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2� 1 7�2�75 <br /> �f Lender exerc�s�s �hxs ap�ion, Lender �hal� give Borrawer not�ce Qf a.ccelera�ifln. Th� no�ice shal� provide a <br /> period �f nat �ess �han �I�e m�nimu� nun�ber of days est��b��shed by A.p�licable La�v frarn the da�e ��ae notice is <br /> del�vered or�ed wi�hin ,vuhich Borro,wer r�ust pa�r a�� sums �ecured�y�his Security �ns�rumen�. �f�arrovver <br /> fails �o pay these sums prxor�o the exp�rat�or� of this period, Len�er may� �nvoke any remedi�s perrni�ted by�his <br /> Securi�y Instrument�vi�hout further natice or�emand on Borrower. <br /> BflrrQwer°s Righ� t� R�in�tat�. If Borr�wer mee�s cer�.ain condi��or�s, �3arrower sha11 have �he right to have <br /> enforcemen� of�his S�curi�ty Ins�rutnen� disc�n�in�ed a�a:�y time prior to�he earlier af: �a} S days ��r such o�her <br /> per�ad as App�icable La�t7v may specz�f�r far re�ns�a��ment} ��efare sa�e�f th+�Property pursuant�❑any pav�e�of sa�e <br /> c�n�ained in �his Securi�y Ins�rum�nt; flr ��} entry af �� judgmen� enf�rcing �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rument. Thase <br /> condzti�ns are �hat Borrower: �a} pays Lender ��1 sums v�hich then�v�u�d be due under�his Security ��astrument <br /> and �he �ontract as �f na acce�era�ion�ad occurred; �b} cures an� d�faul�� �f any a�her ca�e�ants or agreemen�s; <br /> �c} pays all expenses incurred in ��.1�4rClna this 5ecurit�r �I15trU�Il�Z1�, inc�uding, but not �im�ted to, reas�nable <br /> a�torne�s' f�es �o the ex�en� perm��ted hy la�v; and �d� �c;�k�s su�h ac��o:r� as Lender may reasonably re�uire to <br /> assure that �he lien of this Secur�fiy Instrumen�, Lender's �r�ghts in the �'roperry and Borrower's ob�iga�i�� �o pay <br /> the sums secured by �h�s Securit� Instrument sha�� cantinu� unchanged. Upon reinsta�ernent by ��rrov��r, �h�s <br /> Security Instrument and the obl�ga��ons secured hereby shal� remain fi.�l�y effect�ve as if no a�ce�era�ia� had <br /> occurred. ��weuer, �.zs right ta reins�a�e shall no� app:�y in �the case Eaf acceleration u.�ader �he s�c�ian �it�ed <br /> Tra�asfer of the Property ar a Ben�fi�ial In�erest�n Borrov�er. <br /> I3azardous Subst�nces. Borr�v�er sha�i no��au�e or perrrut the pres�n�e,�se, disposal, s�orage, or releas�of an� <br /> Hazardous Su�stances an ar ir� th� Proper�.y. B�orrower shall no� da, �zar a11ow anyone else �� ��, anything <br /> affecting the�r�perty that�s in�ria�a��on of any Environmental Lavv. The preceding tt�ro sentences s�a�l nv�apply <br /> to the presence, u�e, or s�orage nn �he P�aper�y af small quantities of�[azardous 5ubs�ances �hat are g�nerally <br /> rec�gn�zed�o be appropria�e to norma�residen�ia�uses an�[�o maizatenanc� of the Pr�p�rty. <br /> Barravsrer shal� pr�mptly give Lend�r wri�ten notice of ar.�y inves�iga�i�n, c�axm, demand, la�vsuit or ather act�on <br /> by any gov�rnmen�al or regu�atnry agenc� or pr��Ta�te par�y invalving the Pr�p�rty and any Hazardous S�abs�anc� <br /> ar Environmental Lavv of tivh�ch Borrotiv�r has ac�ua� ��novv�edge. �f �3orrovver Iearns, or �s n��if ed by any <br /> governr�zenta� or regu�ato�y au�harifiy,�hat an�rern.ova� or�other remedia�ion af any Hazardous Subs�ance affect�.n.g <br /> �he Pr�per�y is necessary, Borrov�er shal� pr�mp�l� ta��e al� nec�ssar�r remed�a� ac�ions in acc�rdance �vvi�h <br /> Environm�ntal La�v. <br /> As used �n�hi�paragraph, "�azaxdous Substances" are �hE�se substances tiefined as�axic or hazardous substances � <br /> by Envzronmenta� La� and the fallowing substances: g��.sa�ine, �erosene, other flammable or �oxic pe�roleum <br /> prflduc�s, toxic pesticz�ies and herbicides, vo�a�ile sol�en�ts, ma�eria�s co�ntaining asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�oactive ma�er�als. As used in this paragra�h, "Environ�nental Law" m�ans federa��aws and laws of�h�state of <br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate to hea�th, safety or environmen�al pr��.ec��on. <br /> ACCQZerat�.