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<br /> ' DF.�D OF TRUS7
<br /> Tt�iS���0�1�_TR�ST mad$thisg.,.�th day of Februarv ,, 1p�by ond among Robert S. Prof€itt and Thais
<br /> • An:� r4 i u�ban an wi e 2313 Stagecoach Rd., Grand Island, NE 68803
<br /> w}Fasa inoitin� a�dr�:�s is •
<br /> {i��r�us`:;ustor");and �p-� OF WOOD RIVER ,whose ma;ling addressP.O. Box 487, Wood Riuer t3E .
<br /> � {harain"Trusl3;;"ca3"Sanati::a:;••) 6�883 .
<br /> f02 VAtUABtf COhiSiD€RATiON, inctuding tfte indebtedness irtdentified hereire nnd the trust herein created, the rQCeipt of tviiicii i�i�ursby
<br /> ocFnotvtedc�ed, Trostor irrevnca6�g gronts, lronsfers,conveys,artd assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH FOV�:R OF SAlE, for the benetit.�and
<br /> – security af Elanoficiary,urtcic�r end subjact ta tlie tern�s and conditians of tttiis Deed oE 7rust,ihrs reot praperty described os foSla�vs: �
<br /> Lat 'Cwo �2), in Medical Park Ti�ird Subdivisian to the City of Grand Island, Hall � �
<br /> CaE�nty, Nebraska.
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> {
<br /> TOGEiHER WItH,all ren�s,,p.rofits,royntties,intome ond ofher heneFifs derivc�from fhe�eol property;a�I teoses or subleoses Ea�reri.ig fhQ
<br /> real properly or any porfien a'.=,�reof, now or hereafter existing or entered into,���o(I right, title and i�?:�ms1 of Trustor thereurtd�r���1t in-
<br /> teresis,estate or other cta;m�s,both in law and in cquity,which Trustar na�Y has ar moy hereafter ocqu:re m the reul property;a11 eas�_�enis, ; _
<br /> rig6ts-of-way, tenemenfs, hereditaments and appurrenances thereof and there9o; all oil an� gas rights and profits, water rights and woter ` , :"-a
<br /> ; stack;oU right,title and int�_-�st of Trustor,now owned cr heteo#ter acquired,�n;.�d to any land lying tir�t�ir,the right-of-wny of nny st�reet or ; _
<br /> hic�h�voy adjoining the re_���'�cperty, any and ull bu€id`.���, fixtures, improve:vre•�.,, and oppurtenances rrEV+ or hereafter erected Ilrr�r:on or � -
<br /> � befonging theretp, (herR`.�Q:��=rred to as"Improvemen:'"or"Improvements"j;:�-r�ony and afl awards mcde far the iQt�ing by emir:trti iomoin
<br /> � or by ony proc�E�ing ar�:.�c�ase in lieu thereof,of the whole or anv,r_��t of the rea}property. � - `
<br /> .' A!1 of ftso foregoing os'::'a,property and interest hereby convey��•='.:Jsr_e�erein colleclively referred to as the"i�rn��;r.v". ---
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUS!Sh�'��.f SECURE: • �=
<br /> (u1 The�payment of in�������dness evidenced by Trus�:.��note of e�en�a'��`����r��'h in the principal sum of �a��v 5iv:,~
<br /> . ��
<br /> , Thousand and no/100------------------------------------..------ Dollars (3 4fi,.Di30.Ob ).
<br />:. � togetlier with interest ot 11Te rate or ralos provided ther�:,, (herein,together with any and nll renewnls,modificotions,u;d extensieny 11;r_ceof. '
<br /> , roierrod to os the"Na►e"1 both principol and interest �^the No1�beinc�payu�!e in accardance witls tho terms set forsh therein,ref�;f�:rre to
<br /> I �rs,��ch is hcreby mode, tl:n 1":nol pnyment of Printipal on�`intQrast, if not sooner r,�'��and if no renewals,m;���'�icotions or extensions arr�made, �
<br /> ! ��� and poyable on s'3rch 1, �995 and anv extensions [i���eof. , t
<br /> � (b�1ho re�"crrnanse ci¢ach agreemont and eovonant oi Trustor harein tontained;and •
<br /> (c)Tl�e p"��,�e:,t oP c^r sum or sums of money with interest theroon which mey bo hercafter paid or odvance�u�der tho terms o(t i�is Deed of ��
<br /> Trush. •
<br /> (d)The o ment of an f ir�;re advonces necessar to ratect ihv securit o��r;5 t.�ture advance made ot the o sion of the arties: cr�;; �!
