2� 17�2558
<br /> vEEv �F T�us-r
<br /> ��vnt�nued} Page 7
<br /> wai�er is g��en in wrifiing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part o�L�nder in exercising any right
<br /> shall vperate as a wai�er of such r�gh�ar any ❑ther right. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�ision af this Deed ��Trus�
<br /> shail no� prejudice �r constitute a wai�er a� Lender's right ❑�herwise t❑ demand s�rict complian�e with that
<br /> pro�ision or any other pro�isi�rn of this De�d o# Trus�, No privr wai�er by Lend�r, nor any cvurse ❑f dea�ing
<br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall consti�ute a wai�er vf any of Lender's righ'�s or o� any ofi Trustor`s v�ligatians
<br /> as ta any future transactivns. Vllhene�er the consent vf Lender is required under this Deed of Trus�, the granting
<br /> of such consent by Lender in any instance sha�1 no� �vnstitute continuing �onsent to subsequent instances where
<br /> such consent�s required and in al� cases such consent may be granted o�v►►i�hheld in th�sole discre�ion of Lender.
<br /> 5e�erabi��ty. If a court of campeten�jurisdiction finds any pro�ision of this Deed of Trus# tv be illegaf, in�a�id, or
<br /> unenfor�eahl� as �o any circums�ance, that �inding shall nvt make the offending pro�ision illegal, in�alid, or
<br /> unenfiorceable as to any other cir�umstance. ff �easib�e, the off�nding pro��sion shall he cvnsidered mvdified so
<br /> tha� it becomes legal, �a[id and enforesable. l�F �he offend�ng prv�ision �anno� he so modified, it shaC� be
<br /> considered deleted f�-om this Deed o� Trus�. LJnless otherwise required by law, the il�egality, in�alidity, or
<br /> unenforceahility o� any pro��s�on of this Deed of Trust shall not a�fect the legality, �alidity or enfarceabili�y vf any
<br /> o�her pro�ision Q�this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Successors and Assigns, Subject t� any limitations stated in �his Deed ❑f Trust on transfer o� Trustor's interest,
<br /> this Deed of Trus� shall be binding upon and �nure to the bene�it of the parties, their su�c�ssors and assigns. lf
<br /> �wnership vf�he Property k�ec�mes �es�ed in a person ❑ther than Trus�or, Lender, without notice ta Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trust�r`s successars with re�erence to this D�ed o�Trust and�he Indebtedness by way o�forbearan�e or
<br /> extensivn w�thout releasing Trust�r�rom�he obligatians of this Deed of Trust vr liability under the Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> Time is vf the Essenc�. Time is of th� essence in the performance ofi this ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> War►re Jury. A!I part�es to this Deed af Trust hereby wai�e the right#o any jury�rial in any act�an, proceeding, ar
<br /> �ounterc�aim hrought by any party a�ainst any other party.
<br /> VIIaiWer vf Homestead Exemption. Trustor here�y releases and wai��s a11 righ�ts and bene��ts of the homes�ead
<br /> exemp�ion Iaws of the Sta��of Ne�raska as to all Indebt�dness secured �y�his Deed vf Trust.
<br /> ❑EFIlV1Tt�NS. The fo��owing �apitalized words and �erms sha�l ha�e th� �ollvwing meanings when used in th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust. lJnless specifica�ly stated �fl the �ontrary, all �eferences to dol�ar amounts shall mean amounts �n law�ul money
<br /> of the Uni�ted Sta�es o�F America. Words and terms used in �he s�n�ular shall incfude �he pfural, and �h� plural sha�!
<br /> include the singular, as the c�ntex� may require. VV�rds and terms not otherwise defined in �his Deed ❑f Trust sha1�
<br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed ta such terms �n the Unifarm Cvmmercia� Cvde:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Benefiicia�y" means Exchange Bank, and �ts successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrawer. The word "Barrvwer" means Huf� Properties, L.L.C. and includes all c�-signers and co-make�s signing
<br /> �he Note and all th�ir su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Deed a� Trust. The words "Deed of T�ust" mean �his Deed o� Trus� amang Trus�or, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> in�ludes wi�hout limi�ati�n a�l assignment and security inter�st prv�isions refating to �he Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Defaul#. The ward "De�ault" means the Default set forth �n this Deed o�Trus�in th�sectivn ti#Ced "Default".
<br /> En�iranm�ntal Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and afl state, �edera� and lo�al statu�es,
<br /> regula�ivns and ordinances relating to the pro�e�tion of human health or the en�ironment, inGluding wi�hout
<br /> limita�ion the Gomprehensive En�ironmental Response, Com en a�i�Y�, .� �Qf�4� � ��as;amended 42
<br /> P ��� .
