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2� 17�2�88 <br /> . � , <br /> , <br /> i [ <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���ntinu�d} Page 7 <br /> wai�er is g�ven in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part af Lender in exercising any right <br /> shali aperate as a wei��r of such right vr any other right. A w�i�er by Lender of a pravision❑f#his Deed of Trust <br /> shali not prejudice ar const4tute a wai�er of Lender's right otherwise t❑ demand strict campl�ance with that <br /> pro��sion �r any v�her prov�sion vf this Deed af Trust. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any �vurse of dealing <br /> l��trrveen Lender and Trustor, 5ha11 constitute a waiver of any ❑f Lender's rights or af any of Trustor's o�iigations <br /> as tv any#uture transections. Whene�er the cansent vf Lender is required under this Deed af Trust, the granting <br /> ��such cvnsent by Lender in any �nstan�e shall nox Ganstitute continuing consent ta subsequent instances whe�e <br /> such consent is required and in all cases such consent may be granted or withhe�d in the svle disCretion o#Lender. <br /> Sev�ra�bili#y. !f a cau�t of cvmpetent�urisdictian finds any pro�ision ❑f this �eed af Tr�ust to be illega�, inva�id, �r <br /> unenforceable as to any circumstance, that finding shall not make the offending prv►►isivn i��egal, �n�a�id. or ; <br /> unenfo�rceable as to any other �ircumstance. lf f�:asihle, the offending pro�ision shall be considered modified so <br /> that it becomes I�gai� �alid and enforceable. !f the ❑ffending pro�isivn cannat be so mvdified, it shall be <br /> cons�dered delet�d from this ❑eed vf Trust. Unless otherwise �equired by law, the itlegality, in�alidity, or <br /> unenfvrceahility�f any pravisian of this Qeed af Trust shail not affect#he ��gafity� �alidity or enfarceabili#y o#any <br /> other pra�ision Qf th�s Desd a�Trust. <br /> Successars and Assigns. Suhjec#to �ny iimitativns stated in this Deed vf Trust on transfer of Trustar's 'tnterest, <br /> this Deed of Trust shalf be binding upon and inure to the benefit vf the pa�ties, their successors and assigns. lf <br /> ownership�f the Property becomes vested in a p�rs�n other than Trustor, Lender, without natice to Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor's successor$with reference ta this ❑e�d❑'�T'rust and the Indebtedness kay v�ay of�arbearan�e or <br /> extension withvut releasing Trustor from the ohligations of thEs �eed of Trust❑r liah�lity under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is�f th�Essen�e. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Deed ofi Trust. <br /> Vll���e Jury, A11 perties to this Deed vf Trust haxehy waive the ri�ht#a a�ny jury triel in any actian, proceBding, or <br /> counterclairn brvught by any p�rty a��ins#any other party. <br /> 1Nai�er of Home�tead Exemption. Trustor hereby re�eases and wai�es all rights and benefits of the hvmestead <br /> exemption laws of the State of Nebraska as to al4 Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> QEFlN�TI�NS. The�Fol�nwing�ap�talized words and terms shall ha�e the foliowing meanings when used in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless s�ecifically stat�d �o the contrary, all references to dvllar amounts shall mean amounts in �awfu� rnoney <br /> vf the United States o� America. Words and terms used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall <br /> include the singula�, as the cantext may require. INards anc# terms not othervuise d�fined in thi$ Deed o��rust shall <br /> haue thg meanings attributed�v such terrns in the Uniform�ammercial Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Exchange Bank, and its succes5�rs and assigns� . . <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrawer" means Panvwicz Land Campany, LLC and includes all co-signers and �o-makers <br /> signing the Nate and al[their successvrs and assigns. <br /> Daed vf Trust. The words "Deed v# Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor. Lender; and Trustee, and <br /> includes v►rithvut limitatian all assignment and security in�ersst pro�isions relating to #he P�rsonal ��operty a�nd <br /> Rents. . � <br /> � � � � ; <br /> Default. The word "Defau�x" means the Defauit set forth in this Deed vf Trust in#he section t�tfed "Defaul#". ' <br /> Enr�iranmental Laws. The wards "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all state, �ederat and Iocal