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<br /> Recording Requested By,
<br /> And After Recarding,Retiurn To:
<br /> John M.Prososki
<br /> Dvorak Law�roup,LL�
<br /> �3625 �alifornia Street, Suite 11�
<br /> �maha,Nebraska�S 154
<br /> I�EED�F TRUST
<br /> �
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �this "Deed of Tru��"� is �xecuted as of April �9, 2�1.7 by �`rARRETT
<br /> �NTERPRISES, IN�., a Nebraska corparation ("Trustor"�, to J�HN M. PR�S�SI�I, a member of the
<br /> Nebraska S�a�e Bar Association, as trustee �"Trustee"}, far the benefit of DEL�RES K. GARRETT and
<br /> DATED��T�BER 17, 2��3,t�gether with any amendments made thereto�"Beneficiary"}.
<br /> 1.1 �rant. For the purposes and upon the terms and condit�ons in this Deed af Trust, Trustor
<br /> irrevocably grants, conveys and assigns to Trus�ee, �n�rust for the b�nefit of Beneficiary, �LTITH P��ER
<br /> �F SALE and right of �n�ry and possess�on, Trustor's interest in: �a�a1� real property located �n Hall
<br /> County,Nebraska, and described an Exhibit A attached hereto; �b}a��easements,rights-of-way and righ�s
<br /> used �n connect�on with �r as a means of access to any port�on of sa�d real property; �c�all tenements,
<br /> hereditaments and appurtenances thereof and thereto; �d}all right,title and interest of Trustor,now owned
<br /> ar hereafter acquired, in and to any land lying within �he righ�-of way af any street, open or praposed,
<br /> �adj oinirig said real praperty, and any and all sidewalks, all�ys and strips and gores of land adj acent to or
<br /> used in cannection with said real praperty; �e}all buildings, impro�ements and �andscaping now ar
<br /> hereafter erected or lo�ated �n said real pr�perty; �f}al� devel�pment righ�s, gn�ernmental or quasi-
<br /> gavernmenta� licenses, pern�its or approvals, zaning rights and other similar rights or inter�sts which
<br /> �
<br /> relate �o the development, use or operation af, or that benefit or are appurtenant ta, said rea� proper�y;
<br /> �g) a�l minera� rights, 0�1 and gas rights, air rights, water ar water rights, including�vithout lzmitation, a�l
<br /> wel�s, �anals, ditch�s and reservoirs�f any natur�and all rights thereto, appurtenar��to or associated with
<br /> said rea� property, whether decreed or undecreed, tributa.ry or nan-tribu�ary, �urface �r underground,
<br /> appr�priated or unappropriated, and all shares af stock in any water, canal, ditch or reser�oir company,
<br /> ar�d al� well pern�its, water serv�ce c�ntracts, dra�nage r�ghts and other e�id�r�ces of any such rights; and
<br /> �h}all interest �r estate which Trus��r now has ar may hereafter acqu�re in sa�d real proper�y and all
<br /> additions and accr�tions thereto, and a�l awards ar payments made fnr�he tal�ng of a�1 or any portian af
<br /> said real ra erty by eminen�d�mazn or any proceeding or pur�hase in iieu thereaf, or any damage to any
<br /> p I�
<br />