<br /> U.S.C. Sectivn 96D1 et s� CERCLA h .-��y`�y �::�`, �-.� �
<br /> � q �FT T#}r � e 5upsr�und Amer�m��'�s;;�rnd` ����q �z�°Y Act s�� ��86, Puk� L
<br /> � 9 . .
<br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"}, the Hazardaus Materials Transpor�ation A�ct . -x``U����.y�. ����� 1, e�s�q., the Resource
<br /> , i��n't,r:z. �i.:'`�•._.`s, f.a... �:.
<br /> Conser�a�ion and ReCo�ery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Sect�on 69�1, et seq:;.:.or v�the �� � fic "����`'"�t�t�:Qr federal �aws, rul�s,
<br /> a "`"i^r,�Y��,'��.�.a.':r;�A�3fi-. . .ac- . .
<br /> or regu�ativns advpted pursuan�thereto.
<br /> E�ent of Defaul#. Th�wo�ds "E�ent o#Default" mean any o�the events o�default set forth in this Deed of T�ust in
<br /> the��ents af default se�tion of th�s ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Guaran�or. Th� word "Guarantor" means any guarantor, sure�y, or ac�ommodat�vn party of any or afl �� the
<br /> I ndebted ness.
<br /> Guaranty. The wo�d "Guaranty" means the guaranty f�om Guarantor tv Lender, �ncluding without �imitation a
<br /> guaranty af all or part❑f�he Nvfie.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances. The wards "Hazard�us 5uhstances" mean materia[s that, because ❑f �their quantity,
<br /> concentration or physical, chemi�al or inf�ct�ous characteris�ics, may cause or pose a pres�nt or potential hazard
<br /> to human health or the en�iranmen�when improperly used, �reated, st�red, disposed ofi, gen�ra�ed, manufac�ured,
<br /> transpvrted or o�herwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their �ery brvad�st sense and
<br /> include without limita�ion any and all hazardaus or �oxic substances, mat�riais or waste as defined by ar iisted
<br /> under�he En�ironmental Lauvs. The term "Hazardaus 5ubs�an�es" alsv includes, wi�hou� limi�a�ion, petroleum and
<br /> petroleum by-produc'�s or any fraCtian fihereof and as#�estos.
<br /> lmprov�ments. The wvrd "Impro�emen�s" means all existing and future imprv�ements, bui�d�ngs, structures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed on the Rea! Property, faci��fiies, additions, repla��ments and ❑ther �onstruction on the Real
<br /> Prvper�ty.
<br /> lndeb#edness. The word "Indeb�edness" means all principal, interest, and a�her amoun�s, costs and expenses
<br /> payahie unde� the N�te or Relat�d Dvcuments, together with all renewals af, extensions o�, mvdifi�a�ivns of,
<br /> consolidatians of and subs�i�utions �or�he Note or Related ❑ocuments and any amounts expended or ad�anced hy
<br /> Lender tv discharg� Trus�or's abligatians vr expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to en�orce Trustor's
<br /> obliga�ions under this Deed o� Trust, tvgether wi�h interest an such amoun�s as pro��ded in this Deed af Trust.
<br /> 5pecifically, wi�hout �imi�ation, Ind�btedn�ss includes th� future ad�ances set �orth in th� Future Ad�ances
<br /> pra�ision, tvgether with al� in�erest �h�reon and all amounts that may b� indirectly se�ured by the
<br /> Cross-C�Ilateralizat�an pro�isian ❑f this Deed ❑�f Trus#.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Not�. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated April 21, 2D17, in the original p�r�ncipal amvunt
<br /> Qf $�5,���.fl� fram Trustor to Lende�, together with all renewals nf, extensivns o�, mvdifications vf,
<br /> refinanGings of, consolidations o�r, and suhstitu�ions far the promissory no�e or agr��men�.
<br /> Personaf Praperty. The w�rds "Persona[ Prflper�y" mean all equipment, fixtures, and o�her articles o� personal
<br /> praper�y now or hereafter �wned by Trustor, and n�w or hereafter at�ached or affixed �to the Rea� Property;
<br /> toge�her with all accessions, parts, and additions �v, a!I replacements o#, and a�l substi�utions #vr, any o� su�h
<br /> proper�y; and together with ail proGeeds �including withou� limitation all insurance pra�eeds and refunds of
<br /> premiumsj �rom any sale or other d�spvsition o�the Property.
<br /> Property. The ward "Pr�per�y" means calle�ti�ely the Real Prope��y and th� Personal P�vperty.
<br /> Real Property. The words "Real F'r�perty" mean the real property, inter�sts and rights, as further�escribed in this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
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