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2� 17�2� 19 <br /> _ , <br /> �b�premiums for f�re, otiher hazard and mortgage insurance next due. If Beneficiary det�rrnines that <br /> am�unts pa�d by Trustor are insufficient for the payment in fu11 of such�axes, assessments, lev�es andl�r <br /> insurance premiums, Benef�ciary shall not�fy Trustor of the increased amaunt required far the paym�nt <br /> thereof when due, and Trustor shall pay to Benef�ciary such additional amount with�n �hir�y �3�} days <br /> after not�ce from Beneficiary. A�� amounts so paid shal�na�bear interest, except to the extent and in the <br /> amount requir�d by law. So long as �here is no Default, Beneficiary shall apply said amounts ta the <br /> payment of,or at B�nefic�ary's sale option release said funds to Trustor for applica�ion to and payment of, <br /> such taxes, assessments, levies, charges and insurance premiums. If a Default exists, Benefic�ary at �ts <br /> soie option may apply al� ar any par� of sa�d amoun�s t� any Secured �bligation andlor ta cure such <br /> Default, in which event Trust�r shal�be required to rest�re al� amounts so applied, as w�ll as ta cure any <br /> Defauit not cured by such applica��on. Trustor hereby grants and transfers to Beneficiary a security <br /> interest in al�amounts so paid and held in Ben�f�ciary's possession, and all�roceeds thereof,to secure the <br /> payment and perfarmance of eac�i Secured �bl�gati�n. Upon assa�,mm�nt of this D�ed of Trust, <br /> Beneficiary sha�l ha�e the right to assign all amounts callected and in its possession to its ass�gnee, <br /> whereupon Beneficiary and Trustee sha��be r�leased from all�iability with respect�hereto. The exis�ence <br /> of said �mpounds sha�l not lim�t Beneficiary's rights under any �ther provis�an of this Deed of Trust �r <br /> any other agreement, statute or ru�e of Iaw. �1LTithin ninety-�ve (95} days following full repayment of all <br /> Secured�bligations (�ther than as a consequ�nce of a forec�osure�r c�n�eyance in lieu of foreclosure of <br /> the liens and securi.ty in�eres�s securing any Secured �bligation), or at such earlier time as Benefic�ary in <br /> its reasonable d�scr�tion may elect, the balance �f a�� amaunts colle�ted and tn Beneficiary's possession <br /> shal�be paid to Trustor,and no o�her party sha�l have any right of claim thereto. <br /> 3.7 Dama�es; Insurance and Condemr�ation Pro�eeds: <br /> (a} ��}A�1 awards of damages and all other compensatian payable dir�ctly or ind�rectly by <br /> reason�f a condemnation or proposed can�iemnation�or transfer in�ieu thereof} for pub�ic or pri�ate use <br /> affecting the Trus� Property; �ii�all other claims and awards for damages to or decrease in �alue of the <br /> Trust Property; �iii}a�l pro�eeds of any insurance policies payable by reason�f loss sustained to the Trust <br /> Property; and(iv} all interest which may accrue on any of the foregaing, are al�absolutely and irrevocab�y <br /> assigned to ax�d shall b�paid to Benefic�ary. At the absalute discretion of Beneficiary, `uhether or not its � <br /> security is or may be impaired,but subj ect to applicable�aw if any, and wi�h�u�regard to any requirement <br /> contained in any ather Section hereof, Beneficiary may apply all or any of the praceeds it receives to its <br /> expenses in settling, prosecuting or defending any such claim and apply the ha�ance t� the Secured <br /> �bligatians in any order, and release ai1 or any part of the proc�eds to Trustor upon any conditians <br /> Beneficiary may impose. Beneficiary may commence, appear�n, �iefend or prosecute any assigned claim <br /> ar acti�n, and may adjust, compramise, sett�e and collect al� claims and awards assigned to Beneficiary; <br /> provided however, that in na event sha�1 Benefic�ary be responsible for any failure to co��e�t any claim or <br /> award,r�gardless of�he cause of the failure. <br /> �b} Notwithstanding the faregoing, Benefic�ary shall make any insurance and.lor candemna�ion <br /> proceeds available to�he extent reasonably required for repair or restoration of the Trust Pr�perty caused <br /> by or resulting fram any casua�ty or condemnat�on so l�ng as �i} no Event of Default then exists, �ii} <br /> Trustor demonstrates to Beneficiary tha�Trustor has suf�icient funds to complete any repair or restaration <br /> nat cover�d by the insurance or condernnation proceeds and to make a�� paymer�ts due to Beneficiary, <br /> inc�uding but not �imited to payments under the Note, during the period of repa�r ar r�storation, and �iii} <br /> any repair or rest�ration can be completed a�least six��}months prior ta the ma�urity date of the Nate. � <br /> 3.$ Maintenance and Preservation of Trust Pro ert . Subj ect to the pro�isions of any Secured <br /> �bl�gati�n,Trustar cavenants: <br /> �a} to keep the Trust Property�n goad condition and repair; <br />� -4- <br />