<br /> PY Y ` Y P Y P p
<br /> (e)11ie pertormonce oi an oblir�ation of any olher person named in this Trust Ceei to o t�eneficiary,
<br /> 1,Paymenf oT Principat and Intarast.Trustor sF�all promptly pa��•r,hen dvo the principul of and interest on the indebtedr�ess evider�:�.:by tlie
<br /> � �duto,and uq otl�er churges and fees as provided in the P;�'a, und tlie printipa! of and interest on any iulur�Ac{vances secured by tl;:s �3eed of
<br /> ; irt;st.
<br /> 8. Warranty ot Tllle.7rustor is lawfully seized and possessed of�ood and iitdeleasiblo title und estute to tlic Property herehr tonveyed ond
<br /> '. hos tha righl to gront and tanvey tha Property; the Proparty is free and etear of all liens and encumbrcmces except liens novr of retord; ond
<br /> � 1'ruslor vri{I v�urrunt und defend the tille to the Property ugainst ull tluims ond demmids.
<br /> ` 3.ldatntonQnefl�nd tomplianca with laws.;rustor si;al)keep the Property in good conditiore and repnir und sho�!not commit�:•aste or permit
<br /> , irnpainnent ar delerioration of thti,Praperty and sholl comply wiih the provisions of any lense if tliis peed ot 7rust is on a leaseliold.P!o improve-
<br /> menf notiv ot hereafter er�cted upon the F'roperty shnll bo altered, removed or Jemalislied v+ilhout tlie prior v�ritten consent oi Deneficiory,
<br /> Trustor shc�ll comply wiif�all Inws,ordinnnces,renulotions,covennnts,canditions nnd restricfions nfEecfing t)►e Properly ond not comrnit, suffnr,
<br /> ' ar permit any uct ro be done in or upon tlie Property ln vinlotion of ony luw,ordinnnce, regulol'ron, covennnt, condition or restriclion. 7rustor �==_—=
<br /> ;!��II com�lete ot rostore prompfly und in�ood workmonlike manner any improvemont on the Property whi�h mny bo tlnmot�ed or destroyed and '
<br /> • poy.w1�en due,otl claims for In6or performed und mote�iats furnished therefare and for ony olterotior,s t:��rLc`. �
<br /> 4. Insuranet.Trustor, nt its expense,wilt maintuin with insurors approved by Beneficiory, insurnnce with respect to the Improvements and i
<br /> pe�sQr.�!��Q�eft;.tat�;lilutIsi�!!ie Psop�r4;r,ugaia:i loss!:y!':re.!igletnir.�, ler::udu,un�!o!l�c:�s�ril�cn�lt�z�re3s su:crc:.!�y strsn;icr�i c�lc:sdcd . i - .
<br /> cov�rnpe enJorscmenl, in qn nmount eyual to at loust one hundred pertent of 1he tull rep�acen�enf vu(ve thereo! unJ �nsuron�e ugoins► such
<br /> � otl�er t�utnrds ard in such umounts ns is customuiily tarried by owners and operators oE sintulor properties or as Qeneficinry may requirc for its
<br /> pcotecfion.lrustor v�i�l com�ly v�itl�suth other reyuirements us Oeneficiery mny fram tiroe ta tinre reqt�r,st for ihe pratection by insurc�nce of th�
<br /> intrresls ot ti�e ves�eciiva po►li�s. All insurrr,ite policies rnni:�tained pursut+�s fo this dce�{�f lrust sloll no�ti,e Trtrsto,- un;t uenelirary ns in-
<br /> sureds,us Il:eir respective interests may r��penr, anJ provi�.fe lhnt ih�re sf�ull be n�can:e!lotiun or mndit�cntian w.ithc,:�t i�o less lhun T S�)t�ys �``
<br /> �uicr vrciiten nUtifittilit,n t0 Denelitiury. tn the event nny pciity liereur�der is not ren^rred dn or brfore i5 duy�s►�iinr to it;erpirotior�dc�t�. ��.
<br />. B^^:��LiUrj(1117jf�fUtUtC St�tl�'sn:urancc in ncta�dantt�•�ritfi thc pra•�isians cf prirn�rnE h 7 h��rc��f. iruct�>�;t�ull�i��l�v.•r f.> f�����-�i:r�-�r{f;��ni:;�innl �.
<br /> �•:il�''fi•;��f itiS'�cp�i:��tin_1�n���uuls tf��r�a1�r mnmo topicS oF ,��li;��li[�es�a��J rc��ewu�s I��r•�•rn=. (ui;�;s��fn f.;rnnli�, ._I��•:�tan�•i c hy 1r.,t��, m �
<br />. rt•i.cr,u15 uS rnr�±�rc:I►•;re�n.ltr S�i:i�l,t�t ll.�•t:ptir,ti U�Qune(icir+��.c�n;Ii�l1�F a:!��f��?,!t. �
<br />� �
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