2� 1 7�2�75
<br /> Payment of�rincipai and Interest; Dt�er��arges.Bo:rrawer sha�l pramptiy pay v�rhen due�he pr�ncip��of and
<br /> �n�erest �n the debt o�.red und�r �he �fln�r�.ct and �ate c�.arges or any ather fe�s and charges du� under the
<br /> Con�rac�.
<br /> Applicabie Lav�. As used in �his Securx�y ��.strumen�, �he term "Appli�abXe Law" shal� mean a11 contro�Xing
<br /> applicable fed�ra�, state and 1�cal sta�ute�, r�gulations, or�dinances and aciminis�ra���re rules and orders ���at haue
<br /> �he effect of�a�� as tive�1 as alI app��cab�e fn�l, non-appealable jud�cia�o���n�ons.
<br /> �harg�s; Lie�se Borrovver sha�l pay a�l �a�e�, assessrn�;nts, �harges, �nes and imposxtions at���bu�ab�e to the
<br /> Pr�perty�vhich may attain priori�y�ver this Securit�r Ins�,rumen�, and�ea�eho�d payments or ground ren�s, �f any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,B arrotiver sha�1 promp�ly furn�sh to L�nder re�ei�pts evid��.�ing the paymen�s.
<br /> Barrower shal�promp�l�discharge any��en�hich ha�priority over this �security Instrumen�unless Borr��ver: �a}
<br /> agrees in tiuriting ta the payment �f�he abligati�n secured by �he i��n in a manner acceptab�e �� I�e�der; �b)
<br /> con�es�s in go�d faith th� Iien b�, or def�r�ds agains� enforce�nent �f�he: Iien in, �egal proceed�ngs wh�ch �n�he
<br /> �.ender's opinion apera�� �� preven� the enforc�men� of the Iien; flr (c} secures from the h��der of the l�en an
<br /> agreemen� satisfactory t� Lender subordinating the ��er�to� th�s 5ecuri�y I��strumen�. 7f Lender deterr�in�s tha�any
<br /> part af�h� Property�s subj ec�to a�ien vv�ich may a�tain pr�ority nver�h��s Security �nstrurnen�, Lend�r ma� gi�e
<br /> �3orrower a n�t�ce identify�ng �he ��en. B�rr�v��r shal� sa�isfy the lien ar�take one or mare of the ac�ians set f�r�h
<br /> abov��ri�hin 1�tla�rs of the givi�g af r�a�ice.
<br /> �Iazard or Property In�uranc�. Borr�w�r shal�keep�he irnprovemen�s now exist�ng or hereaf�er �rec�e�i an the
<br /> Property�nsur�d against loss by fire,hazards included wi.�Jz�n�he term"extended c�verage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> �nclud�ng f�aads ar flood�ng, for �vhich Le�d�r requirec; insurance. Th�is �nsu.ran�e shall �a� maintained in the
<br /> amoun�s and f�r the periods that Lender r�quir�s. The insL�rance carrzer pr�viding�he insurance shall b�chasen by
<br /> �3orrov�rer suh�J ect to Lender's approval which sha�� no� be unreasanably vvithheld. �f Bflrrovver fa�ls to �a.azn�ain
<br /> caverage described above, Lender may, at L�n��r's �pt:�on, o��air� co��erage t� protec� Lender's r�ght� in �he
<br /> Property in ace�rdan�e v���h section ti�Ied Prot�c�i�n nf Lender�s Right���a�he Property.
<br /> A�� �nsurance policies and renevvals sha�l be accep�able ��� Lender and s�ia�� inc�ude a s�andard mfl�gage clause.
<br /> �.ender shal�have�he r�gh�t to hold�he pol�c�es and renetivals. If Lender r�;quires, Borrower shall prompt�y g�ve to
<br /> �ender al�rec�zp�s of paid prem�ums and reneuTal notices. �n�h�even�af�flss, B�rro�ver shall giv�prornp��otice
<br /> to the insurance c�.rrzer and Lender. Lender ma�make pra+af af�oss if n��:made promp�I�b�Borra�v�r.
<br /> Unless Lender an�i Borr�vaer o�hervSrise agr�e xn wri��ng, insurance pra��eeds shal� �e applied to re�tora�ian or
<br /> repair of the Proper�y damage�, if, ��. Lend�r's soie dzscretion, �he res�arat�on ar repair�s econamica��y feasible
<br /> and �,ender's secur��ty �s na� �essened. �f, �n Lende�'s so�e d�scre�ior�, the res�oration ar repair is not economzca��y
<br /> feasib�e �r Lender's secur�ty vv�u�d be lessened, �he insu��ance proceeds �ha�� be app�ied�a the sums secured �y
<br /> �his Security �nstrum�nt, whether ar nat �hen due, wz�h any excess paid to Borrovver. �f Borro�er abandans �he
<br /> Property,ar does no�answer u�i�hin�he n�.tmber of days prescribed by Appl�cable La�r as set fvrth in a no�i�e from
<br /> Lender to Borrov�rer�ha��he insurance carrier h�as offered to se�tle a claim�, then Lender may c�I�ect the �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender ma�r use the praceeds to repa�r or resto�•e �he Proper�r�r ta pay surns secured by this 5e�uri�y
<br /> �nstrumen#, �vh�ther or nat �hen due. The perza�. �f t�m� for Borro�rer �o ansvver as se� f�r�h in the n���ce �vill
<br /> begxn vvhen the no��ce is given.
