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� 2� 17�2� 13 <br /> . <br /> �b}premiums for fire, other hazard and mor�gage insurance nex� due. If Beneficiary determines that ' <br /> amounts paid by Trustor are insufficient for�he payment xn ful� af such taxes, assessmen�s, levi�s and.lar <br /> insurance premiums, Beneficiary sha�i notify Trustor nf the increased amount required far the payment <br /> ther�of when due, and Trust�r sha�i pay to Benef�c�a�ry such additiona� amount wi�hin �hirty �3�} days <br /> after not�c� from Beneficiary. A11 amoun�s sa paid shall not bear interest, except to the ex�ent and in the <br /> amount required by law. So lang as th�re is no Default, Benef cxary shall apply said am�unts t� the <br /> payment af, or at Beneficiary's sa�e option release said funds to Trust�r for application to and payment of, <br /> such taxes, assessments, �evies, charges and insurance prem�ums. If a Defaul� exists, Benefi�iary at its <br /> sole opti�n may apply alI or any part of said amoun�s to any Secured �bligation. andlor ta �ure such <br /> Defau�t, in which event Trustor sha11 be requ�red to rest�re all amaunts so applied, as v�ell as to cure any <br /> Defauit na� cured by such applica�ion. Trustor hereby grants and transfers to Beneficiary a security ' <br /> �nterest in a�l amounts so pazd and held in Benefi��ary's possession, and all proceeds thereof,ta secure the <br /> paym�n� and performance of each Secured �bligation. Upon assigxltnent of this Deed of Trust, <br /> Beneficiary shail have the righ� to assign all amounts collect�d and in ��s possession to �ts ass�gnee, <br /> whereupon Benefic�ary and Trus�ee shall be released fram al�liab�lity with respect there�a. The ex�s�ence <br /> nf said impou.nds shall not �imit Benefic�ary's rights under any other pravision of this Deed of Trust or <br /> any other agre�ment, statute �r rule of law. �ith�n ninety-fi�e �95� days fol�owing ful� repayment of a�� <br /> Secured�bl�gatians �other than as a cansequence af a foreclosure or conveyance�n Iieu of fareclosure of <br /> the liens and security ir�teres�s securing any Secured �bligation�, ar at such earlier time as Beneficiary in <br /> its reasonable discretion may elect, the balance of all amounts co�lected and in Benefic�ary's possession <br /> sha��be paid�o Trustor, and no o�her party shall ha�e any right of claim there��. <br /> 3.7 Dama es• Insurance and�ondemnation Praceeds. <br /> �a} ��}All awards of �amages and all ather compensation payahle direc�Iy ar indirectly by <br /> reason of a condemnation or proposed condemnat�an��r transfer in�ieu�h�rea�} for public or private use <br /> affecting the Trust Proper�y; ��i}alI other claims an� awards for damages tio or decrease in value af the <br /> Trust Property; (iii}a11 proc�eds of any insurance pol�cies payable by reason of loss sus�ain�d t�the Trust <br /> Property; and�iv�al�interest which may ac�rue on any of the for�going, are ai�absolutely and irre�ocab�y <br /> assigned to and shall be paid ta Beneficiary. A�the absolute dis�re�ion of Beneficiary, whether or n�t its <br /> security xs or may be impaired,�ut subj ect to applicable law if any, and without regard to any requirement <br /> contained in any other Sectian hereof, Beneficiary may apply al� or any of�he praceeds it recei�es to its <br /> expenses ir� settling, pros�cuting �r defending any such claim and apply the ba�anc� ta the Secured i <br /> �bligations in any order, and release all or any part of the proceeds to Trustor upon any cond�tions <br /> Beneficiary may impase. Beneficiary may c�mmence, appear in, defen�i or prosecute any assigned claim <br /> � <br /> ar aCtifln, and may adjust, c�mpr�mise, se�tle and ca�lect alI ciaims and awards assigned t� Beneficiary; ; <br /> � <br /> rovided however, that in no e�ent shall Beneficiary b�respansib�e for any fa�iure to�ollect any claim�r � <br /> award,regardless af the cause of the failure. <br /> �b} Notwithstanding the foregoing, Beneficiary shall make any insurance andlar condemnation <br /> proceeds available to the extent reasonably required for repair or restorat�on of�he Trust Property caused <br /> by �r resulting from any casua�ty or condemnation sa �ang as (i} no Event of Defau�t then ex�s�s, �11� <br /> Trustor demonstrates to Benefic�ary that Trustor has sufficient funds ta camplete any repair or restoration <br /> not �overed by the insurance or condemna�ian proceeds and to make a�l payments due ta Benefi�iary, <br /> including l�ut not limited ta payments u�nder th�Note, during the period of r�pair or restaration, and (iii� <br /> any repair or restaration can b�completed at least six[6}months prior to the maturi�y date�f the Nnte. <br /> 3.8 Maintenance and Preser`ration of Trust Pro er� . 5ubj e�t to the pra��sions of any Secured <br /> �bligation,Trustor cov�nants: <br /> � <br /> � <br /> (a� to keep the Trust Property in good condition and repair; <br /> _4_ <br />