�n; Remedies. Lender �hall �ive rnot�ce �a B��rra�ver pr�tir �o acce�er�tion followfng �orro�uver's <br /> breach af any covenant�r agr�em�ent xx�th�s Se�urxty In�t�ument �r the�ontra�t under v�vhich a�ce��rati�n <br /> is permitted ��ut nat prior to ac���era��on under the s���tx�n �itied Tr�nsfer of the Prop�rty or a Benefi�ial <br /> Int�rest in B�rrower, u�I.ess Aa.ppXi.cabl� I�aw pr�vide� vtherw�se}. T'h� noti�ce sha�Z specify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b) the activ�. required to cure the defaul�; �c� a clate, nvt �.ess ��han the min�mum nurn�b�r �f days <br /> es�al�Iished by Applicable La�from the dat�t�e not�c+e�s g��v�n to B�rr��v�r,by whi�h the defau�t xnust be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa�lure to cur°e the default on �r ��ef�r� the dat� spe��f�ed in the notice r�ay r�esult Yn <br /> acce�erat��n of the sums �e��red �by �h�s �eC�rity Ir.istrument and saie of the Property. To the extent <br /> permxtted by�a�,th� �otxce s�al� f�urther inforrn Eor�•ov�ver �f the ri�;ht to reir�state after accelerat�on and <br /> the right�o br�ng a court activn�a assert the non-exist��nce of a defau�t ar any other defense of Bflrr�vver t� <br /> accelerati�n and 5a�e. If the default is not cured on �r before the dat+� specifed fn th� notzce,L�nd�r at�t� <br /> apt��n m�.y require ��rn�nediat� p�yme�t xn fu��. of a�� sums �ecur�d by th�s Security Instrument �ithout <br /> further dema�xd and may inv�ke the p�wer of sale an�d any �th�r re�med�es pQrm���ed by App�i�ab�e Law. <br /> To the extent p�rrnitted by Iavv, �end�r sh�I� be entil;�ed t� �ollect ���1 expen�es incurred in pursuing the <br /> remedie5 pr�v�ded�n thxs Sec�on,�nc�ud��g, but not�x:mi.ted to,re�sQ�.ab�e attarney5� fees and c��t��f title <br /> evidence. <br /> If the povv�r�f�ale i5 invoked, Tr°ustee shall re�ord a�not�ce �f defau�lt�n each count�in wh�ch any part af <br /> the Property�s I�cated and shall�nail��pi�s of su�h n�����e in th�manner pres�r��ed by.�pp�i�able��w t� <br /> Borrower anc� �� the other pe��vns prescr�b�d by Ap��Iicab�e Law. A.►fter the time required by Applicable <br /> La�v, Trustee shall give publiG notzce �f sa�e t� the p��rsons and i� thQ mann�r pr�scrib�d by Applicable <br /> Law. Trus�eeg w�th�u�c�eman� on Borr��verg sha�i sell th� Property a�publ�c auction to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and pla�e and und�r the term� d�sig�ated i��the nati�e of�aie in one or more par�e�s and�n any <br /> order 'I'ruste� determfnes. Trustee may postpone sa�e of a�� vr a�Ey parce� of the Pr�perty by pub��c <br /> an�ouncer.�ent at the t�rne and piac� af an�prev�ously s�heduie�i �ale,Lend�r or i�s designee may pur�ha�e <br /> the Property�t any salQe <br /> ITpon r�ceaip� of payme�t �f the pric� b�d, T�ustee sha:ll d�li��r t� th� purGhaser Tru�tee's de�d �on�eying <br /> th�Praperty.'I'he rec�t�l�in the Truste�'s d��d shal�be prima faci� e�idence of the tru�h flf the statements <br /> ma�e t�erein. TrusteQ s�all apply the pr�cee�s of t��e sale in the fol�ow�ng vrder: �a� to all c�st� and <br /> expenses of ex�rc�sing the povver �f 5a�e, andl the sale, ineluding th� ��ayment of the Trustee`5 fees ���ually <br /> �n�urre� and rea�vnable attorne�s' fees as perr�itted by Appli��.b�e Law; �b) to al� 5ums s�cured by this <br /> �ecur���Im�trument; and�c}any�x�ess to�h�person�:r pers�ns�egal�:y entit�ed to�t. <br /> R�eonv�yance. Upfln payment of a�� sums se�ured by �l1zs Secur�t�y �ns�rumen� and �ermination of�orr�wer's <br /> right ta obtain further advances under �he �antract, Lenc�er shall reques� Trus�ee to reconvey the Property and <br /> sha�l surrender th�s 5ecurity Ins�rumerit amd �lI can�racts e�r�denc�ng deb1; secure�.by �th�s 5ecurity Instrum�n� to <br /> @ 2044-20I5 Camplian�e Sys#ems,Inc.cdbf�77�-f1f37191-2016.230.4,8 <br /> Cansurner Real Estate-Securi�y Ins�rument DL2a3d Pa�e 4�#'5 <br />