<br /> LTnless Lender and B orra�ver atherurise agree �n wr��ing, a:ny appl�ca���n�f praceeds�o principai shal� no�extend
<br /> or pos�pone the due �a�e �f the payme�.ts due under the �ontrac�or�han�e �he amoun� of�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the section t�tl�d A�celeration; Remed�es, the Pr�per�y i�� acquired by L��nder, Barrower's righ��a an� insurance
<br /> policies and proceeds resulting fror� damage tfl the Prop{�rty pr�or to �he� acquisi��on shall pass t� L,ender �o the
<br /> extent of�he sums secured by this Security�ns�rum�n�imn�ediate�y pri�r���the acquisit�on.
<br /> Pre�ervat��n, �Vlainte�ance ar�d Prot��tion of the Property; ��rro��ver�s Loan Appl�cati�n; Lea�eh�Ids.
<br /> B�rrovtrer sha��not destroy, damage or im�ai��he Praper��, a��a�v th�Pro�erty t� de�erxorate, ar c�nan�i�vvaste on
<br /> the Property. Borrower shall be in defaul� if any farfeit�zre action or proceeding, whether civil �r �rxr.�znal, �s
<br /> begun that in Lender's go�d faith judgmen�cau�d resu��in�f�rfeiture�f the Praperty�r otherwise materiall�r impair
<br /> the lien created by this Secur��y Ins�rument �r Lender's s�:�ur�ty interes�. Barrawer may cure such a �ief�.ul� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pr�vided in sec�ifln�itl�d Borr��er's Right�:a Rein�tate, b;�causing the actzon ar pra�eed��g�o b�
<br /> d.ISrilI55ed. Wl�h �.��.�.n� ��.1�.�, in Lender's good fai�h de�err.r�inat�an, preclud�s forfeiture of the B orr�w�r's in�erest
<br /> in the Praper�y or ofher ma��rzal impairmen� of th� lier� created by �his �►�cur�ty Ins�rument or Lender's �ecurity
<br /> in�erest. Borro�rer shall also be in defau�t if B�rrawer, durin� the loan app�zcation pr�cess, gave ma�er�a�ly fa�se
<br /> or �naccura�e informa��on �r s�a�ements �o Len�.er �or fai���d tv provide L��der wi�h any mater�al infarmat�on� in
<br /> connectinn�ri��i the ��an evidenced by the C�n�ract. If�his Se�uri�y�nstr��ment is �n a Ieasehald, Barr�wer shall
<br /> c�mply�vvith aI��h�prov�sions of the Iease. �f B�rrawer ac�quires fee�it����the Froper�y,the leaseho�d and�he fee
<br /> t��le shall no�merge unl�ss Lender agrees tn�he merger in�►ur�t�ng.
<br /> Protect�on af Lender'� R�ghts in the Property. If Box�ro�wer fa�Is �� p�rform the covenan�s and agreements
<br /> �onta�ned in this Secur�ty Instrumen�, ar there i�a�egal pr��ceeding�a�m.ay sign�f��ant�y affec�Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Proper�r �such as a pr�ceeding in bar�ru�tcy, proba�t�, for condemna:tian �r forfeiture or�to �n�orce Iavvs ar
<br /> r�gu�at�ons�, then Lender may do �.n� pay far vvhat�ver �s nec�ssary to pra�ect �he value of�he Pr�per�y and
<br /> Lend�r's rights in�he Pr�perty. Lender's actio�.s may i.nc�uc�e pay�x�g any st�ms secured by a lien vvhi.ch has priar��y
<br /> over this Secur��y�nstrument, appearing�n caur�,pa�ring re:asonable attorn��ys' fees and en�ering on t.�e Prv�erty�a
<br /> make repairs.��thaugh Lend�r may�ake a�tio�un�er�his ��ec��on,Le�der does not hav��o do so.
<br /> Any amou.nts disbursed by Lender under �his section shal:� becorne addYt:�ona� debt of Borravver seeured by this
<br /> Security �nstrurr�en�. Unless Barrtiurer and Lender agree �o a�her �en�s of payment, �hese amoun�s shall bear
<br /> znterest fr�m �he date af disbursement at th� �ame rate ��ssessed �n adv��.nces un�er �he Con�ract and �ha�I be
<br /> payable,uT�th im�eres�,upon na��ce fr�m Lender�o Borrow�:r re�ues�ing pa�,rment.
<br /> C�2D44-ZOId Carnpliar�ce Systems,Inc.cd�fc77c-fZ�37191-2016.23Q.�.S
<br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Se�urity Instru�nent DL203fi Page 2 of 5 �vww.�ompliancesystems.cvm
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