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2� 17�27�� <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> Laan Na: 7�'I 3�4145 ���11tir1ued� Page 'I U <br /> No. 39-4�9 �"SARA"�, the Hazardvus Materials Transp�rtation Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ection 18�1, et seq., the �esource <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.�. Se�ti�n 6901, et s�q., or other applicabie state ar t�deral laws, rules, <br /> ar regulati�ns adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E��nt vf�efaul#. The words "E�ent of ❑efault" mean any of the e�ents of default set f�rth in this De�d of Trust in <br /> �he e�ents of default section of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Exis#ing Indehtedness. Th� w�rds "Existing Indebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exis�ing Liens <br /> prv�ision vf this ❑eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The wvrd "Guaranty" means the gua�anty fram guarantor, endorser, surety, �r accammodation party to <br /> Lender, including without limitati�n a guaranty of a�l vr part af the Note. <br /> Hazardous Subs#ances. Th� wards "Hazardous Substances" mean materials tha�, because ❑f their quantity, <br /> �on�entratian ❑r phys�cal, chemical ar in#e�tious charac�eristics, may cause or pose a pr�sent ar patential hazard <br /> ta human hea�th or the en�ironment when improperly used, treated, stvred, disposed ❑f, generated, manufactured, <br /> transported or ofiherwise handled. The wards "Hazardaus Substances" are used in their �ery broadest sense and <br /> include without iimitatian any and all hazardaus or taxic substances, materials or waste as def�ned by or iisted <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Laws, The term "Hazardaus Substances" also includes, withaut limitatinn, petraieum and <br /> petrvleum by-praducts ❑r any fra�tion thereaf and asbestos. <br /> Impro�ements. Th� ward "Impr��ements" means all existing and future impro�ements, bu�ldings, structures, <br /> mohile homes affixed on the Rea� Property, fa�iliti�s, additfons, replacements and other canstru�tion on the Real <br /> Praperty. <br /> indebtedness. The wvrd "lnde�tedness" means all prin�ipal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payabl� und�r the Nvte �r Related Documents, together with a�l renewals of, extensi�ns of, modificat�ans of, <br /> cvnsalidations o� and substitutivns far the Note or Related Dacumen�s and any amounts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's obligations or expenses inGurred by Trus#ee ❑r Lend�r to enfarce Trustor's <br /> obl�gat�ons und�r this Deed ❑f Trust, together with interest an such amounts as pra�ided in this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Specifically, without limitativn, Indebtedness inciudes the future ad�ances s�t farth in the Future Ad�an�es <br /> pro�ision, together with all int�r�st there�n and all amaunts tha� may be indirect�y secured by the <br /> Crass-Collateralization pro�ision of this Deed af Trust. <br /> Lender. The ward "Lender" means Fi�e Pain�s Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Nvte. The ward "Note" means the pr�missary note dated April 26, �417, [�1 the �riginaf principal amount <br /> Df $5�,��4.69 from Trustor to Lender, tagether with all renswals of, extensions vf, modificatians �f, <br /> refinancings of, �onsv�idations af, and substitutivns for the promissvey note or agreement. <br /> Personai Prvperty. The words "Persvnal Pr�perty" mean alf equipment, fixtures, and other articles of persona! <br /> property now ar hereafter ❑wned �y Trustar, and now vr hereafter attached ar affixed to th� Real Prvperty; <br /> tagether with all acc�ssions, parts, and additions tv, all repiacements of, and all substitutions for, any of such <br /> pr�perty; and tagether with a�l praceeds {including without limitation al� insurance prviceeds and refunds of <br /> pr�miumsy from any sale ar other dispositi�n❑t the Pr�p�rty. <br /> Prvperty. The word "Property" means callectiveiy the Real Pr�perty and the Pe�sonai Property. <br /> Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as further described in this <br /> D��d �f Trust. <br /> Related Dvcuments. The wards "Related Dacuments" mean all promiss�ry notes, credit agreements, laan <br /> a�reements, en�ironmental agr�ements, guaranties, security agr�ements, martgag�s, deeds af trust, security <br /> deeds, collateral martgages, and al� ather instruments, agreements and d�cuments, whether nc�w or hereafter <br /> existing, executed in connectivn with the Indebtedness. <br /> Ren#s. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, re�enues, incame, issu�s, royalties, pro#its, and <br /> flther benefits deri�ed fram the Prvperty. <br /> TrusteQ. The word "Trustee" means Fi�e Points gar�k, whose address is P.� Bax 15�7, Grand lsEand, NE <br /> 688�2-�5�7 and any substitute ar success�r trustees. <br /> Trus#or. The word "Trustar" means EDMUND � KERSHAW lll and MiCHELLE K KERSHAW. <br /> EACH TRUSTDR ACKN�WLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PR�VISI�NS �F TH15 DEED �F TRUST, AND EACH <br /> TRUST�R AGl�EES T� IT5 TERMS. <br />