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2� 17�2�88 <br /> , t <br /> , <br /> , <br /> . . <br /> vEEv oF TRusT <br /> {�ontinued� Page � <br /> Envirvnmental Laws. Trustor au�hvrizes Lender and its agents to ent�r upvn the Prvperty t� rnake such <br /> inspections and tes�s� at Trustar's expense, as L�nder may deem apprapriate to determ�ne cvmpliance of the <br /> Property with this section af the ❑eed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be ��r Lender's <br /> purposes only and shal� not be canstrued to c�ea�te ar�y respons�bility or liah��ity on the part of Lender tv Trustor❑r <br /> ta any other persan. The rep�esentations and warranties evntained herein are based on Trustar's due dilEgence in <br /> in�estigating the Prope�ty fvr Hazardous 5ubstances. Trust�r hereby �1� reieas�s and waives any future c�airns <br /> against Lender for indemnity ❑r c�ntribution in the e�ent Trustor becvmes iiab�e for ��eanup ar other costs under <br /> any such laws; and �Z� ag�ees to indemnify, defend, and hvld harmless Lend�r agains't any and a�l ciaims, losses, <br /> I�abs'��ties,damages, pena�ties. and expenses wh��h Lender may d�rectly ar ind�rectly sustain or suffer resulting from <br /> a hreach vf this section of the Deed of Trust vr as a cvnsequence ❑f any use, generat��n, manufacture, s�torage. <br /> dispvsal, release or threatened release❑ccurring prior to Trustvr`s ownership or interest in the Property, whether or <br /> not ths sarn� was or should ha�e b�en kn�wn to Trustor. The pro�isions of this sectivn ❑f the Deed of Trust, <br /> including the obligativn to indemn3�y and defend,shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebtednsss and ths satisfiaction <br /> and re��n�eyance v�fhe lien of this Deed af Trust and sha#f not be affected by Lender's acqu�sition of any interest <br /> in the Prvperty, whe#her by fvreclosure❑r❑therw�sg. <br /> Wu�s�n�e. 1111aste. Trustor shall not cause, cvnduct or permit any nuisance nvr ��mmit, permit, vr suffer any <br /> st�}pping of vr waste an vr t❑ the Prvp�rty ❑r any part�on of the Property. Without limiting the g�nerality ❑� the <br /> foregoing, Trustar will not remv�e, or grant to any other party the right to remvve, any timber, minerals 4including <br /> oil and gas}, caal� clay, scoria, soit, gra�el vr rock praducts without Lender's prior written�ansent. <br /> Remv�a!of lmprovements. Trustor shall not demolish ar remo►►e any Impro�ements frvm the Real Praperty without <br /> L�nder's priflr wr�tten consent. As a condstion tv the remo�a�vf any Irnpra�ements, Lender may requir�Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfa�tory to Lender tv replace such Imprvvements with Impro�ements of at feast equal <br /> value. <br /> . Lender's Right to Errter. L�nder and Lender's agents and rep�esentati�es may enter upon the Real Property a� a�� <br /> reasona�ie times #o attend tv Lender's interests and to inspect the Real Pr�perty for purposes a� Trustor's <br /> compliance with the te�ms and conditions af this Deed of Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance wi#h Go�ernmentel Requi�ements, Trustar shall promptly c�mply with sll laws, ❑rdinances, and <br /> reguiativns, now ❑r hereaf�er in ef#ect, of all gv�ernmental authorities applicable tv th� use ar occupancy �# the <br /> Property. including wRthout limitation, the Ame�kcans With D�sabil3ties Act. Trustor may contest in good faith any <br /> such law, ordinan�e� vr reguia�i�n an� wi#hhold �vrnp�iance d�ring any pra�eed�ng, including ap{�ropriate appeals. <br /> so Iang as Trustar has notified Lender in writin�prior to do�ng s❑and sv lvng as� in Lender's sole opin�on� Lender's <br /> interests in the Prvperty are not jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor to past adequate se�urity ar a sure�y <br /> bond,reasvnahly satisfact�ry to L�nder�ta pratect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty ta Prvtect. Trustor agrees neither to abandvn ar lea�e unatt�nded the Prapefty. Trustar shall da all other <br /> acts, }n additivn to those aGts set forth abo�e in this s��tion, which from the character and use vf the �'roper#y are <br /> reasonab�y n�cessary to protec#and preser�e the Property. <br /> �LIE�N 5ALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's❑pt�vn,declare immediate�y du�and payab�� all sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upvn the sale vr transfer, withaut Lender's prior written consent, o#a!l or any part o#�he <br /> Rea� Prope�ty, vr an�1 fnterest in the Real Property. A "sale vr#rans�e�" means the �on�eyance of Real P�operty ar eny <br /> right, title ❑r in�erest in the Real Prvperty; whether legal. beneficial or equi�able; whether �o�untary or in�oiuntary; <br /> whether by outright sale, deed� installment sale contract, land cvntra�t, �ontract �vr d�ed, �easehvld interest wifh � <br /> term greater than three �3� years. lease-option contract, or �y sale. assignment, ar transfer of an� beneficia� intere�t in <br /> or to any �and trus�holding title to the Real Property, vr by any ❑ther methad af con�eyance ❑f an interest in the R�ei <br /> Prvperty. lf any Trustvr is a corpvration, partnership vr limited �iability �ompany, transfer also includes any change �n <br /> ownership of more than twenty-#i�� per�ent t�5°/aj af the�vting stoGk, partnership inte�est�ar lirnited liabiiity campany <br /> interests, as the case may be, of such Trustvr. Hvwe�er, this optian shall not be exer�ised by Lender if such �xercise <br /> is prvhibited by federal law ar i�y Nebraska law. <br /> TAi[ES AN� LlENS. The fvllawing prv�isinns re�ating tv the taxes and liens on the Property are p�rt �f this []eed ❑f <br /> Trust: � <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in all e�ents pr�or to del�nquency� a11 taxes, special t�xes� assessments, <br /> charges �inciuding water and sewer3, fines �nd impasitivns �e�ied against ar an account o�f�he Property, snd sh�ll <br /> pay when due ail �I�ims for wvrk done on vr for ser�ices rendered or material furnished ta the Praperty, Trustvr <br /> shall maintain the Property free�f al� liens h��ing priority o�er or equal to the interes�of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, e�ccep� for the lien af taxes and assessments n�t due and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed �f <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustar may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, ar claim in cvnnect�on with a good fe�th <br /> dispute o�er the obligation to pay, so I�ng as Lender's in�erest in the Prvperty is nvt jeopardited. If a lien ar�ses or <br /> is �i�ed as a result at nanpayment� Trustar sha�l within t�fteen ��5} days a�ter #he lien arises ar, if e lieh is #�l�d. <br /> within fifteen �15y days after Trustvr h�s nvtice of the filing, secure the discharge of thg I�en, or if requested by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash vr a su�#icient cvrporate surety bond or othe�'security satisf�ctory to Lender in en <br /> amaunt suffici�nt to discharge the lisn plus any costs and attvrneys' fees, or vther charges that could�ccrue as a <br /> resu�t o�a�orec�vsur�or sale under the iien. In any cant�st,Trustar shall dsfend itsslf and Lendsr and shall satisfy <br /> any ad��rse judgment betore en#or�err�en�against the Property. Trustor sha11 name Lender es an additivnel�bligeB <br /> under any surety band#u�nished in the contest proceedings. <br /> E►►�dence of Payment. Tr�sto�sha�� upon demend furnish to Lender sa#isfactary e�idence �f payment vf the taxes <br /> or assessments and shall authori�e the appropriate go�ernmenta!❑ffi�ial ta deii�er tfl Lender at any tim� a wri�ten <br />• statement of the taxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> Notice o#Cvnstruction. Trustor shall notify Lender at least fi�teen {15j days before any work is cammenced, any <br /> ser�i�es are furn�shed, or any materiais are suppl�ed to the Property, if any mechanic's iien. materiaimen`s lienr or <br /> ather fien could be assert�d an account vf the wark, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor will upan request of Lender <br /> furnish tv Lender ad�ance assurances satisfa�tory ta Lender that Trustor can and will p�y the �ost �f such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY D14MAGE INSIJRANCE. Th� fallvwing pro�isions relating to insuring the Propsrty ��-e a part vf thi� Desd of <br /> Trust. <br /> IVlaEntenance of lnsuran�e. Trustor shall pra�ure and m�inta�n policies ❑f fire insuranCe with s�an�lat�t� extend�d <br /> co�erage endorsem�nts vn a rep�a�ement basis fior the full tnsurehle �alue co�ering all Imp�ovement5 �n the Real <br /> P�ape�ty in an amaunt sufficient tv a�o�d applicat�on of any coinsurance clause� and with a stsndard mortg�gee <br /> claus� in fa�or❑f Lender. Trustar sha�l also prvcure and maintain comprehensi�e general �iab�li�y insur�nc� in such <br /> co�e�a�e amaunts as Lender may request wit� T�ustee and Lsn�er being named as �dditional �nsureds in such <br /> �iabili�y insurance policies. Additiona�ly, Trustor sha�1 maintain such other insurance► including but not limited to <br /> haZard� business �nterruption, and bviler insurance, as Lender may r�asvnably require. Palicies shal! be written in <br /> form, amvunts, co��rages and basis reasoriably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company vr companies <br /> reasonab�y acceptable to Lender. Trustor. upon request vf Lender, wiil deii�er to Lender from time �v time �the <br /> palicies ❑r certi�i�ates af insurance in �orm sattsf�cxary to Lender, including st�pula'tions thet cv�ereges vvill nvt be <br />