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T 2� 17�2� 13 <br /> �ii} Each Third Party Trustor waives any defense to its obliga�i�ns h�reund�r based upon or <br /> aris�ng by reason of: �A}any d�sability or other defense af any 4bligor or any o�her pers�n; �B�the <br /> cessa��on�r��mi�ation from any cause whatsoever, other than payment in full, of any S ecured�bligat��n; <br /> ���any lack of authority of any officer, director,partrier, agent�r any other person act�ng ar to <br /> act on�eha�f of any �bligor which is a corporation, partnership or other type of entity, ar any d�fect in <br /> the formatian of any such �bl�gor; �D��he app�icat�on by ar�y �bligar of th� praceeds af any S�cured <br /> �bligatzon far purposes other than the purposes represen�ed by any�b�igor�o, ar intended or und�rstood <br /> by, Beneficiary or any Third Party Trustar; �E�any act or om�s��on by Beneficiary which directly �r <br /> indire�tly r�sults in or aids the disCharge �f any �bligor ar any por���n of ar�y Secured ��ligation by <br /> operati�n of law ar �therwise, ar which in any way impa�rs or suspends any rights or remed�es of <br /> Benef�ciary aga�nst any �bligar; �F}any impairment of the valu� of any interest in any security far the <br /> Secured�b�iga�ions or any portian thereof, including wi�hout l�mitation, the failure to obtain or maintain <br /> perfec�ian �r recordation of any in�erest in any such security, the release �f any such se�urity without <br /> subs�itutivn, andJor the fa��ure to pr�ser�e the�a1ue af, or to comply wi�h applicable law in disposing af, <br /> any such securi.ty; (G�any modification of any Secured �bligation, ir� any form whatsoever, including <br /> without limitation the renewal, e�tension, acceleration or ather change in �ime for payment of, or other <br /> change in the terms of, any S ecured �bliga�ion or any port�on thereof, including increase ar decrease �f <br /> the rate of interest thereon; or�H} any requ�rement that Ben�ficiary gi�e any n�tice of accep�ance of this <br /> Deed of Trust. Until a�l Secured �bligations shall have been paid in full, no Third Party Trustar sha�� <br /> have any right of subr�gation, and eaCh Th�rd Farty Trustar wa�ves any righ� to enfarce any remedy <br /> which Beneficiary n�w has or may hereafter have against any �bligor or any other person, and waives <br /> any b�n�fit of, or any right to par�i�xpat� in, any security now or h�reafter held by Beneficiary. Each <br /> Third Party Trustor furth�r Waives al1 righ�s and defenses it may have arising out of: ��� any e�ection af <br /> r�medies by Benef�ciary, even �haugh that election of remed�es, such as a non judicia� foreclosure with <br /> respec� to any security for any por�ion of�he Secured �blxgations, destroys such Third Party Trustor's <br /> rights of subrogation ar such Third Party Trustor's rights to proce�d against any �bligor far <br /> reimbursement; or ���any lass of rights any Third Par�y Trustor may suffer by reason of any rights, <br /> pawers or rernedies of any�bligor in connection with any anti-d�ficiency laws or any other laws limi�ing, <br /> quaiifying or d�scharging any �bligor's obligat�ans, whether by �peratian of law or o�herwise, including <br /> any r�ghts any Third Party Trus�ar may ha�e �o a fair market value hearing to determine the size of a <br /> deficiency fallowing any trus�ee's foreciasure sale or�ther disposition of an� security for any por�ion of <br /> th� S ecured�bliga�ions. <br /> �iii� If any of sai� waivers �s deternzined to be contrary to any applicahle law ar public <br /> po�i�y, such waiver shall be effective��the exten�permit�ed by applicable law ar pub�ic policy. <br /> ARTICLE N. DEFAULT PRUVISI�NS <br /> 4.� Default. The occurrence af any of the following shal�const��ute a "'I]efaul�" under th�s Deed <br /> of Trus�: �a�Trustflr shall fai� to obser�� or perform any obl�gation or agreement contained herein; <br /> �b�any representat�fln or warranty of Trustor here�n sha1�prove t�be incorrec�, false or misleading in any <br /> material respect when made; ar (�}any default in the payment �r performance �f any obligation within <br /> fi�e t5� bus�n�ss days of the due date of any such payment, or any def�ned event of default, under any <br /> pro�isions of the Note or any other contract, instrument or document�xecuted in cor�nectian with, �r with <br /> respect�a,any Secured�bligat�on. <br /> 4.� Ri�hts and Remed�es. iJpon the occurrence af any Default, and at any time thereafter, <br /> Beneficiary and Trus�ee shall ha�e al�the fol�awing rights and remedies: <br /> �a� With or wi�hout no�ice, to dec�are all Secured �bligations immediately due and payab�e in <br /> fu��. <br /> _g_ <br />
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