statutes, � <br /> regulations and a�dinances relating to the protection of human heaith ❑r the en�iranment, including without <br /> limita�ian the Campreh�nsi�� En�ironmental Respons�, Compensation, and Liability Act of 198D, as amended. �2 ' <br /> U.S.G. 5ectivn 9��'�. et seq. �"CERCLA"�, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reauth�rizativn Act vf 198s, Puh. L. � <br /> Nv. 99-�99 t"SARA"y,the Ha�ardous Materials Transportatian A�t.49 U.S.C. 5ection 18Q1, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�ation and Recv�ery Act. 4Z 1J,5.C. 5e�tian fi9�1� e�seq., o�other appficable state or federal laws, ru�es, <br /> . ar regu�atians�dvpted pursuant thereto. <br /> . , ,�uent nf.Def�ul#. The v�ord� "E�en�af ae�ault" mean any af the e�ents of default set fvrth in this Deed vf Trust in <br /> �he e�ents af defau�t sectian af th�s❑eed of Trust. <br /> . .� w,_ .._._..._ ....,.�..�..�.�.r...�..:.,..:......�.:�...�,,. <br /> Y �t ., ,: . � a . <br /> 'Guaranty. The word "Guaran�y" m�ans the guaranty�rom gu�r�n�tor",�end������fs�r��t���ort�moda#ion party t❑ <br /> Lender, in�lc�ding withvut limitativn a guaranty of afl❑r part of#�e Na�e. "f��--���� �`� <br /> ; ,,.:...,.•.,:� �.+ <br /> Haiardous Suhstances. The words "Ha�ardaus Substan�c�s�'�=-��ar��r�ate�s���t�:��hecause of their quantity, <br /> can�entra�ian or physi�ai, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a pres��t or potential ha�ard <br /> to human heaith or the�n�ir�nment when impraperly us�d, treated,stored, disposed a�, generated, manufactured, <br /> �ranspvrt�d vr atherwise handled. The words "Hazardvus Substan�es" are used in their v�ry broadest sense and <br /> include withaut limitati�n any and a�� hazerdous or toxic su�astances, materials or waste as defined by ar �isted <br /> under the En�ironmentai Laws, The term "Hazardvus Substances" also includes, without limitation, p�trvleum and <br /> petrvleum �y-prvducts ar any fraction thereof and asbestos. <br /> Improvements. The word "lmpro�ements" means al� existing and �uture �mprovements, buildings, structures, <br /> mvhil� homes affix�d on the Real Prop�rty, facsl�ties, addit�ans, replacemen�s and ❑ther construction on th� Rea� <br /> Property, <br /> indehtedness. The ward "�ndebtedn�ss" means all principal, interest, and ather amaunts, casts and expenses <br /> payak�le under th� Note or Relat�d ❑oc�ments, tvgether with �fl renewals v#, extensivns of, mvdif�cations of, <br /> c�nsolidations af and substitutions fvr the Nvt�o�Retated Documents end any amounts expended v�r advanced by <br /> Lend�r to discharge Trustar's obfigatians or expenses inGurred !�y Trustee �� Lender tv enfarce Trustor`s <br /> vbligations under this Deed ❑f Trust, tvgether with interest vn su�h am�unts as prv�ided in this aeed of Trus#. <br /> Specifically, without limitativn, indebtedness �ncludes the future ad�ances set forth in fihe Futur� Ad�ances <br /> pra�isian, t�gether with all interest thereon and all amounts that rnay be indirect�y secured by the <br /> Crvss-Collateralization pro�isivn of th�s Deed af Trus�. <br /> Lender. Th�word "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Note. The wvrd "Nfl�e" means the pramissvey note da#ed April 14, Z417, �n the orig�na� pr�ncipa� amount <br /> �f $�'.�'7�.�U�=DD from Trus#or to Lender, tvgether with a!� rene►►vals ❑#, extensions of, mvdifications of. <br /> refinan�ings af, consoiidations o#, and substitutivns far th� pcvmissary note or ag�eement. N�TiCE Ta TRUSTaR: <br /> THE NQTE�aNTA�NS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Personal Prvper#y. The wards "Personaf Praperty" mean a!I equipment, fixtures, and o�her arCictes of personal <br /> praperty naw or hereafter owned by Trustvr, and now or hereafter attached ar affixed ta the fiieal Property; <br /> � together w�xh a!I accessions, parts, and additivns to, ai! replacements of, and all suhstitutivns f�r, any vf such <br /> property; and togeth�r wi#h all proceeds �inc�uding without iimitation -all insurance proceeds and refunds af <br /> premiumsy from any sale vr other disp�sitian of the Prop��ty. <br /> Property. The ward "Property" means collectiUe�y the Real Praperty and th� Personal Propert�. <br /> Rea� Propgrty. The words "Real Property" mean#he reai property, interests and rights, as fur�her descrihed in this <br /> De�d af Trust. <br /> Reiated Do�uments. The words "Re�ated Dacurnents" mean all promissory nvtes� credit agreements, laan <br />