethe� or not Lender's
<br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's elect�on, receive and retain the pro�eeds ❑f any insurance and apply
<br />